have a look any suggestions will be great no idea here


Active Member
this is an outdoor number i been havin a crack at i got no idea what im doing so let us know... bout 2 weeks old... what to do next ?



Well-Known Member
Depending on where you are, it might get too cold soon so u may wanna move it indoors with some CFL's or MH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
What do you mean, what do I do now.

You do what everybody does, you overwarter it and freak out,
Then you buy loads of nutes and overnute it, then you buy a
hi power light and cook it.

Welcome to the club.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
What do you mean, what do I do now.

You do what everybody does, you overwarter it and freak out,
Then you buy loads of nutes and overnute it, then you buy a
hi power light and cook it.

Welcome to the club.
Hahahahahahha - That made my day! True that!


Active Member
Looking good mate. Just enjoy it. I have a few plants, first time grower, and matie is right, over water it, fuck the lighting up, and then learn for next time you do it. I have a few Lowryders now on the go (indoors though).


Active Member
im gunna transplant this into a larger pot and was wondering how far down to bury the plant down to the first leaves or just transplant it as is to dirt level? any pointers?


Well-Known Member
Oh abd no give it about an inch and a half from the leaves you could stress it if you dont.


Well-Known Member
Hi Maccam,

Your plant looks healthy.

I wasn't trying to be a jerk on my previous post. I had just gone through several posts while I was smokin and caught a buzz. I wish you well.

If you really don't have a clue then may I give you a few pointers?

Ist make pencil size holes on the bottom of that cup. Then don't water for a day.
Then add about a shot glass of water every other day. When the leafs droop start adding a little more water. as it grows it will need more.

If it is not in the sun and you use lights it is important to keep your light close at this stage. Like a 20 watt cfl at about 3 inches away from the top. Once your plant is about 6 inches tall it will be stable and require a larger container.

That container should be her last home. The size of the container will help determine the size of the plant. roughly: 6" for 24" plant 8" get you 32" and so on. 5 gallon container can grow up to 4 foot plant but thats about it.

Oh, when transplanting you want to stay at the same level unless your plant has stretched. then you can bury part of the stem and it will sprout root. there.

Hope that helps.
Good luck.