Hate Drinking Alcohol

lol shit that doesn't happen very often but when it does its just pathetic....

"Nah I quit smoking pot, I just killed a fifth last night though... I was puking my guts out... yeah man fuck weed I quit that shit"

I'm watching a few people develop into compulsive alcoholics who just recently 'quit' smoking weed.. so yeah..

Gotta hide all the facebook posts like,

'im so drunk! I just did 17 shots!'
'I shouldn't have started drinking! whatever!'
'look at this empty bottle!'

:lol: you know what I'm talking about pops?
"Nah I quit smoking pot, I just killed a fifth last night though... I was puking my guts out... yeah man fuck weed I quit that shit"

I'm watching a few people develop into compulsive alcoholics who just recently 'quit' smoking weed.. so yeah..

Gotta hide all the facebook posts like,

'im so drunk! I just did 17 shots!'
'I shouldn't have started drinking! whatever!'
'look at this empty bottle!'

:lol: you know what I'm talking about pops?

yeah... it's a cult of mutual ignorance... the flocks of sheep stick together. and since alcohol is a social drug, this statement couldn't be /more/ true...
lol shit that doesn't happen very often but when it does its just pathetic....

Hehe, once a year guaranteed. Was asked to leave last Christmas after refusing champagne and snowballs at 9am saying i had some smoke so would have that later instead
I love beer. I can't drink alcohol for reasons beyond my control but occasionally I can get away with drinking. I love trying different beers. There are so many unique and delicious ones out there. Get the right food to go with it and make a night of it. The only think to make a night like that better is good bud though.
because it is THE sanctioned social drug in the west.

Bingo !

The UK is full of people in cities and towns drunk and fighting at the weekends .

I used to drink ( Monkey see monkey do ) and it was never anything good that come from it ... took some time but i finaly figured out that drink was not as great as i thought it was .

It costs the British tax payer MILLIONS of Pounds per year to police and to care for all the people who get into fights or are hurt due to drinking to much ... But the government seems to turn a blind eye .

I seen a list one time of all the bad effects that drink has on our country , Lives lost or messed up , people scared for life over nothing , Familys torn apart by drink drivers ... Hospital staff being attacked ...it was crazy , I dont think people outside of the UK actualy know how bad it is here .

For sure im not saying it should be banned .. thats just stupid .... But like the OP i just don't understand why its in the state it is now or why people continue to do it .

EDIT : I do understand that far more people enjoy a nice drink and don't cause problems , And to them people i say " Cheers :) " ...It's the idiots ....Maybe we can just ban idiots from drinking ? :)
I can't drink alcohol because I end up doing what that rat is doing in the avatar earlier in this thread. LOL Chalk one up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Usually ends up bad.

LOL! For real? Party ain't worth it then

Indeed haha. Was about 9:30 in the morning. They tried to draw me out of bed with a tray of chapagne, i'm not falling asleep after lunch thankyouverymuch! Yet the horror of me having a bag of weed that would well, wake me up and after lunch, i'd still be up and i'd be in good spirits. Was actually my older brother who demanded me out. This crimbo was the first time i spoke to him since :D

Oh, a big wtf i ask myself with regard to booze, maybe 80% of the time i wake up and realise i did things i'm a bit ashamed of. Yet i get drunk again and make more and more cockups.
Haven't been drunk in about 2 years. I do have a glass or two of a nice wine couple times a week.
you should start with sweet wines and work your way to the dries.... that said, the only alcohol I buy these days is for doing plant extractions.
lol, I believe it, I just can't get past that initial first stage...

Maybe some day, damn..

I tried the hard alcohol thing too, that is a lot easier, and both times I got drunk was with liquor. First time I think was some shit called white Russian, tasted like a milkshake with vodka or something. The second time was Tequila, and its' weird because that was actually a little easier. I couldn't smell the shit for months after that without gagging though...

