Hash plant, GG#4, and Maui Waui 1600w hempy perpetual garden ridin on a fantastic voyage

Very nice setup you have, neat clean and efficient. I’m trying to get more organized before the next wave of harvests may 15 or so. After then another 3 harvest every 2 weeks. All but the mystery seed showing taproot on latest drop.

I hate even harvesting every 11 weeks. Trimming is just a fucking nightmare and I'm allergic to cannabis, so I turn red allover and my face swells. That's a motivational factor to grow larger colas that are quick and easy to trim I suppose. You're a better man than me to setup your grow for processing harvests so frequently. I'd lose my shit. It's nice to constantly have something "new" though. I'm not willing to work that hard though :)

So I went to the grow store to pickup a gallon of GH's Cal-Mag, a gallon of 35% h202, and a 5 LB pack of calcium nitrate. They didn't have any GH cal-mag which I thought was strange, so I picked up Botanicaire's cal-mag instead. I've never used their products, but I've always understood Botanicaire to make quality shit. No problems picking up my usual brand of h202, but I was met with a blank stare when the counter dude got to the calcium nitrate on my list. No biggie. I've already got it ordered online from amazon. Calcium nitrate is a bitch to find locally. Sometimes you want to add calcium without also adding magnesium. Calcium nitrate fits the bill perfectly. You get a good kick of nitrogen and calcium, and the dry powder is super cheap compared to the liquid bottled stuff.

I watered my ladies during lights off with my handy dandy amazon green headlight, and dosed 15 Gallons of water with 5ML/gallon of cal-mag. The shit is super concentrated and I had to dilute my fertilizer as a result. Before adding the cal-mag my fertilizer res was at 785 PPM. After adding 5ml/gallon my PPM shot up to nearly 1000 PPM. Very concentrated shit. I had to add 3 gallons of tap water just to get it down to 840 PPM. That's a good thing I guess, but I will definitely halve their recommended amounts of 3-5ML gallon. I think 2.5ML/gallon is more appropriate for the concentration of the product.

I missed my opportunity to take pictures last night before lights on, but tonight I'm not tending to a 5 year old so I will actually be able to get it done. The 3 mystery plants are frosting up nicely. My hash plant ladies are bushing out like no plant I've ever grown before. Me thinks she's going to be a very heavy producer. I'll plan to give cal-mag at the rate of 2.5ML/gallon to all of my ladies moving forward assuming this dose today resolves this deficiency issue.
2 days ago. All are my 3 random bag seed ladies. They were put into flower 2 weeks earlier than the hash plant and are flowering beautifully. Also looking more vibrant and lush after getting a dose of cal mag.
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Beautiful batch , let them buds fatten up. I just up potted and topped. One of the Beldia bled dark purple, male or female it will get bred. Hoping for M/F set out of two seeds. May need to hit you up for seeds I have two orders lost in the mail.2B671F34-D5FC-4C51-8CC8-D60DE07D94CE.jpeg
I've had some time to make operations more efficient since being laid off. I have 2 reservoirs for veg and 2 for flower. 1 is filled with two water and 3ml/ gallon 35% h202 for sterilization. The other is on a dolly which has 15 gallons of two water with h202 and is staged for my next veg watering of 12 plants. I mix my fertilizer on demand the day I'm watering. After watering I refill the stage reservoir with another 15 gal from the primary reservoir awaiting the next water cycle. Works nicely. I've pre mixed my reservoirs and ran into issues that have been resolved by mixing my fertilizer fresh each time I water. Also, sometimes conditions change within 7 days and I may need to adjust what's in the mix. I can't do that if I have 32 gallons of pre mixed fertilizer already made.

Love the wheels.
Organized my work station.
Veg tent ladies. Hash plant.
Hot and cold water hoses 25'. I've got another wall caddy coming for the cold water hose. Looks like shit hanging like that. Rest assured it will be fixed soon.
Fertilizer recipes and water dates. Jonny has a very poor memory, and uses these stupid things to remember what exactly was fed and when. It's a work in progress. I'm gonna get 2 more white boards and clean up the template. Dry erase markers rock. I write the template in black magic marker and use dry erase for the information that changes.
My 2 veg tents stuffed in their corners.
Hash plant and 1 maui waui.
Dramm swivel connector. Love love love these swivel fittings. Take the o ring out though and use teflon paste. If you leave the o ring in and tighten the connection too mich friction is created and the joint will not swivel. Teflon paste rocks!

