Have I let my widow over ripen? When to harvest?

You could definitely harvest the rough-looking one now. Like kush said being damaged its never going to be ideal, and it would be better to get something from it rather than take a chance on mold. If the younger plant is healthier I would try to keep it that way and keep it growing to get the most out of it.
Yes I'm going to definitely harvest the rough looking one today as soon as the light comes on then I'm going to try to get the other one as healthy as I can. Since I'll be keeping the better one in the tent where should I dry the other one? I do have another small tent but I can't fit two of them in my unit so do you have any ideas where I should dry the rough one while I keep the other one going? Thankyou very much for your reply I'm sorry for my late reply
Yes harvest the rough one now so not to invite mold to the others.

Nothing good is gained by flowering too long. Everything (terps, potency, etc) degrades, whether you realize it or not. Sure it's a weed and it will grow as long as you let it. Buds will get bigger. Effects will suffer.

Harvest during the prime window for best results and that takes practice, getting to know your strain.

For example my C99 cut is ripe at 50 days from flip. It doesn't look it. Same with my blueberry. Does the flower say ripe no, but that's when the effect and flavor is perfect for my liking. Just have to start sampling early and figure out where you like the effect thus determining the harvest window for said strain.

If you haven't grown the strain before start sampling when you see the trichomes start to turn cloudy.
Yeah going to harvest today. Sampling Is a great idea, how is that done? Do you just take a little bud and dry it then try it or? I will try that my next grow. Its my first time growing ww and first indoor grow and first auto grow so I'm very new to all of this. The weather here seems to be too unpredictable to grow outside now so I'm forced to learn. Next time I'm doing Kandy Kush CBD and I have more seeds so I'll get to know that one alot better over time. The Kandy is photoperiod which I'm more familiar with so fingers crossed I do better with that. Really hope I haven't got mould but will find out today.
Yes I'm going to definitely harvest the rough looking one today as soon as the light comes on then I'm going to try to get the other one as healthy as I can. Since I'll be keeping the better one in the tent where should I dry the other one? I do have another small tent but I can't fit two of them in my unit so do you have any ideas where I should dry the rough one while I keep the other one going? Thankyou very much for your reply I'm sorry for my late reply

got a spare closet? that’s where I used to dry my harvest.
Oh no It didn't occur to me that it could be bud rot :shock: I will harvest the older one today as soon as their light comes on & check inside the worst looking & smelling bud which is the main cola unfortunately. If my younger plant is still good to go for a little longer do you have any ideas on where to dry the one I'm harvesting tonight? Because I only have one tent which I'll still have to have the light on for the other one so can't dry it in there until she's ready to harvest too so not sure where to do it. My next grow I'm going to get a proper drain tray so I can feed them more often & I'm going to learn how to LST so hopefully this doesn't happen again. Thanks again for your help much appreciated

I'm not saying with certainty that you have budrot but plants just don't start smelling nasty without reason.

If you have budrot you should bin those plants, at least the old one. They are low THC, as you said, so nothing to recoup there and the CBD yield will be lousy. Just buy a bottle of CBD oil and you won't have to mess with drying, curing and consuming an inferior product. Set your standards high from the start, learn from your mistakes and do better in the future. It's only 2 plants anyway...

You shouldn't dry weed in the same tent you're growing it in. Prepare better for all phases of your grow next time and pay more attention to overfeeding, PH problems, humidity, temps and mould.

Again, not saying that you have budrot but you really need to check for it.
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got a spare closet? that’s where I used to dry my harvest.
Unfortunately I have no spare wardrobe or anything, really not sure what to do about it. I'm in a tiny unit with three dogs and a cat lol, was lucky to fit the grow tent at all really. The lower buds on the sickly looking one still look okay so I may just have to leave them both a few days then harvest both so I have somewhere to hang them. Such a pain not having any spare room. Should I be feeding with just pH'd water at this point since I'm about to harvest in a few days or still feed the nutrients? Thanks again for all your help
I'm not saying with certainty that you have budrot but plants just don't start smelling nasty without reason.

If you have budrot you should bin those plants, at least the old one. They are low THC, as you said, so nothing to recoup there and the CBD yield will be lousy. Just buy a bottle of CBD oil and you won't have to mess with drying, curing and consuming an inferior product. Set your standards high from the start, learn from your mistakes and do better in the future. It's only 2 plants anyway...

You shouldn't dry weed in the same tent you're growing it in. Prepare better for all phases of your grow next time and pay more attention to overfeeding, PH problems, humidity, temps and mould.

