hash oil ?


Well-Known Member
you dont need one, all you need is a piece of pvc pipe with two caps. Drill a hole on one end big enough for the butane tip, then drill a bunch of holes on the other end. Put a couple coffee filters on one end, cover it with the cap with holes in it, and you got yourself a makeshift honey bee extractor...this is what I use


Well-Known Member
Yeah they are super easy to make. Mine holds 5 ounces and depending on what material I use I can get 5 to 10 grams of honey oil.



Well-Known Member
ok thanks but i dont want to make it i heard they only cost 20 to 40 dollars so can any body tell me where i can get one to the u.s.a


Well-Known Member
You dont want to use pvc pipe because the toxins in the plastic will leach into your product you want to use the black avs pipe this is the only kind that will work. The deal with the butane is that the more refined shit is the better, like 5X filtered= better then 3X filtered. There is also inbutane a type of butane that is way more pure and easier to extract out of your material. Another way is to use Co2 to extract the Thc. IF your final product is NOT coming out like HASH (able to touch it/ form it up/ play with it in your hand) then IT SHOULD NOT BE SMOKED. Your final product should be a yellow ear wax colard paste that is plyable and easy to form up. IF your final product is sticky, greasy, or not in a solid state then you are not smoking pure oil. The common missconcetption with hash oil is that it should be like oil all runny and shit. THAT IS ABSOULTY FUCKING WRONG!!!!!!!!!


if something is at a high enough temperature it will be runny haha, dude u just need to let it evaporate all the butane out thats what u see that makes it ''runny'' if ur hash oil is hard and shit then its just because u store it in a cool place or somethjing i dunno, i have hash oil that literrally looks like id put it in my car,i fuckin love the shit gets me ripped and makes pipes last FOREVER