I'll post more later. Got work to do setting up my mother station ;)


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I'm upgrading to a 5 stage reverse osmosis filtration system with a 6th stage for deionization.
https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/5-stage-premium-ro-di-system-bulk-reef-supply.html Waste water ratio of 1: 1.5
That means for every 1 gallon of RO water 1.5 went down the drain. Cheap crap systems out there are so poorly designed that they have a 1:3 or 1:4 ratio. I fill 3 32 gallon trash cans once per week. At a 1:4 exchange ratio I would be almost 400 gallons per week down the drain to make 96 gallons of RO water. Extrapolate this out to a month, and I will have wasted 1200 gallons of water. Times 12 months would be 24,000 gallons of water down the drain.

With a 1:1.5 ratio I will waste 144 gallons per week or 720 gallons per month or 8640 gallons per year. That's still a lot of waste, but that's a savings of 15,360 gallons. I'm installing 2 float valves into my 32 gallon trash cans and running the 1/4" water lines from a T connector on the RO unit's output. Each reservoir will be automatically filled. No hauling buckets. No fuss. No mess.

I'm ordering the float valves and 50' of air line tonight, so I'll have everything setup when the RO unit arrives. I'm mounting a piece of plywood on the basement wall near my floor drain tomorrow. The hardest part is shelling out $290 for the unit. It hurts, but it's necessary. I'll post pics when it's complete.

I just ordered it along with 2 float valves on amazon, a john guest garden hose to 1/4" push connector, 1/4 push connector Y, and 20' of 1/4 push connect hose. Bulk reef is out of stock on almost everything. I'm fortunate they had a water saver unit of any kind left in stock. 1:1.5 ratio is as good as it's gonna get without cutting off an arm and leg. This whole RO setup process has been tough. I previously knew nothing about it, and have done a lot of reading over several days checking out different units and manufacturers. I feel very confident I have the right unit for years to come. I may even eventually add on an in line UV sterilizer. Anyways, I want to post pics of everything from start to finish to help others. It's very easy, but daunting initially because there are so many specialty fittings I've never used before. Everything will be in by Friday of next week. I'm gonna mount the plywood to the wall tomorrow, and prep the location for the unit. Super fucking stoked!
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Fuck me running sideways with a thorny rose branch - this has been a busy week for jonny. I moved my 2 reservoirs today in their new locations in preparation for the RO unit which will arrive and be installed on Friday. Relocated my air pump, cleaned the disgusting fan that cools that air pump, and relocated some electrical wiring to keep it all tidy and neat.

I'm installing the plywood on the wall tomorrow for the 200 GPD RO unit to install on. I removed the cold water hose from the Y behind my wash machine. The john guest 3/4" Garden Hose to 1/4" OD push connect adapter will be installed when it arrives in place of the old cold water hose. A john guest lock will be installed on the 3/4" to 1/4" adapter to secure the line. A liquifit Y adapter will be installed to divide the RO output to both 32 gallon reservoirs. I ordered 20' of 1/4 OD tubing to run the discharge line from the RO unit to the floor drain.

Here are some pics to see the prep work I've done. When everything gets here I'll post pics of the whole tamale from start to finish. With all the prep work I've done I will have the RO unit cranking out clean juice within 20 minutes of opening the box. I'm hoping this will help other growers who are trying to make the upgrade to RO, and are inexperienced like myself.

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The RO unit will bolt to plywood to the right of the hot and cold water lines you see secured to the plywood behind the wash machine.

And some pics of the flower room. The hash plant is becoming very pungent. The flower sizes are much larger than GG4 produced, and we are entering peak flower. Today marks 4 weeks since the 12/12 change. 5 weeks to fatten up until the chop. I reduced my ballasts to 750 watts. I was cooking the tops even though temps are 75-77. Just too much light. I'll crank it back up for the last 2 weeks when I don't care if a few top leaves get toasted. The larger harvest that's generated is well worth a few crunchy leaves you're going to clip away and toss anyhow.

