Have you considered taking up Golf?


Well-Known Member
Im not going to lie golf is the shit. You get a golf-cart to scoot around( the only true way to drive & drink without a DUI). There is 300 yards between your party and the next party , so it is easy to smoke a blunt or a bowl. Not to mention that every trash can is filled with beers.

You should go to the driving rang and get a descent shot. After that go play a round of golf and get fucked up. I think people have pre-conceived ideas about golf . No one is stuck-up like they show on the PGA's. who do you think filled up all the trash cans with beer? That's right the other golfers.

Just give it a shot and if you go to a public course its only like $20 a game and that ain't shit. that is like going to the movies with the wife. ( A game lasts 4 hours)



Well-Known Member
i love playing golf, not the best, but it sure is fun when you par a hole. i have a nice 18 hole pitch and putt by me thats only 12$ a go. i will say that some people are a bit uptight esp if your dicking around a bit, i hate having people constantly on my ass at game, i like to take my time and have fun not be pro status. some idiots bring a whole bag of clubs for a pitch and putt just to look "official"


Well-Known Member
golf is the most self righteous, selfish, and stupid activity out there. so much space is wasted, so much nature is destroyed just to make a course... it's pathetic.

i've boycotted golf my whole life and it's not changing....


Well-Known Member
golf is the most self righteous, selfish, and stupid activity out there. so much space is wasted, so much nature is destroyed just to make a course... it's pathetic.

i've boycotted golf my whole life and it's not changing....
so much nature is destroyed. boy once you live in the city you will realize that that it is a fuck preserve for nature.

and i assume you will boycott malls, car dealerships, cities and schools


Well-Known Member
fuck being a caddy... my dad used to make me be his caddy when he and my grandma went golfing. my ass had to carry both their bags, in the vegas heat, they never brought enough water, and I couldnt complain. Fuck golf.


Well-Known Member
Ill be your caddy who Drinks with you. & hold the cooler.
lol my friend says he will come with me to be my caddy all the time. We walk into the pro shop and the guy behind the counter just laughs. Im like just one round of golf please and hes like what about your friend. I look over at him and he throws my bag on his shoulder and i tell him that's my caddy.( so we dont have to pay). He just drinks and drives me around with our other friends lol.

He is learning but he would slow us down too much so he just comes to chill. sometimes he play a hole or 2 if no one is behind us.


Well-Known Member
Golf is awesome. The only dicks I have ever run across in golf is the range security dudes (running a blank on what they're actually called). Anyways, the game is even more entertaining when you're on someones ass and they biff a shot, get angry, and chuck their clubs. Fuckin hilarious.


Well-Known Member
i've been golfing twice. loved it, even though i suck. all my friends are deadbeats. maybe i could get my wife to play with me.


New Member
I'd like to but my Dad always told me I'd never make par and people would get angry (this was a military's golf course so its a bit different). I didn't believe it but maybe I should just go one day and bring a few blunts to toke with.


Well-Known Member
I mean there are people that act like they actually mean something. Just know what course your at. I wouldn't want to bring drugs on my base. they random search.


Well-Known Member
i go with my biking mates about every 3 months, we have a good laugh as we're all crap lol
if i went any more than that, i would probably think it was a waste of time tho