Again, not saying that you have budrot but you really need to check for it.
Yeah I realised I had no where to hang the one I was going to harvest now because I'll be leaving the other one for a few days to see if I can get a little more out of it but not sure if that will happen or not, I'll give it a try. This grow was really just for learning purposes I actually didn't think I'd even do this well. I totally agree I'm definitely going to only do one plant next time and I'm getting quite a few more things to make the process easier before I even think of germinating the next one. At one point I actually thought I had some kind of bugs laying little white eggs on my fan leaves but I couldn't see any bugs apart from spring tails and they don't lay eggs like that, it drove me mad so in the end I treated them both with organic fungicide & miticide a few times plus I did neem oil & diatomaceous earth before finally figuring out it was actually little bits of white plastic that was coming from the oscillating fan that was grinding on its pole clip so I definitely still have lots to learn. I did look into buying the CBD but here in Melbourne you can only get it with a prescription which our doctor wouldn't give us and it's hard to get even with a prescription which sucks. My partner has bad osteo arthritis & has real trouble sleeping from insomnia so I'm trying to make it for him to see if it helps. Thankyou for all your help and replies it's much appreciated
Can't you try other doctors until you find one who has some bloody sense? CBD is OTC stuff in most civilized countries. I didn't know Australia was still so retarded.

Anyways..... in this case I suggest you aim higher. Try to go for 10-12 plants so you have enough until your next grow is finished and you have a constant supply. 2 plants or 12 plants is almost the same effort anyway.
Calculate how much CBD you need and grow accordingly. I take about 1500mg-2000mg of CBD every 2 weeks. But I'm lucky, I can buy tested 10% CBD oil straight from a lab per half liter for 300 bucks. That's why I don't bother growing CBD strains.
Do the math. Let's say your strain is 15% CBD. That means there's 150 mg of CBD in each gr. of weed. You grow indoors in small to medium sized pots so you'll get about 30 gr. of weed per plant. So that's: 30 gr. X 150 mg = 4500 mg of CBD. That lasts someone with arthritis maybe a month and it took you 4 months of time and effort to grow.
It's going to be much more rewarding if you grow more. The biggest issue you have is probably with your feeding. Get one of those bluelab EC measuring sticks and know how much you give your plants. They last forever and that's one of the most useful pieces of grow equipment you'll ever buy. Add dolomite lime to your soil to avoid PH drops and all the problems that come with it. This way, if you have a problem you can probably outrule overfeeding and PH problems and what you're going to be dealing with will most likely be simple nute deficiencies, and those are the easiest to fix. Don't try to do too much in the beginning with the LST. Focus on your biggest problems first. I'd stick to 1 simple topping, 2-3 weeks before you put your plants in flower. That will already be a vast improvement canopy-wise. And keep a close eye on your humidity and air movement. Very important too.

I don't live in your house so I haven't got a clue where you can dry your plant but there are plenty of drying/curing topics here.

All the best!
Can't you try other doctors until you find one who has some bloody sense? CBD is OTC stuff in most civilized countries. I didn't know Australia was still so retarded.

Anyways..... in this case I suggest you aim higher. Try to go for 10-12 plants so you have enough until your next grow is finished and you have a constant supply. 2 plants or 12 plants is almost the same effort anyway.
Calculate how much CBD you need and grow accordingly. I take about 1500mg-2000mg of CBD every 2 weeks. But I'm lucky, I can buy tested 10% CBD oil straight from a lab per half liter for 300 bucks. That's why I don't bother growing CBD strains.
Do the math. Let's say your strain is 15% CBD. That means there's 150 mg of CBD in each gr. of weed. You grow indoors in small to medium sized pots so you'll get about 30 gr. of weed per plant. So that's: 30 gr. X 150 mg = 4500 mg of CBD. That lasts someone with arthritis maybe a month and it took you 4 months of time and effort to grow.
It's going to be much more rewarding if you grow more. The biggest issue you have is probably with your feeding. Get one of those bluelab EC measuring sticks and know how much you give your plants. They last forever and that's one of the most useful pieces of grow equipment you'll ever buy. Add dolomite lime to your soil to avoid PH drops and all the problems that come with it. This way, if you have a problem you can probably outrule overfeeding and PH problems and what you're going to be dealing with will most likely be simple nute deficiencies, and those are the easiest to fix. Don't try to do too much in the beginning with the LST. Focus on your biggest problems first. I'd stick to 1 simple topping, 2-3 weeks before you put your plants in flower. That will already be a vast improvement canopy-wise. And keep a close eye on your humidity and air movement. Very important too.

I don't live in your house so I haven't got a clue where you can dry your plant but there are plenty of drying/curing topics here.

All the best!
Yes Australia is still very retarded, especially here in Victoria, we are literally the nanny state it sucks, somehow it's easier to get street drugs here than it is to get actual medicine. There are some doctors that will prescribe it apparently but because we are already on what they call S8 drugs they won't do it for us. I didn't know that it would only last a month, I thought it would be like at least two months, that's not good for like you say months of work. Hopefully it will be a month he wont be in as much pain. I am doing a half and half strain next so maybe we will just smoke it. I like doing it though so it's like a hobby. Thanks again for all your input, I've got the blulab truncheon now so that will really help for next time and a dehumidifier so think next grow will go alot smoother with better outcome. Thanks again, take care