have you been to a MMJ farmers market?


Active Member
My first time was at We grow at their first one over a year ago. I was like a kid in a candy store and filled up all my pockets with edibles :) Out back it was fun watching the uniformed police feet away from peeps smoking.

I've been to 3 of the markets at the Vet building on E. Thomas. Its amazing watching the progress of vendors with their labeling, packaging and promotion and the last even was packed with card holding patients...lots of fun.

The recent outdoor even at the Firehouse was my first time there and smoking outside in the open all day with other like minded people was a blast. Around 4:30 6 uniformed officers approached the event. Word got out quick and Rain Baker saved the day and rushed out to meet them. Like the superhero she is, all the cops left!!... course so did the vendors :) oh well, it was tons of fun

Share your market experiences...


Well-Known Member
I have been going to the markets for quite some time now. It has come a long way. It is a great place to interact with other patients and caregivers and see what is put there in az. There is still quite a bit of out of state herbs there but increasingly the quantity and quality from in state has been progressing at a very healthy rate. Prices are very reasonable and some real fire can be found sometimes. I have met many great people who have touched my life in ways they will never know. One such person is a later stage Multiple sclerosis patient whom I met at the market last month. We got into a discussion of treatment and she was saying how she primarily used mj in the form of juicing the leaves for the phyto cannabinoids. Her husband jokingly mentioned that she was stripping his plants faster than they could regenerate. So I thought hey I always have a shit ton of leaves and green waste from pruning cloning and general maintenance and I don't like throwing this stuff away or having it sit on the curb in my garbage. Recently I have been putting it in the garbage disposal so it would not be evidence in my trash. So anyway I said to her husband, I have a ton of leaves always you are more than welcome to them if you meet me to pick them up. He said sure and wrote down his email. I did not think about it til I got home and found his email. Two days later I took clones and did pruning and had a bag of leaves and stems. I stuck it in the fridge and shot the guy an email to see if he was still interested. He was and he met me the next day. She has been juicing mj for about 3-4 weeks now consistently and I saw her today and she was walking almost normally with the help of just a cane. I gave her a sample of my z7 which is high cbd and she said it was very effective. When I saw her walking with no stiff pain and seeing the big smile on her face reaffirmed why I do this. Being able to help someone make their life better and alleviate their pain is such a fulfillment for me and a great reward for all the hard work and resources I put into my growing.

The point of this story is that the farmers market is a great place to meet people who you did not know would change your life. Being able to interact with patients in such a personal manner and see the results of ones hard work is extremely gratifying and exceptionally motivating.


Well-Known Member
I have been going to the markets for quite some time now. It has come a long way. It is a great place to interact with other patients and caregivers and see what is put there in az. There is still quite a bit of out of state herbs there but increasingly the quantity and quality from in state has been progressing at a very healthy rate. Prices are very reasonable and some real fire can be found sometimes. I have met many great people who have touched my life in ways they will never know. One such person is a later stage Multiple sclerosis patient whom I met at the market last month. We got into a discussion of treatment and she was saying how she primarily used mj in the form of juicing the leaves for the phyto cannabinoids. Her husband jokingly mentioned that she was stripping his plants faster than they could regenerate. So I thought hey I always have a shit ton of leaves and green waste from pruning cloning and general maintenance and I don't like throwing this stuff away or having it sit on the curb in my garbage. Recently I have been putting it in the garbage disposal so it would not be evidence in my trash. So anyway I said to her husband, I have a ton of leaves always you are more than welcome to them if you meet me to pick them up. He said sure and wrote down his email. I did not think about it til I got home and found his email. Two days later I took clones and did pruning and had a bag of leaves and stems. I stuck it in the fridge and shot the guy an email to see if he was still interested. He was and he met me the next day. She has been juicing mj for about 3-4 weeks now consistently and I saw her today and she was walking almost normally with the help of just a cane. I gave her a sample of my z7 which is high cbd and she said it was very effective. When I saw her walking with no stiff pain and seeing the big smile on her face reaffirmed why I do this. Being able to help someone make their life better and alleviate their pain is such a fulfillment for me and a great reward for all the hard work and resources I put into my growing.

