Have I messed things up for my friend?


Well-Known Member
The cell phone companies can produce records of who was texted but they don't keep a database of the info that was texted.
Exactly lol
The mobile phone comms r monitored
By group called echelon it's the us, Canada , uk, sweeden and Switzerland
And they don't store ur messages unless ur already under investigation or
Calling ,txting some1 who is under investigation
IMO every 1 should get an iPhone lol
That way if ur arrested
U can pre arrange 4 some1 2 use the find my iPhone feature 2 wipe
The phone CLEAN
I recently had 2 use this my self
And know that is becoming such a problem 4 the police
The they now have foil bags 2 put iPhones in
2 block the Internet and hamper this lol
So make sure it's wiped b4 u get 2 the station lol


Well-Known Member
Awww poor girl.. im sure youll be fine..
if your not a girl, or have a penis anywhere on your body. "HANDLE YOUR SHIT MAN!" -your highness. you sound like a bieberfanboy.

Hi Everyone,

I just joined this group yesterday basically because I need some views and advises if I have caused big problems for one of my best friends, or I guess you could now say x-friend:(
My friend, just like me is a chronic pain patient. He smokes weed and has a medical license for this. He is allowed to grow a few plants at home but has three time as many as he is allowed to have.

We had a big fight awhile ago basically because I questioned if smoking pot was a wise thing to do mostly because he found out that he had serious heart disorder half a year ago which does that he has very high palpitations. Anyways, we were text messaging each other and suddenly he literally freaks out on me. I'm not sure but I'm guessing it is a sentence where I mention that he his pain doc. prescribed him x number of plant but now he has x number of plants which is three time as many. In addition I use the word weed several time in the same text.
He replies that he don't know what the fuck I'm talking about and that I must be talking about the wrong person. Then he calls my voice mail and yells hatefully- "Don't text me again, thanks!" Literally that scares me a bit and I write back to him that if he is going to be that upset over something like this,(me being concerned about him) then erase my number. He replies deleted, god riddance you fucking pain in the arse!

I had expected him to get a little angry but nothing like this. I have never heard him like this. I know that what I wrote was really harsh and to some extend rude and that I should have worded myself different but yea....it both shocked and hurt me.We don't talk for a month after that. After several text msg and email from me where I apology for being harsh with him and saying that I'm sorry that we fought, he agrees to talk to me over skype about it.(We live in different countries)
2 min. into the talk, he starts saying highly insulting things about me, one thing after another which has nothing to do with the text msg at all. Things I never could have said to my worst enemy and that he is fully aware, prob. are some of the most hurtful things he could have said to me. He then says that because of me, he now have been sitting every day inside his apartment as a nervous wreck waiting for the police to knock in his doors and that he could risk 6 months of prison. And that he now have to manage with only a little dose of weed ever day. He says that I have no idea how much problems I have caused for him. That he has been spending 3 weeks in hospital++not sure what that was about. He is so load and angry that I hardly manage to say a word and besides Im already crying as I don't understand anything and it seems as he almost thinks I wrote it to hurt him. He also says because of this we could never be friends again. Nothing make much sense to me. I have no clue why the police would ever be in the picture after some text msg but the only thing I manage to say is how could i know? When he wishes me well after saying all those highly insulting things he said, I hang up on him as it just too much for me to take.

Some weeks later down the road when I'm still highly confused about the whole thing, I do some google search where it is mentioned that the phone companies monitors text msgs and that sometimes when you use certain words or pictures in a text, the telemarketing companies computer database pulls it. After that, it gets reviewed by one of the employees, they will decide whether to flag you or not. Once you're flagged, all of you texts will be monitored, and they can also choose to monitor your phone calls. Either way, every text you send/receive is entered into a database, forever. The phone company can decide if it serious enough they will send it to the police. I had absolutely no clue about it at all. I have always though monitoring a persons phone was highly illegal. I know in my country it at least is. Anyways, I read it on a forum and some of the guys said is just bull and that is doesn't happen...I don't know what to believe. Is this true and have I messed up my friends life completely?

I know he has a pay phone so I would think that would decrease the chance for anything to happen to him a little? Also, if he have had to remove the other plants that he wasn't allowed to have, they really have no evidence as I can see it but I guess the thing is that he never know if the police could turn up on his door... Can the police get a warrent over a text msg?

I know it was a stupid and unthoughtful thing of me to do-so I don't need to hear it again. I was just being worried about him and I never knew text msg. could be read by some else than him himself. I would never want to hurt him or cause problems for him with purpose, never. We met online and have been very close friends for over two years and he meant a lot to me.
I'm also not here no argue whether or not cannabis can be dangerous to people with heart disorder but simply here to find out if I have messed things up for my friend and why he is so extremely angry and says we never can be friends again. Thanks for all insights:)


He lives in Australia maybe the rules over there are different? Who knows.. Anyone from Aus here who have a clue? Anyways, Im so tired of thinking about this whole thing as i have felt bad about it constantly ever day since we fought. Ill prob. write him an email in awhile and try to move on from it if . Thanks everyone and ciao X