Have a probem about Yellow Leaves


New Member

My genetic is AK-34 Feminized and i am using ad neutrigens. Plants are spent 2 months for Growing Phase and right now 50. day of blooming period. I am using soil and my pots are 27 LT. 5 days ago i gave 10 LT water of full dose adn and yesterday i gave only water of 7 LT.Today leaves turned to the yellow. First 5 pictures from 5 days ago and other pictures from this morning.I need help about planst and waiting for your rewiews.


Well-Known Member
Top pictures. The leaves are curling. It's too hot. Your room is too hot for the plants causing them to burn and curl as well
Not true and be wary of newbies who just join and banging out wrong advice straight from joining.

If it were too hot the leaves would form a taco appearance and curl in on themselves.

I'd say they are massively over watered and that is why the leaves are curling downwards. That is the main issue I see.