The point of this story is that the farmers market is a great place to meet people who you did not know would change your life. Being able to interact with patients in such a personal manner and see the results of ones hard work is extremely gratifying and exceptionally motivating.
Man I have about 5 big black trashbags with old leaves and soil..LOL Like you I never put my garden trash out on the curb. Big no no I usually dump in some trash bin far away or my buddy burns it for me at his farm house.


Well-Known Member
Geeze youse guys... Yall ain't never heard of composting? All that green waste can be turned into compost for the next harvest or even better, become a worm rancher. Red compost worms love all that green canna waste.


Well-Known Member
i will have to drag my ass out to one one of these days.

how do they sell pot/collect donations if you aren't one of their clients? or do they?


Well-Known Member
Man I have about 5 big black trashbags with old leaves and soil..LOL Like you I never put my garden trash out on the curb. Big no no I usually dump in some trash bin far away or my buddy burns it for me at his farm house.
i used to fear the garbage cans but no more. i would NEVER drive with plant related trash. it's just about the same as carrying buds to LEO.

i talked to waste management personnel in my old life and they laughed that i was worried about throwing out incrimidating plant materials.

i wait until the garbage day and load that bitch up with soil etc.


Well-Known Member
i used to fear the garbage cans but no more. i would NEVER drive with plant related trash. it's just about the same as carrying buds to LEO.

i talked to waste management personnel in my old life and they laughed that i was worried about throwing out incrimidating plant materials.

i wait until the garbage day and load that bitch up with soil etc.

Yeah, I'm the same way. I'm glad someone chimed in before I did. I just toss that shit in the AM right before trash pickup. I had to sort trash before back in the day for a little fun I had, so I know ;)


Active Member
Yeah, I'm the same way. I'm glad someone chimed in before I did. I just toss that shit in the AM right before trash pickup. I had to sort trash before back in the day for a little fun I had, so I know ;)
Hello friends!

I have a quick story, mainly just to give out information I saw in a Federal search warrant. Dude showed it to me after he was released on bail after 3 weeks in a federal holding pen.

His house was raided by federal agents as part of a 'Multi-State Marijuana Conspiracy' investigation.

Nine people were arrested the same day in different states. Apparently they were a group of growers, trafficking across state lines from indoor grows.

Here is the kicker, here is the info you everyone should know:

First: This guy was investigated and raided due to activities his EX-grow partner had committed in the Mid-west U.S. He was flagged as part of the conspiracy due to the fact that he had NEVER CHANGED THE ELECTRIC BILL into his name. After they split paths and the guy left town, He thought he had safety in his electric bill being in another persons name. This is what led to his raid,

As part of the investigation they found an electric bill with his SSN out in a house in California, naturally they went to this address as well to start reconnaissance. However, it is becoming clear to the DEA he wasn't part of the 'Conspiracy.'

The first thing they did was subpoena his electric bill from Sempra Energy, his local power company. They compared his bill to his neighbors and saw it was nearly three times the comparable homes. They NEVER flew a helicopter over his house with FLIR, or a car drive-by with FLIR. Even with the huge taxpayer budget, they just simply asked the electric company for a copy of his bill.

Second: With the high electric bill in hand, they contacted EDCO the local trash service company. They obtained a warrant to do a 'trash drop' (as written in the report) where they paid EDCO to do a controlled pickup from his residence. Everything appears normal, they pickup just your street and the suspects cans last. The material is then transferred to the fed's to process and inspect. On the report they noted that they 'Discovered leaf debris of cannabis plants.' and 'receipts from hydroponics stores' YOUR GARBAGE IS NOT SAFE! Even if you wheel it to the curb as the truck is coming to the street.

With these two facts the DEA was able to secure a search warrant for his suspected role in a Marijuana Conspiracy. They came in hard and fast at 6:AM breaking down his door with plenty of assault rifles and SWAT gear.

The agents video recorded everything they did before they tore his house to shreds. His lawyer was given a copy of the crime scene video.

RESULT: Turns out this guy had NOTHING to do with this 'Conspiracy' going on thousands of miles away, but the fact that his dumbass never took his shady former grow partner off the electric bill led to his life being destroyed.

