have a question looking for thoughts


Well-Known Member
Im doing a indoor grow. I put and blue berry out side and let it get big, and turns out its a male. So do i pull him or do i put a nother blue berry with him and let them do their thing, or crystal, or blue cheese, and get there seeds,only problem is i really wanted to put a couple of lades there and watch them grow big, just to see how much they would yield plues the monster buds , verses and indoor grow none stop by cloning all year, to see the differences in yield. any way got ant idea?hes all ready has pods .


Well-Known Member
You could save the pollen from the male...put it in a glass vial and tuck it into the back of the refigerator (not freezer) and then figure it out when you are ready.


Well-Known Member
I'm with smallclosetgrowr. You obviously know what you are doing...why ask? If you just wanted to show ur buds...no need to be sneaky about it! bud pr0n is my fav thing on here!


Well-Known Member
no guys i started this along time ago . and i was just useing thins blog to post bigger pics in my journal. this thread was from a year ago. i have breed my own plants and have plenty of seeed. from seveal strains. lol sorry bros keep growing.


Well-Known Member
more night pics

