Have you grown bag seeds? Results?

I'm told my seeds were some sort of kush. I have 1 mother and 20 clones which I will transfer to 2 gallon containers this week.

Let's say they're actually bag seeds. What would my results be if I pay attention to my plants? I water with 6-6.5 ph water, have the fox farms liquid trio and soluable three pack. I'll start fertilizing when I flower this week.

Would one get good results with brick pot seeds? Provided he uses quality nutrients and takes care of the ants.


I actually hadon't a bagseed out of some really heat that I had germed along with a fast n vast and so far it is doing great...

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
yes, Its usually very good here,

We dont get brick here (if thats the Mexican stuff compacted to look like a brick). So no to Brick,