Another thing that always happens is I always think "why the fuck would I sit here and drink 2-5 beers to get drunk, which would take probably around 1-2 hours (as I can't drink SHIT, not even water, continuously like that, I need some chips or something at least to munch on) when I could smoke up this joint or this bowl and be stoned in 5 minutes?!" - makes no sense to me!

i think i found the problem. ur not getting drunk! lol

if u think smoking a joint and getting drunk r the same, let me tell u it is not. when ur kinda buzzed from alcohol, it may feel about the same. but weed wont make u as incoherent as alcohol does.

if u think all beers taste nasty, try steel reserve. its not a good tasting beer, but it will fuck u up fast(its 8.9% i believe). if u drink a tall can of that u will probly pass out, since u never drink. and its like $1.50 for one.

if ur ever bored, go grab one and smoke some small bowls while ur drinkin. just kick back and watch tv or somethin. keep ur mind off the beer while ur drinkin

once u get smashed once, u will understand y ppl love to drink(as long as u dont get too drunk and puke everywhere)
i think i found the problem. ur not getting drunk! lol

if u think smoking a joint and getting drunk r the same, let me tell u it is not. when ur kinda buzzed from alcohol, it may feel about the same. but weed wont make u as incoherent as alcohol does.

if u think all beers taste nasty, try steel reserve. its not a good tasting beer, but it will fuck u up fast(its 8.9% i believe). if u drink a tall can of that u will probly pass out, since u never drink. and its like $1.50 for one.

if ur ever bored, go grab one and smoke some small bowls while ur drinkin. just kick back and watch tv or somethin. keep ur mind off the beer while ur drinkin

once u get smashed once, u will understand y ppl love to drink(as long as u dont get too drunk and puke everywhere)

I think you're drunk right now. the fool posted in that SAME post that he's been drunk before..lmfao
I fuckin love ice cold beer.....Grohlsh is one of my favs as is Stella Artois,,,,Heineken when it is the only import they have......Lowenbrau.......don't mind most Canadian name brand beers but the cheap beer is just nasty.....Brava is one cheap 'n nasty beer that comes to mind,,,,Red Baron is another.....American beer is just way too watery for my taste. Whats with the fuckin lime in all of these beers now, It tastes like pop...
Having said that I rarely have any beer all winter long and prefer to wait until the weather gets real hot to crack a few cold ones.....Oh and try Clamato and cold beer at about 1/3 clamato to 2/3rd beer.....If you ever liked red eyes you will love the Clamato version.
I love weed but nothing celebrates as good a booze. Think about it some of the best times are had when you're smashed.
Can't stand the shit...

Beer, wine, liquor, all the same... I can't understand how anyone could honestly say "this tastes good" after having tasted literally any beer and just about all varieties of hard liquor..

They say it's an acquired taste... but I just don't get it. I've never had any kind of urge for anything alcoholic, even when I was a kid, my dad would give me sips of his beer every now and then and it would disgust the fuck out of me. Was never interested in drinking at parties or drinking underage or anything like that. I'm 23 years old and have been drunk twice my entire life, and to tell you the truth, the feeling of being drunk isn't even all that appealing... I've taken other substances that are much easier to ingest, taste good, and make you feel amazing, a million times better than you could ever possibly feel simply from being drunk.

So what the fuck is it? Why is alcohol so popular? Taste blows, inebriation isn't all THAT great, other substances are just as available yet a fraction as popular...

It's gotta be the marketing right?

it taste better if you mix it with, any brevage,

i just like getting buzzed XD
"Its easy to get", as Doug Stanhope puts it

I'm sure a lot of ppl would rather have weed (including myself) but we all don't have the patience or know how to deal with shady scum fuck dealers, and at best get barely an 1/8 of some mediocre dank if your lucky and don't just get ripped off completely. Just because I don't dress like a freaking clown and listen to whatever popular rap/ect. group at the time, (like a walking advertisement) I'm all of a sudden considered a narc or whatever.

I drink every night because thats all I can do! I cough up all kinds of wicked shit, blood, brown shit, nasty. until I can take cuttings from 2 females (very old bag seed) and flower them. and thats months away.

I've realy had it with booze, I love to take a nice permanent brake from it.