Have you ever been blackmailed by your dealer?


Active Member
I live in a very old school area where smoking weed is still very taboo.....

I was dealing with a guy (He is 27 yrs old), and because of the area and the fact I own a local business I did not want word to get out of my love of the green.

This dumb fuck drops in @ my wife's work and gives her a letter demanding $30.00 and my return address
"To avoid further blackmail"
(he actually wrote that in those exact words, hence the quotes)

He signed it, dated it and even provided his return address.....

Well to make a long story short I appeared @ his house, he would not answer the door but I could see him inside. Within 2 min of me being there his dad pulls up, (Chicken shit loser bitch had to call daddy) as soon as his dad pulled up the dumbass emerges from his hiding and starts getting lippy with me, I warned him of the dirty beating he was about to receive and he actually says:

So what, Im not getting the $30.00 then?
I told him:

I will show you what your gonna get, try to hustle me again, I dare you!
Amongst other things of course.

How fucking dumb do you need to be, a dealer trying to blackmail a customer. Not to mention one who has a rep for not taking any shit..... Blackmail for $30.00???? Is he that hard up??????

What happened after is even more strange but to keep the story short I will omit it for now.

Anyone else have any experiences like this?


Well-Known Member
Nope, I've never given my dealer that kind of power. He provides a service, I provide money. Oh and the guys I deal with aren't that petty. They get much more money if they stay on my good side. Trying to hustle me for 30 bucks when I spend hundreds is just horrible common sense, and bad business.


Well-Known Member
...i really hope you firebombed his car after that lil stunt.

teaches retards to not overstep their bounds.



Well-Known Member
lol this is one of the most funniest stories I heard on here.He probably thought he was tough as shit trying to get you.Make sure to beat his ass


Well-Known Member
My advice: Just let it go. It cost you nothing to find out that you need a new dealer. Starting a battle with a jerk-off like that is a waste of time. He'll get what's coming to him someday. I've never had anything remotely close to your story happen to me. The fact that he thinks he can blackmail somebody beyond his own felonious career choice proves he is a complete f'n idiot cocksucker bitch. You're best off not associating with him. Sorry that happened to you.


Active Member
I thought the guy was crazy for attempting it, and extremely dumb thinking I would let him do it...

Yup, time for a new source..... He is best to look over his shoulder from now on....

Never in my life, has anything like this happened to me before. I have dealt with some pretty sketchy guys before
but none of them were so screwed up they would try something like that.

Also, I buy for 3 people so he was getting anywhere from $200 - $500 (1 oz - 2.5oz's) a week from me. Not anymore....lol


Well-Known Member
LOL at a $30 dollar ransom letter. I will honestly say this is probably the funniest thing heard all week.Even though this guy sounds like a total prick that deserves a good ass beating, Honestly its probably not worth starting a battle over. But if you must retaliate just flatten all his car tires and call it a day lol. He might think twice about blackmailing somebody if he has to walk to deliver the letter haha.


Well-Known Member
That dude is fuckin dumb. It's time for a new dealer.

I'm really interested in hearing the rest of the story, this is fuckin halarious.


Well-Known Member
I'd be like: "Do you realize that you are a pot dealer and that I could just anonymously call the cops?"


Active Member
I think the $30.00 was a feeler amount to see if I would pay, notice he asked for my return mailing address, so if I had
of paid Im sure I would have another request letter soon.......

Okay, the rest of the story and where it really gets weird......

Around a half hour after I got home, the guys dad (remember he was there when I was having my "discussion" with his son) phones me. He says his kid had it coming and hopefully he will learn from this and not pull this crap again..... All fine and dandy....
He then asks me if my wife is friends with this woman that he is "trying to date".... I told him yes, so he asked to talk to my wife.
I let him, and he no word of a lie asked my wife to play "matchmaker" for him....

This guy is like 50 years old, and I just finished threatening the shit out of son, and damn near beating his ass.

How bizarre is that?????? Lmao


Well-Known Member
ahhahahahahahaha!..thats the most bizzar shit i ever heard!!!!...u should of fliped it on him and blackmailed his ass!!!! hes the one selling the weed not you! :D


Well-Known Member
I live in a very old school area where smoking weed is still very taboo.....

I was dealing with a guy (He is 27 yrs old), and because of the area and the fact I own a local business I did not want word to get out of my love of the green.

This dumb fuck drops in @ my wife's work and gives her a letter demanding $30.00 and my return address (he actually wrote that in those exact words, hence the quotes)

He signed it, dated it and even provided his return address.....

Well to make a long story short I appeared @ his house, he would not answer the door but I could see him inside. Within 2 min of me being there his dad pulls up, (Chicken shit loser bitch had to call daddy) as soon as his dad pulled up the dumbass emerges from his hiding and starts getting lippy with me, I warned him of the dirty beating he was about to receive and he actually says:

I told him:

Amongst other things of course.

How fucking dumb do you need to be, a dealer trying to blackmail a customer. Not to mention one who has a rep for not taking any shit..... Blackmail for $30.00???? Is he that hard up??????

What happened after is even more strange but to keep the story short I will omit it for now.

Anyone else have any experiences like this?

thats pretty wild,,was he black white hispanic,,what,,had that been me,,you woulda heard 2 sounds,,,me hittin him,,,and him hittin the floor


Well-Known Member
I think the $30.00 was a feeler amount to see if I would pay, notice he asked for my return mailing address, so if I had
of paid Im sure I would have another request letter soon.......

Okay, the rest of the story and where it really gets weird......

Around a half hour after I got home, the guys dad (remember he was there when I was having my "discussion" with his son) phones me. He says his kid had it coming and hopefully he will learn from this and not pull this crap again..... All fine and dandy....
He then asks me if my wife is friends with this woman that he is "trying to date".... I told him yes, so he asked to talk to my wife.
I let him, and he no word of a lie asked my wife to play "matchmaker" for him....

This guy is like 50 years old, and I just finished threatening the shit out of son, and damn near beating his ass.

How bizarre is that?????? Lmao
you must live close to me... people are wierd out here :lol: