Kidney stone pain has been about the worst I've had. Nothing but constant injections of Morhpine helped. I've also had 2 failed back surgeries which left me with severe nerve damage in my left leg- my calf muscle has all but disappeared. Can only stay up on my feet for about 15 min. max, with severe pain. Docs just kept throwing narcotics at me for years. They give alittle relief at first then I end up having the increase the doses to ridiculous amounts, then the side effects begin to make them unbearable. Methadone for me helped at first then after about 3 yrs the side effects drove me nuts. I've got a medicine cabinet that looks like a pharmacy. I ended up stopping all narcotics a couple yrs ago - still in constant pain but I live through it. I still take narcotics when the pain is absolutely unbearable but never consistently enough to become dependant again. Seen 5 specialist, all said the only thing they could do was surgery, and they said 50/50 if it would help. I don't trust docs anymore ( they are what intensified my situation in the first place) so for the time being I'm refusing any and all surgeries. CHRONIC PAIN IS A BITCH!