Haunted Grow Room


Active Member
My home was built in 1944 lived here since 2005 and some freaky shite has happened (nothing crazy just not normal). But I was sitting in my new half-way contructed space in the basement(spacing out) when the long wall started flexing inward and outward repeatedly then stopped. I got the hell out of there, there is no ventilation into this basement all windows were closed.


Active Member
No it very well happend UP. Right when the wall (card board) started moving my eyes moved to it and its stopped moments after. Not the firt time this kind of thing has happened.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
ghost and angel are real

but when high u trip out more
they say when u hear cracking or strange noises its a spirt

dont freak out i was haunted or somthing when i was younger like 12 or 13 freaky story


Well-Known Member
ghost and angel are real

but when high u trip out more
they say when u hear cracking or strange noises its a spirt

dont freak out i was haunted or somthing when i was younger like 12 or 13 freaky story

your avatars pussy is shooting a gun.............mine is just sleeping........ what is it about pussy's and hot chicks???


Well-Known Member
No it very well happend UP. Right when the wall (card board) started moving my eyes moved to it and its stopped moments after. Not the firt time this kind of thing has happened.
Dude, it's cardboard. Your breath could make it move. Hell, walking by it fast can create enough pressure to move it.

What other kind of freaky shit has happened? I've had some weird shit happen to me in my one apt in college, but I'm pretty skeptical and 99.999% of the time this sort of thing can be attributed to some non paranormal phenomenon. Even as a "scientist" I will admit there are things, that 0.001% that we still can't explain.


Active Member
Its from a refridgerator box. One time (same basement) my cat peeked down there then booked it upstairs under my bed, he ran because the washing machine door was up at an angle against the wall yet it somehow slammed shut. I ran too(splashing coffee everywere).


Pickle Queen
animals see spirits, well atleast i believe they do. Follow the cat....
And like some other dude said set up a camera if u got one. could be mice, big mice lol joke but seriously record audio or video if possible
since i was a kid i swear i randomly hear someone calling my name sometimes, freaks me out, now i have chills. lol
U can always put a bit of flour in your "creepy places" to see if anyhting passes thru it.


Well-Known Member
Lol its near holloween and your baked on some fire weed and feeling paraniod. Its not haunted untill you are atleast scared shitless from an unexplainable situation. Usually something physical, my experience is as real as it gets. Im a true skeptic and a hard head something gotta hit me hard to be a believer. I was in my room this was in the freaking day time, and i had just woken up. It got oddly cold so i pulled my blanket over my face cuz i was still sleepy, than suddenly something was pulling my blanket so i gripped it as hard as i can. The crazy fucking part is that i cant speak, scream or have the will to do anything but grip my blanket. It felt like someone was sitting on my tummy trying to pull the blanket. 20 minutes after that stopped i looked and nothing, also the door was locked!! And i never heard the door closed.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Lol its near holloween and your baked on some fire weed and feeling paraniod. Its not haunted untill you are atleast scared shitless from an unexplainable situation. Usually something physical, my experience is as real as it gets. Im a true skeptic and a hard head something gotta hit me hard to be a believer. I was in my room this was in the freaking day time, and i had just woken up. It got oddly cold so i pulled my blanket over my face cuz i was still sleepy, than suddenly something was pulling my blanket so i gripped it as hard as i can. The crazy fucking part is that i cant speak, scream or have the will to do anything but grip my blanket. It felt like someone was sitting on my tummy trying to pull the blanket. 20 minutes after that stopped i looked and nothing, also the door was locked!! And i never heard the door closed.
maybe little "junior" boy was tugging on your blanket and you were experiencing the phenomena called "sleep paralysis" :lol:



Active Member
Seriously, this sort of thing does happen and it is spooky, especially since whatever is doing it is trying to make you afraid. Washing machine lids do not just fall by themselves for no reason nor do cardboard walls move by themselves without reason. If the cat freaked out too then you can be sure that something is in there.
I only say this because I too have had experiences of this type on many occasions.
I've seen a ghostly face looking through a window at me (on the second floor with no way of anyone being able to turn the corner outside the window!).
I've seen a shell necklace slide from the centre of a table and get thrown onto the floor about ten feet away when I was looking through an open doorway into an empty room.
I used to live in a house where the back door would get yanked on quite regularly every time I went passed it and there was never any reason it should do that and never was there anyone there.
The only thing I found you can do is try to ignore it and if you can it seems to stop trying to bother you... hopefully.