have i topped my plant? **kind of naturally - weird happenings**


Well-Known Member

well this i s going to sound slightly stupid but i was wondering if i have managed to top my plant?

over the past few days i have noticed 1 plant in particular looking large on top. i look today and there was a few small buds forming (5+).

like i say my plant is very wide at the top, this is how i think i did it (whatever it is i have done)

i use a 600W hps bulb which gets very warm, i've kept it very close to my plants for a while. on the plant i am talking about i noticed some very very bright yellowing.

i decided to move my lamp up a few inches and now i'm noticing the new growth. another of my plants has grown a lot taller since doing this also. which i thought wouldn't happen as i'm about day 40 flowering.

would the heat of the lamp have caused stunted growth? like the plant couldn't keep growing because of the intense heat?

i'll get pics soon

maybe i'm wrong?


p.s sorry for the wall of text :(


Well-Known Member
In my limited experience, the plant will grow right up until it touches the light and torches itself. Most of the growth occurs when the lights are actually off, so they don't even know it's too hot until it's too late. I fried the main bud of my tallest plant because I wasn't home when the light came on one night... boy was I pissed at myself.

Phily Kelly

Active Member
When you move the light away the plant stretches to meet it. you are experiencing new growth because you moved the light. Some growers believe its good to stretch the plant so each bud site gets more light. Unless you have physically cut your plant with a blade you have not topped it.


Well-Known Member
When you move the light away the plant stretches to meet it. you are experiencing new growth because you moved the light. Some growers believe its good to stretch the plant so each bud site gets more light. Unless you have physically cut your plant with a blade you have not topped it.
ok, but why would it be so wide at the top? i'll get some pics up soon, but it looks like i have created many small colas instead of one.


Junior Creatologist
yeah definitely not topped the plant. you would have had to actually cut the main stalk a couple of nodes down, and the growth in the innernodes would have then turned into main stalks themselves - thats what topping is. What could have happened, - and i have never heard of this happening before, so it might sound nuts - , is that when your plant touched the light, it could have scorched the main budsite at the top of the plant, and it could have caused death in the majority of the budsite. BUT, because not the entire budsite was dead, it sprouted off new budsites, sort of creating a quazi-natural FIMMING of your main top - which would cause multiple buds on your top instead of just one main cola.

We really need to see pictures in order to properly diagnose whats goin on with your plant dude. What i just said was not only speculation, but also using my imagination a little bit too, lol. Hell, i dont even know if what i said was even possible, so dont take my word for shit until you get pics up n someone else can tell you what went wrong.


Phily Kelly

Active Member
What could have happened, - and i have never heard of this happening before, so it might sound nuts - , is that when your plant touched the light, it could have scorched the main budsite at the top of the plant, and it could have caused death in the majority of the budsite. BUT, because not the entire budsite was dead, it sprouted off new budsites, sort of creating a quazi-natural FIMMING of your main top - which would cause multiple buds on your top instead of just one main cola.[UNQUOTE]

Have heard of this before. So it's probably what happened are you gonna put pics up. I'm intrigued.:D


Well-Known Member
ok, thanks so far guys!

I will post pictures tomorrow, when I've found a camera :(

Things are growing quick on this particular part of the plant.


Well-Known Member
ok, here are some pictures as promised.

they don't make it really clear. but you should see what i'm talking about.

looks messy, but there are a lot of signs of new growth.