He had about 50 plants and some guns. The Fed's are likely to hand the case over to the state as they conclude he wasn't a part of what they wanted and don't care about him. He has a valid Prop 215 script. But hey at least they destroyed his life and kept him locked up in a federal holding cell for 3 weeks. His fate will likely be okay since he was under 99 plants and wasn't involved in the conspiracy.

They also appear to have never bothered to tap his phone, just used the trash and electric bill to get the warrant.

Be careful out there


Well-Known Member
good information. :)

when you go big time, or know people who do this, you should expect to interest the big guys. we're mostly small personal growers, nobody is going through our trash unless you are a huge fuck up and have pissed off somebody or are doing other things that they are interested in.

it all comes down to how much you're growing/selling (and going interstate always annoys the shit out of the feds), how clever you think you are and how many of your dear friends would roll on you when the cops say hey, either roll on everybody you ever met or the wife gets jail and the kids get foster care.

having an electric bill 3 times the local average is not a bright idea. we're mostly small home growers. legal too. :)

when patty hearst got kidnapped, the feds came to my office and picked up a friend of mine. they took him to his house and tore it apart. his crime? he used to date a good friend of patty's. they found pot and shrooms, told him to get rid of it and that was the end of it.

the feds are some thorough bad asses.


Well-Known Member
i used to fear the garbage cans but no more. i would NEVER drive with plant related trash. it's just about the same as carrying buds to LEO.

i talked to waste management personnel in my old life and they laughed that i was worried about throwing out incrimidating plant materials.

i wait until the garbage day and load that bitch up with soil etc.
Driving around with bags of grow trash doesnt worry me. It's putting your garbage can outside on the curb with your trash in it that scares me. The cops can go through the shit and they will if they are investigating you. I knew a guy who was busted because detectives took his trash can and emptied it into the bed of their unmarked pick up truck then drove off. He watched them do this and thought they were "mexicans " dumpster diving. Two weeks later he gets arrested and finds out they went through his trash can for some more evidence.


Well-Known Member
Composting is what we all should be doing especially if we us soil. I think some may lack room for a worm bin. If you throw the shit in the trash just hide it good like mixed with other organic materials like coffee grounds, food scrapes, other weeds etc.


Well-Known Member
Composting is what we all should be doing especially if we us soil. I think some may lack room for a worm bin. If you throw the shit in the trash just hide it good like mixed with other organic materials like coffee grounds, food scrapes, other weeds etc.
Good idea!


Well-Known Member
Driving around with bags of grow trash doesnt worry me. It's putting your garbage can outside on the curb with your trash in it that scares me. The cops can go through the shit and they will if they are investigating you. I knew a guy who was busted because detectives took his trash can and emptied it into the bed of their unmarked pick up truck then drove off. He watched them do this and thought they were "mexicans " dumpster diving. Two weeks later he gets arrested and finds out they went through his trash can for some more evidence.
again, it all comes down to what he was doing and or who he knew.

somebody rolled on him or he fucked up and let the cops on his trail.

are you doing things that would have a busted person point at you? if so, they're coming no matter what, if not, eh. but i absolutely understand being careful. over the years, most friends laughed at how careful i was.

i've had a cop knock on my door at 2 a.m. to tell me there were motorcycle thieves in the neighborhood and i should be careful with my bike. he didn't smell or see anything, so i won. kind of.


Well-Known Member
again, it all comes down to what he was doing and or who he knew.

somebody rolled on him or he fucked up and let the cops on his trail.

are you doing things that would have a busted person point at you? if so, they're coming no matter what, if not, eh. but i absolutely understand being careful. over the years, most friends laughed at how careful i was.

i've had a cop knock on my door at 2 a.m. to tell me there were motorcycle thieves in the neighborhood and i should be careful with my bike. he didn't smell or see anything, so i won. kind of.
Yeah I guess you're right because when it was all said and done he found out someone in the biz had rolled on him for a lighter sentence. I guess these bags will be put out on "bulk trash pick up day" lol


Well-Known Member
Nice how a story about a multiple sclerosis patient juicing cannabis leaves for her ailments and it has helped her to walk again. And all we care about is who is going through our garbage. Anyone else meet some interesting folks at the farmers markets?