have you seen this helicopter?


Active Member
a red helicopter flew over my grow 5 minutes ago, but my grow it under tall power lines, so there is a chance they were following that BUT,it had some shit hanging from it . a rope or something was holing it 50 or so ft, it looked like booies u see in the ocean but a lot smaller, and something at the end that I thought looked like a large camera. the helicopter didn't look too new, its side doors weren't there at all. but it flew atleast a hundred ft over it. have ur seen helicopters fly with shit dangling from it, do law enforcement use anything like this, or was it some jackoff.


Sounds like a power company/maintenance helicopter.



That is a GIANT chainsaw attached to the rope in the video, they trim the trees away from power lines with it.. very scary job. I did some work for Florida Power and Light mapping all their power poles in the 90's, we used some crazy equipment on the bottom of the helicopter to do that while flying 10' above the power lines. That was scary enough for me, screw having a swinging chainsaw next to power lines. One sneeze by the pilot and it is all over.


Most definitely, we used high powered gyro stabilizing binoculars and could see a mole an a sunbathers behind.... but we were under no obligation to look for anything illegal or report it if we did see anything. Being in Florida we were more interesting in flying by the power lines near the beaches as much as possible. ;) If I was in your situation I wouldn't worry about it at all.

They have different styles of tree trimmers. Google 'helicopter power line tree trimming', click on images or videos, and you can see the different types used.


Active Member
its a tall 100 t power tower that hold lines to the next tower, theres a lot of vegetation and trees right next to my few plants,the hill goes into a valley, so that wouldn't be the same like in that video u showed, its not a open area , so I must ask again, if u were flying by it rather fast, meaning your heading back to base, are u looking down at the trees and shit, with those binoculars? I get what u mean whnen u said ur not under any obligation, but everyones different


We had the binoculars so we could read the numbers on the power poles and see what type of insulators were on the poles as we flew by. It was a special job. Most utility workers wouldn't have a reason to have those binoculars on board, and flying past at normal speeds there is no way we could spot 3 plants with our bare eyes. Even hovering above the plants trimming trees, the down draft would make them nearly impossible to distinguish what type of plants they were. They could have been trimming trees miles away and just flying back, or on their way to do it, either way if it were me I wouldn't lose a seconds sleep over it. If it were a marked police chopper, that is a different story and I would have destroyed the plants as soon as they were out of sight due to paranoia, especially if I lived in a draconian state that would lock you up for years over something so petty.


Well-Known Member
Saw the same copter today at work def was cutting the trees by power lines.

The helicopter I saw 3 weeks ago, after it flew over the houses they were raided the next day. This helicopter was solid black with no ID numbers and had what appeared to be a gun out of the front.


Active Member
Saw the same copter today at work def was cutting the trees by power lines.

The helicopter I saw 3 weeks ago, after it flew over the houses they were raided the next day. This helicopter was solid black with no ID numbers and had what appeared to be a gun out of the front.
ive seen black helicopters with a gold strip and even a black hawk this season


The local LEO uses the local military/black hawks here in Cali to look for and remove large illegal grow ops in national forests, but I have never heard of (or think it is even legal) using the military to look for illegal stuff on private property. The military uses the opportunity to make it a training exercise for the troops.


Well-Known Member
All these post's crack me up... LEA go after BIG GROWS OK!?! Not your small ass 1-10 plant grows lol. If you growing a plot of 30+, THEN shit your pants and jet