Have I over-Vegged before flipping?


Well-Known Member
To quote Banjo Patterson, I think "....For want of better knowledge......." , I've let these girls go a bit too long before flipping today.


They were perfectly fine under LED's on 18/6 in the F&D tent until I fired-up the 600W HPS today on 12/12 & now the humidity has gone absolutely berserk!

I was intending to defoliate in 3 weeks' time, but now I'm thinking to give them a damn-good seeing-to tomorrow to reduce the amount of transpiring foliage.

I've got a new LED array & dehumidifier on the way, but they won't be delivered for a couple of weeks. What to do in the meantime?

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Well-Known Member
Thanks, that's something I hadn't considered doing, as I was sorta on a timeline.

I could defoliate/top & take clones, but I already have a swag of clones already!

Come to think of it, this could be a serendipitous opportunity to give the new aerocloner another run just for shits & giggles....