Next cycle I'm keeping the ladies in the veg tent as short and squat as I can so I can run the 2k of light at full power through the whole flower cycle.

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Last pics. Couldn't post them all on the last message.

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One of these fuckers smells of coconut very strongly. Kinda dig it a lot. Another one just wreaks of fruity pebbles. Both are mystery strains. I have no fucking clue what they are.
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Installed 2 LED bloom lights. 250w each actual wattage. 1k lights dialed down to 750. I spread the plants out and did some staking. RO unit arrives tomorrow. Had a fucking 35' pine tree fall on my house last night nearly knocked my power line off the house. Had to spend $300 on a chainsaw, but it's chopped up. Tomorrow I have to process it down into smaller pieces. Lot's of free firewood. Rough day man. Tomorrow has to be easier.
RO unit, float valves, and connectors all arrived today. Installing the board on the wall was the hardest fucking part. Tap con self tapping concrete screws worked great, but I kept hitting rebar in random spots that fucked the bit up bad. All in all I had to buy 2 $9 drill bits to core out the holes, but it got done and it looks good. Tossed the first 4 gallons of water per manufacturer's recommendation, and presently my two 32 gallon reservoirs are filling with clean RO water. Tomorrow my ladies will get their first taste of the good stuff. In the words of the great vanilla ice, "word to your mother." :)
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Two nights ago I was laying in bed with the wife tweaking some nipples and heard a strange noise outside in the midst of the wind storm that came through. A 35' pine tree crashed into the front of my house. A big ass limb was dangling by my power line, and I had to wait until 3 am or so for Consumer's to come out and remove the branch. I thought for sure my electric was going down and I was going to lose my whole grow. Long story short there was no damage to the line, and I've been chain sawing for 2 fucking days clearing the clusterfuck. Basically just took out my awning and a little gutter. I now have years worth of free firewood and a sweet new 18" echo chain saw.

This is what I saw when I opened my front door in the morning. I just put my head down and said, "fuck my life."
By the grace of god my power line didn't get severed engulfing my home in a fiery inferno. Fuck that pine tree in it's pine tree fucking asshole. Tomorrow has got to be an easier day :)
Looking good @jonnynobody , I just harvested 3 of 7 Gorillas. Put 7 plants in for first run perpetual.

You wouldn’t have any extra Maui seeds you would want to trade?
Looking good @jonnynobody , I just harvested 3 of 7 Gorillas. Put 7 plants in for first run perpetual.

You wouldn’t have any extra Maui seeds you would want to trade?
That gorilla is a dam fine strain. I regret letting it go now. I currently have hash plant and maui mothers. I'm on the hunt for a 3rd to add, and I'm strongly leaning towards a sativa dominant strain. Sativa's seem to have more unique aromas, flower structures, and more complex highs. Longer flower time and less weight is the trade off.

Man I wish I did. I only had a few from a breeder in oregon and got only 1 female from the bunch. I cloned her and now have a very large mother of maui. I can make clones if you're interested. It's a beautiful strain. Very unique smell and the only strain I've ever grown that the leaves literally turned deep purple mid flower. I thought I fucked up my fertilizer, but after contacting the breeder I was assured it's a unique trait of the strain. Bitch just turns purple. Makes for some pretty buds. Grows like a bush too.

On a side note there's kind of a funny story about what's in my flower room right now. I had some random bag seeds from hermied buds of some really stellar pot I acquired from a friend who collected them over a period of time. I'm currently flowering 3 random bag seed strains from that collection that are turning out more stellar than the hash plant seeds I paid over $100 for from europe. My friend highly suspects one of the 3 is bubblegum kush. I've never had it, so can't say. It's very special though. Did I take a clone? Of course not. Really screwed the pooch on that one. I just setup my mother tent today for 3 mothers and clones. I'll take at least one clone of each in the future. What else can ya do?
Hash plant is quickly becoming my new favorite strain. The size and weight of the flowers is just incredible coupled with a 56-60 day flower time makes this a perfect strain perfect for commercial interests. I'll post pics later. The remaining 6 hash plants have about 4-6 days left. I'm not rushing anything. They are just incredibly beautiful. I'll post a nice cola pic I took last night.
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