Hashberry envirolite secret jardin soil grow


Active Member
15 beans for 10 seed, cant go wrong!

i'll salt em tomorrow after a shop on the lunch break, nice one again la!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would agree, mg def, caused by over watering. I made the same mistake, and I thought I wasn't over watering, but the bottom soil tends to stay wet longer and never gets a chance to dry out properly, then you get root rot. The curling is caused by heat stress, and/or lack of humidity, do you know what yours is? Try holding a thermometer to where the top of the plant would be for a accurate radiant heat measurement.


The Gardener
Mg deff is not caused by over watering its if the ph levels are to high or low and that locks out the intake of nutrents ,

Wohtheres plants are doing well its just the very early stages and the plants letting him no they need mg

The less u fuss over plants in vegg stage better or get confused with lots of info
the simpler you keep it all the better, just let them grow.

a little bit of epson salt keep check on the top waters ph ,keep the room cool nutes clear smoke and let them do the work 4 u you,ll never have any trouble cannabis plants are 1 of the hardest plants to kill ......



Active Member
epsom salts gettin picked up tomorrow.

the leaves have yellowed a fair bit more but only on the rusty ones in the previous pics, the new growth seems ok.

humidity is low so i'll sort that out now. heat did get a bit high the other day so might be a combination.

keep you posted on the epsom saga!


Active Member
quick update...

switching to 12/12 as we speak. one red 200w and one blue 200w for about a week then im going to put the other 125w red in and lose the blue 200w.

plants are about 10" how much do you think they will stretch past this during flowering?

quick note about the hashberrys:

very little smell so far so much so i have no odour control.
very thirsty but very sensitive to over watering and love humidity.
sensitive to nutrients - twice a week is what i recommend.

mine are very compact and look great.

the epsom salts worked a treat :-) cheers for that one.

flowering time is 60-65 days so should be getting excited around the beginning of june. seems ages away!

can anyone point me in the direction of a good cuttings guide for the next batch?

can cuttings only be taken during the veg stage?

photos will follow, my camera is charging....


Active Member
quick update - i ended up with 2 fems, out of the 4. nature eh!

having a few issues.

been in flowering 3 weeks, buds forming nicely.

fan leaves are all slowly dying off. the plant on the right is pretty bare....

all the leaves that are left are rolling up and feel crispy to touch, however the new growth on the smaller leaves is looking good.

any advice please. im using epsom salts sparingly and nutes (ionic bloom for soil, was using ionic bloom for hydro by mistake....)

use a water meter to check dryness of soil.

im stuck for a cure... hope its not too late!!!


Well-Known Member
I just read the whole thread n caught up man. Nice plants ,the yellowing is def nute burn , u should just flush until u see no yellowing on teh new growths. Make sure ur flushin wit 5.5 - 6.5 ph . Otherwise they should perk up after that dont water too much tho, make sure they soil drys completely out u should be able to feel teh diff. ;P Good luck, scribed


Active Member
right guys nice one for the quick responses. i have flushed both plants with plenty of water and will lay off the watering til dry and will nute in a week or so - a lot more sparingly.

fingers crossed i caught it in time. made the same mistake last time, costly errors!

keep yas posted, im off to play gta4 :-)


Active Member
ok so here it is my first grow


125w blue envirolite
200w blue envirolite
soil (not sure what it was)
secret jardin dr60 grow tent
15cm sq pots

always choosing the under dog i went for envirolite bulbs.

325w in total i think that makes for about 18000 lumens, correct me if im wrong.
the grow tent is about 150cm in height and about 2ft square. its in a cupboard as space is at a premium. i would of gone hps but the heat was an issue as the room will get hot.

growing Mandala Hashberry (cheapo) as just testing the water before i try something else.
4 plants germinated the usual paper towel way and potted up. no sex yet.

the bulbs are about 2 inches above the plant tops and linked together under the reflector. some plants are below the 200w and some under the 125w.
lets see what happens eh,

lighting is 18/6 and the plan at 12/12 is to go to the red envirolites, same wattages.

so far so good, invested in a moisture meter (recommended) and a ph meter so im doing it right.

ph currently at 6 or slightly below (6 im told is the target for soil) will alkali it slightly at the weekend.

currently on about 2 and a half weeks, have attached some pics as i know you kids love em.

will update weekly as it might help someone.

tra la:joint:
What do you use for exhaust/intake?


Active Member
sorry i didnt finish this we lost the internet for ages...

the plants eventually pulled through, didnt look pretty but budded up a treat and was enough smoking for what i think was 3 months daily(ish) for 2 people. it was a slightly harsh toke but the high was a deep stone that made playing pro ev on the ps2 an absolute treat. my flat mate loved it. just started a new grow so will update this one once i know why my leaves are all messed up again!


Active Member
i was just using natural air movement within the cupboard (two clip on fans). the closet itself was opened daily to refresh. didnt get around to buying an exhaust fan, just set two up one blowing in and one blowing out...


Active Member
leaves settling out again and hoping for some more growth before we go to flower again. same set up as last time, but not in a closet anymore, the tents in my room in the corner. very subtle...

josh b

Well-Known Member
just read throughh ur grow and nice im gonna be buying envirolites and did they turn out gd for u?

im gonna use 1 bulb per 3 plants

1,125w 2700k with 10,000 lumens. for flowering
1,125w 6100k 10,000 lumens. for vegetation

i am currently growing under shitty household clf's check ma grow ill keep an eye on this =)