Hashplant Haze, Bubba, Hindu, and OG Kush, 30 somethin, Blue Sour D, and bagseed grow


Well-Known Member
Hello all.

This journal will be for referencing purposes.
But feel free to ask questions or leave comments. :-P

I have 1 Hashplant haze 7 weeks into flowering. She is in a
2x4x5 tent under a cool-tubed 400 watt hps. Temps are in the low 80s.
She is receiving Fox Farm's Tiger Bloom, Beastie Blooms, and some molasses.
We chopped a clone of HH at 8 weeks, and decided to let the mother go
to 9. She is very trichy. :weed:Must be the hashplant genetics.
She recently suffered some salt build up. Here are some pics.


Here are the 2 bagseed. They are an outdoor bagseed experiment. They're
2 weeks old.

Here is the Blue Sour Diesel. I'm thinking of making her a mother. Who knows for now.
I'm also a vegetable gardener. :-P So you might see a few tomato and pepper plants
along the way.

Here are the OG Kush clones. One is outside.

I just planted the Bubba Kush, Hindu Kush and 30 something seeds. One 30 Somethin has already sprouted and was moved outside.
The Bubba, Hindu and 30 something will be late outdoor grows. I didn't want
them to veg too big so I started them late. OG Kush will be Indoor, and I havent'
decided what I will do with Blue Sour D. I'm thinking of keeping her as a mother.

Blue Sour D received 3/4 tsp Grow Big and is taking it well. I gave the OG Kushes
3/4 tsp and they started showing signs of nute burn, so I flushed them today with
PH'd water.


Well-Known Member
First off, Thanks for the compliment MzHerb.

Seems we're both ladies growing the herb.:hump:

Here goes the update. I also have a journal in a regular notebook. So I am able to keep
up with details. Photobucket is being gay and isn't uploading my pictures, so I'll have to
add them as attachments.

Hashplant Haze will be 8 weeks tomorrow. I started the flush on Wednesday. She received 5 gallons of PH'd water Wednesday.

Thursday, 3 Bubba kushes popped their little heads up and I moved them outdoors at 6:45 am to acclimate to the weather. They're doing great.

The OG Kushes received 1/2 tsp of GrowBig and they like it. No burn this time.
I have been spraying an Ortho/soap mixture on the plants and the soil to prevent/kill
any pests. Will continue for another week or so. Haven't seen any bugs for about 3 days.

The Blue Sour Diesel was transplanted into a bigger pot Wednesday and LST
Thursday. She is LOVING it. She perked up back toward the light in about 5 hours and seems
to already be putting energy toward growing out those inner bud sites.

All the OG Kushes in the veg cab were rotated again and propped up even closer
to the light. They are under (6) 23 watt CFLs. 2 daylight, and 4 soft whites? Shit, I forgot the
names of those CFLS, but the ones with the flowering spectrum. :eyesmoke:

Today, Haze was flushed with 3 gallons of PH'd water with Sugar Daddy added for aroma
and flavor.

The OG Kushes still need a bit more time to dry out before another water.
The lonely OG Kush outside is vegging wonderfully. Oh the power of the sun. :)

The bagseed (schwag) aka Mystery 1 & 2 are doing ok. Mystery 1 started showing
signs of nitrogen deficiency, plus these damn leaf miners. Oh well, its only bagseed.
But I gave her 1/8 tsp of Grow Big as well as Mystery #2.

The new sprouts are too young to bother with pictures right now.
So, here are some pics of the other plants.

First 5 pictures are Hashplant Haze;
Next 4 pictures are Blue Sour D after the LST;
Next 7 pictures are OG Kush clones;
Next 4 are outdoor OG Kush;
Last 2 are outdoor bagseed.

The "30 Somethins" and Bubba Kushes will be added on when they get bigger.

This image uploader is the worst I've ever TRIED using.
It won't upload my pics for shit, and photobucket isn't working.

I'm so fucking irritated right now.

Why the fuck does RIU almost always have problems with their
damn image uploader?

Be back later to add pics....IF its possible.


Well-Known Member
Sorry there are no pictures guys.

Photobucket still isn't working for me, and neither are adding them
as attachments.

I think the problem could be that the files are too large, but if that
was the case I don't see how photobucket uploaded the first set of
pictures. Will figure it out and post pics asap.

In the meantime, I was able to only get 3 pics uploaded. Here's haze



Well-Known Member
Hashplant Haze was chopped at 8 weeks 1 day.
She weighed in at 11 oz wet weight, and 2.9 oz dry weight.

She would have yielded more if we weren't chopping buds. :eyesmoke:

But I have to admit, I didn't like her bud formation what-so-ever.
She had nice size calyxes, but her buds were fluffy. They weren't rock hard
nugs at all. So, I will review Haze after the cure. She's been curing for 3 days I think???

She is in 1 qt mason jars curing in the dark of course.

There is picture of her next to the bong for reference in the attachments.
Thats an 18 inch beaker bong.

After Hashplant Haze was chopped, the OG Kushes were moved under the
400 wath MH and transplanted into 3 gallon pots with Roots organic potting soil.
Bubba kushes are still in small cups, waiting until they get bigger
to transplant. I can only keep two, so we'll see how it goes.

The soil I had them in recently was really stunting their growth.
Although I just transplanted them, I did just feed them 1 tsp grow big
this morning. Lets hope they like the better soil, nutrients, and light.

Blue Sour D has grown wonderfully into her LST, although today she is showing
some signs of nute burn. Her leaves aren't actually burnt, but the leaves
are curling downward which is a sign of nute stress. Damn. :eyesmoke:

Been having a bit of trouble keeping the temps down, so I changed their schedule to
19/5. They're on all day until 12-5 pm which is their dark period because thats the hottest

part of the day and this has been helping tremendously with the temps.

Here are a few pictures, and blue sour d a few days into the LST, and then a week or so
into the LST.

And I only got one picture to upload to photobucket, so here are those jars! bongsmilie




Well-Known Member
Well, there have been alot of changes with the grow.

Lets start.
I killed every strain except the OG Kushes and Blue Sour D.

They were too young anyway.

So, They will be thrown into flower within the next couple weeks.
Me and hubby have to decide whats best for them.

For the past 2 weeks, the plants have been on a 24/0 schedule.
Thank gosh for AC!!! :mrgreen:

The biggest OG Kushes are now 16.5 inch tall, after topping.
They grew 2 inches in 3 days!! After topping, they were 14 in,
but they're right back up to 16.5.

The stunted OG Kushes have almost caught up now!
The soil and light change helped them. They're now 14 in!!!

WOW! They were only about 6 inch at transplanting, and have already
caught up to the bigger ones.

Blue Sour D was transplanted into a 5 gallon pot, and is growing like a
gangabuster! She is 10 inch tall and a whopping 21 inches WIDE!!!! :-P

So, they will have to be flowered soon.
Here are a few pictures.

A canopy shot.

Side Shot

Biggest OG Kush

I had to change the settings on my camera to upload the pictures, in other
words, I had to lower the quality to "standard" and put the ratio at 3:1 instead
of its past setting of 7:1.

So, you get pictures, although they're not the best quality. I think its better than nothing.

I stopped feeding chemical vegg nutes because they're getting plenty from
the soil. I will only add flowering nutrients when they hit flower.