

Hi guys sorry I don't know we're to put this thread but I want to make hash out of my trimmings, I've watched a few vids but ideally need some direct advice, what type of material can I use for a silk screen just silk? Also when my leafs are dry then do I blend them? Or just shake them on the screen as full leaves. Help any links or step advice would be great


Well-Known Member
Isn't silk screen for collecting kief? Anyway, there is a whole section here for concentrate including hash.


Well-Known Member
Buy some bubble bags
you only really need 2-3 (220 micron, 73 and 25 I don't even use the 25 anymore)
freeze trimmings wet
stir by hand
reign supreme


Well-Known Member
Fuck the bubble bags. Silk screen and dry ice.

You can get a screen from your local silk screen printers. You want a 110 mesh in a frame. They will probably have some old ones they will part with cheap. Tell them you need it for printing circuit boards.

You want your weed fresh, do not dry. If you will be trimming for days, put the trimmings in the freezer.

Use a big piece of glass. Tape something under each corner of the frame to keep the frame about a half inch above the glass. You want to have a nice big piece or glass to collect the keif with.

Mix weed and crushed dry ice, gently push it around on the screen. I use a lid from a pot to do this. Keep doing this until the kief starts to get a hint of green and then start over with more trim. You don't want it to be real green. If there is any doubt, press the keif with your fingers. It should stick together. If it does't stick you've gone too far.

When you have a bit of a pile, scrape it up and put it off to the side. This way you can see the color change easier.

When you are all done, use wax paper to press the kief into a block. Leave the block to air dry for awhile. You can smoke immediately but it will get better over time. A 50 gram block will dry to around 25 grams.

Why is dry ice better? When you are done, your trim will be mixed with dry ice. The dry ice will evaporate and won't add much in the way of moisture to your weed so you can easily dry it. After you have dried it, you can run a second extraction with either ISO, butane, hexane, pentane or whatever. If you use a bubble bag you will wind up with a pile of soggy shit and you will not be able to do the second extraction.

For the record, I invented the dry ice process and posted the original on OG back before they were shut down.


Well-Known Member
Fuck the bubble bags. Silk screen and dry ice.
Fuck dry ice hash.
If you want lower quality hash, go with dry ice. Otherwise get full melt bubble hash with bags.
I bought my 3 bag set for $35 years ago. I have run pounds of trimming through them.

Why is dry ice better? When you are done, your trim will be mixed with dry ice. The dry ice will evaporate and won't add much in the way of moisture to your weed so you can easily dry it.
I do not mind waiting overnight for better quality hash to dry.
I think bubble hash is far superior. Dispensaries around here sell dry ice hash cheaper than full melt bubble hash.


All good ideas here. I haven't seen it mentioned yet, but one thing one can try is making QWISO hash. Stands for Quick Wash Isopropyl hash. I have had ok results using this method on trim and saved stems etc. I would be more inclined to use one of the methods mentioned by the previous posters if i were working with a more premium product but QWISO can still give pretty impressive results. :peace:


Active Member
Look up BHO and making budder on youtube I make an Oz of trim into roughly 2-3g of pure dispensary grade earwax. Blastoff then fire away!

technical dan

Active Member
Clean ways are: dry ice for kief, qwet quick wash ethanol for an oil, or water and bags for bubble which is the best IMO. Bubble hash tastes so damn good. That's where my trim is going next.

I did a dry CO2 with my last trim cuz its fast and easy and was not satisfied with the results. I could try it again and start refining my methods but I just like bubble better. You could also try the gumby method if you want to do water hash without bags. It won't taste as good or be as potent; there is no filtering.

Then solvents options are butane and similar solvents, and qwiso. Both end up with an oil that at least with bho can be whipped if desired. The qwiso is the same as qwet just a diff solvent I consider it cleaner bc you can safely consume it. You won't see me drinkig iso so I don't really want it in my lungs either.

Iso, dry CO2, and gumby would be the cheapest to do.