Have you ever been robbed?


Well-Known Member
Gather round kids I have a story for ya,

So I'd bought a cheap ass piece of shit mobile home and gutted the inside and made it a 12k grow. Not huge but pretty big. everything was going good for 3 years there. No problems nothing like that. my neighbors were an elderly couple I never talked to them but we'd give each other a wave when we passed. Well their tweaker son came and lived with them and brought his tweaker girl with him. Now if you've ever lived in the vicinity of tweakers you know they can't help themselves from fucking over every person they encounter. The guy had all the shitty ass green tattoos " white boy" in olde english across his back the dudes girl had black teeth and every few days they would have a fight in the driveway which on a few occasions led to cops parked in front of my building. So anyway I come to tend the spot and the guy is power braking (at least 3 times a week he'd peel out of his driveway in anger) his truck while his bitch is running at his truck with a log and shatters his window and the tweaker bitch gets knocked over by his mirror. This is where I fucked it all up. I yelled at her and told her to get the fuck inside and stop being a meth whore. well then they had a vendetta against me and proceeded to check my security. I had the rear door and all windows boarded off you know all the basic things that should be done to a grow. Well I'm harvesting my garden thinking about how this is finally the profit after all the money that was put into start up. It was a lot. like I replaced all the flooring and built double walls in a 40x18 space. and all the lights and soil and ll the bullshit that along with this. So anyway I'm harvesting have about half the crop hung up and drying and I leave for the night because I don't live with my grow. Well in the 7 hr period I was gone they got me. I come in the next morning at 7 am and first thing I notice is that a window has been gone through (on the side of the place that was probably 25 ft from their place) and my stomach churned because this wasn't my first rodeo with getting jacked but before it was always small time guerilla grows and what ever that's just a numbers game. So i open the door to the grow area and all the plants are gone.and for some reason they threw the soil all around the room. Fortunately enough I was able to scrounge a half ounce off the floor that was covered in dirt but i washed it and smoked it and it was the saddest shit when I was smoking it they took my veg plants but the only plant they left was the mama and all my equipment was there lmao. Nothing like some floor weed. Surprise surprise the tweakers have now disappeared and they had plates from the next state over so who knows where there den was. I was really mad obviously like I was totally prepared to follow that fucker and bust through his car door on the highway and drive off these feelings didn't go away for months. Fortunately I never saw them again. I'm over it but I'm pretty sure I'll break my hands on that fuckers face if I ever caught up with him

How I dealt with the hand I dealt myself
After a few hrs of tears and feeling sorry for myself I go to walmart got rubbermaid containers and a video system that I can watch on my phone, pack up everything and completely clean out all traces I ever existed there ( i rented the spot under a false name and never filled out out the title) . I'm talking complete break down fixing all the windows and demoing any walls that had holes for ventilation just left a shell and demo piled up and left it and put my stuff in storage except a light for the mother which was moved to plan b. Well I'm still here free and growing dope.

The Kicker
So I find out the tweakers had somehow negotiated with the park owner to rent my spot (without a title?). They got caught cooking dope and also charged with maintaining a nuisance property. I guess I came out way ahead by not going down to the level they would expect and they will probably be in prison for 10 years karmas a bitch. and the trailer has since been completely demolished because of the meth residue

I personally feel when your product gets fucked it's always your fault. Can't blame other people for being vultures we already know they are vultures. I should of had a motion camera that went to my phone. hindsight's 20/20
Well a person willing to report people growing in a non legal state just got a peck on the shoulder from the Karma Reaper....
Where did this come from? lmao the report button on riu isn't even the same ball game as snitching on people. I aint snitched on nobody.. And if i was a snitch wouldn't it make more sense that every chance I got to condemn snitching I would use it to my advantage it would be a trait a successful snitch would have. never let an opportunity to slip away. So go on and let us all know about how much you hate snitches because that proves anything at all.
Where did this come from? lmao the report button on riu isn't even the same ball game as snitching on people. I aint snitched on nobody.. And if i was a snitch wouldn't it make more sense that every chance I got to condemn snitching I would use it to my advantage it would be a trait a successful snitch would have. never let an opportunity to slip away. So go on and let us all know about how much you hate snitches because that proves anything at all.
Good to know
Well a person willing to report people growing in a non legal state just got a peck on the shoulder from the Karma Reaper....

Seriously? Guy is reporting people for growing in illegal states? That's the only way I get down fuck the police!!
thanks for the word! ...

Tweak or tweaker may refer to:
Tweaker, or alternate spelling "tweeker", an individual who uses methamphetamine
Tweak, a street name for the drug

Some shit lifted my 2nd solo vape last week

now got a davinci

let the fuckers burn their fingers on that


Tweaking is when you pretty much done ur stash , been up for 4 days and u start all that psychosis shit....hearing shit....answering to ur name when no one called you

Seeing shadow people at the corner of the eyes

Knowing you have to do something and get stuck on a mirror for an hr ....or looking ...lol nevermind