Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First


u are incorrect sir....i have never been selling anything

all i want is some help with my plants......

please show me the printscreen of these items i am selling otherwise your accusations are way off base....


PS. if you mean the small ads on the pictures....well there is nothing i can do about that. That is imagebuckets idea

you are welcome to repost my pictures, but for some reason it will not load with my internet explorer...the small icon just turns in a circle forever


Sector 5 Moderator
OK, I removed the accusation since the evidence has been removed. I'm not a global mod; and have to get permission to sticky or unstickie a thread.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
i have serious problems..
got some plants indoors, small place. excactly 7 plants. 5 of em are nirvana AK48, other 2 are some sativa-like pocket-seed shit, gives good weed anyway..
from the 5 AK48 there are 2 that grew abnormally, small and creased, the other 3 were topped after the 8th node, and grew normally, but 2-3 weeks ago they
all begun to fall their leaves starting down and keep going upsteirs.

the 2 freak ones may die, i don't care that much, but the 3 bigger ones REALLY should
not hurt any more cuz i have to start flo in a month. i would like to clone them after all but the cuttings are ind the water for 2 weeks now and only 1 shows
signs of germination yet..
I would be so glad that i would be the very gladest in the whole world if i could fix my farm.. so PLS!!!!! HELP!!! I'M on a sinking ship!!!!!
but basic problem is money.. i don't have much of it, it's ia low budget box.
So. small place, 3x 18w cool and day neons. good ventillation, opt. temp. but my tap water's pH is quite high, my paper shows around 7... that's bad i know, and if u have
ideas how to lower it by some "home made cheap method" i would lower it. and would say thank you for it.
HESI TNT complex, ROOT complex and SuperVit are used for feed, in amounts written on them - they don't seem to be overfed.. but..
and i have another room that is bigger (120x70x180cm) and ventillates not that good. quite bad. 28-35 C around the platns and 400w HPS lights 18h/day. the neons in the
smaller room also run on 18h. i put them from one box to the other weekly or so. HPS for strong light, neons for blue light.
I use B soil, with Biolux cat litter wich act like perlite as far s i know.
so it's all not the best except for the feed and the HPS but
My life depends on it! seriously. pls if u know some low budget solution.. pls..
thank u forwards,
a young growmate
Temps far too 28-35, fuck !!. Also get the ph to 6.5 with ph down($10 bottle) and a meter but most of your problems are from scorching temps,get an exhaust fan and move the hot air outside, leave the door open whatever you have to do to get it to 24-26 or you will continue to fail.


Active Member
Hi everyone, recently have noticed that my girls start to going yellow with brown spots. First i thought its gonna pass :) but it did not! now im worried!
if anyone could help would be really cool. cheers!

Indoor grow, SuperSkunk, Skunk#1
-Soil + 25/25 perlite/vermaculite
-Temperature 17-28
-RH 50-70%
-600w HPS 12-20 inches from canopy
-Nutes BioBizz Grow/Biobiz Bloom
-Feed in 3rd week of veg w/ 1/8-1/4 strength
-Water every other day



Well-Known Member
Not too much to worry about at this stage. Keep checking the ph with a calibrated meter.
i have 3 seedings, growing in fox farm soil under a 400w MH with no air cooled hood but its like 75 degrees right above the tops of the plants, and one has the edges of its leaves curling upward, the cinderella 99 hybrid from female seeds, the other two plants, white rhino from nirvana and green crack from a buddy of mine, are fine and dandy. so i moved the light up a bit and put a bigger fan in. i wait and still the new leaves that come from the cindy are still curling up. so i raise the light up again, wait and still the new leaves are curling so i raise it again and now its 2.5 feet from the tops of the plants and still only the cindy is curling. I have not fertilized with anything yet and i wait for the top of the soil to dry out before i water again. could this be genetics or should i just keep raising the light? can someone point to a place on this thread or another that addresses this or help me out?
Hey everyone,
I'm doing my first CFL grow with one Big Bang Autoflower from GHSC.
The buds are forming nicely now and it's starting to frost up a bit too. I'm thinking of going another 2 or 3 weeks.
However, i have a problem that is getting worse and worse everyday.
The sets of leaves from the bottom start to die and just dry up while it is on the plant.
The leaves smell like hay and it makes my whole plant smell a bit weird.
I cut off the bottom few sets, and almost instantly the next set gets affected.
I identified a calcium deficiency so I added some crushed egg shells but it doesn't seem to help.
Could any of you masters help me out please?


well i thought i would ask you guys since it seems there are some experienced growers that post in here. my plants are exhibiting some symptoms of what i think might be potassium deficiency, the lower leaves are turning light green and dying off,although the room they have is limited right now, but the main reason i think it its potassium is the stems of the leaves are becomming weak and easily broken, they fall off when you just touch them,has anybody else had this problem.?if so what did it turn out to be?



I believe this is a case of over-watering. Is this true? Not too sure what else it could be


Well-Known Member
ok. ive got 8 ww growing in coco in grow tent ect. everything is going amazing. i will finish posting pics in journal today(lazy)
i seem to have 2 phoenotypes. one satvia dom tall and stretchy and lazy and the other 5 are indica type. small no stretch a white widow bush. one of the 2 tall plants today grow to close to the 600 watt hps lights. about 6 inch away. (my temps are spot on 72 to 76 with plenty of fresh air from outside circulating so ive let her o closer than normal) butjust gone to check and she as been burnt n her top set of fan leafs.. only a very small burn on one leaf. there in there 2nd week of flower.will this cause any problems later on. i can not see how. but i know there are a lot more exp growers on here who might know any potential negative effects and be able to advise me if needed. i will get the pics up on my journal to today if that will help. but she should be ok shouldn't she. she as no signs of stress fro the burn and all leas are still out straight slightly upward. ty in advance


Well-Known Member
arsin 225............................................um maybe. the medium looks saturated in pic 3 so maybe. what do the tips of the new growth look like....


arsin 225............................................um maybe. the medium looks saturated in pic 3 so maybe. what do the tips of the new growth look like....
It appears to be Mg deficient, going to get epsom salts today alongside distilled water.

Should I be removing the plant from the light when this happens?

In picture "Night3" any idea what that little growth is on the leaf?