Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

Hi guys,

the seedling is 7 days old, doesnt grow and something strange happens to its leafs.

light CFL 2x28W 6500K and 1x23W 4200K - 18/6

temp/hum - 25C/50%

soil+perlite+vermiculite (70%+10%+20%) 1 gallon pot with drenage holes.

strain: Wappa

2011-01-06 07.38.53.jpg2011-01-06 07.39.19.jpg

will appreciate any input. thank you.


Active Member
Hey....... I got droppy leaves on my Royal Queen super kish #1.

Can anyone help.

I got the plant in a small container DWC with vigarous air and stones bubbly. I have the water level about 1 inch below the bottom of the net pot. The roots are not massive , but are touching the water and alot of roots are out of the water. I have several other DWC plants and they are fine and kept at the same water level below the net pot.

The leaves have been droppy for a few days now. Last night the room got down to 58 degrees. I think that might have something to do with it.

They are under 1000W MH 26 inches from this particular plant. plenty of fans and air movement.

Humidity is 20-30% and then at night for 5 hours, the humidity gets up to about 60-70, so I was hoping that this period of high humidity would help moisten the plant and offset the low humidity.

Please help. ohhh.. I also just fimmed it a couple days ago.

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I will try to keep it very quick. I have just discovered what I think is major problems with my first plant and I dont want to lose it!!! Here is some important info-

- Has vegged for approx 2 months and is now about 2 weeks into flower.
- Outdoor grow.
- I live on the East coast of Aus.

The plant looked like this 1 week ago -

About 5 days ago I gave my plant its first dose of "Searles Liquid Potash Plus Fruit & Bloom Booster" and since then I have had extremely heavy rainfalls.

The lower foliage of the plant now looks like this -

I suspect this is a Phosphorus (P) deficiency as the potash mix is only 4%. I started to use this as I thought the P should be reduced when flowering starts??

Out of panic I went and bought Miracle grow maxfeed (NPK - 15/13/12) as I thought it would assist in boosting the (P), but thought it would be sensible to ask more knowledgable people bofore smashing my plant with more nutes....


lee austin

Its only ten day s old and I want to fix the problem before it becomes an actual problem, if anyone has any questions regarding my set up I'd be happy to go into detail. Commens and tips are much appreciated. :leaf::-(


Well-Known Member
Can anyone please please help me????
It could be K def, maybe salt build up in soil from ferts. Foliar feed (early morning) with 1/2 str miracle grow or bloom booster once a week for 3 weeks and if this helps then plant may have stopped taking up nutes, very bad at this stage. :-(


Active Member
Lots of good information but the pics won't display... Kinda bummed cause my ladies started looking kinda weird the past few days. The host site for the pics went down?


Well-Known Member
I've been having some issues with my lighting rigs which I've finally gotten under control but before that, about a week ago, about a week into flowering, one of the lights fell onto the main cola of one of my plants and I really had to cut it back a lot. I also cut back the fan leaves because I was afraid they would steal all the energy from the flowers that are there. The plant has recovered fine and is still flowering and growing well, but I'm wondering if this will fuck up my yield or not. From what I can tell I have 9-10 flowers.

I remembered this being a really good post, worked perfect the first time but now I really need it and Ive tried past few times none of the pictures are there?? Can anyone help??