Haven't Cashed App Money Order Yet


Well-Known Member
For those who have their cards, how long did it take them to cash your check or money order after sending in the app? I sent mine in last week and the money order hasn't been cashed yet so I'm getting a little worried. Probably just being impatient...Hopefully. Was just standard ground or w.e not priority mail so I'll give it some time before I get too concerned...


Well-Known Member
I don't know
In most cases, you will know whether you have been certified by the physician at the completion of your evaluation. Subsequently, patients must register their documents with the state. The state will notify patients via mail of DENIALS ONLY. Denial letters must be issued within 15 days. According to the law, a patient is legal on the 21st day after submitting their documents to the state as long as the following conditions have been met:

  • The patient’s state fee has been cashed
    • The patient has not been notified of a denial via mail
No; as of May 2011, the state no longer accepts hand delivered patient/caregiver documents. Applicant documents should be submitted to the state via USPS CERTIFIED MAIL.


Well-Known Member
I don't know
In most cases, you will know whether you have been certified by the physician at the completion of your evaluation. Subsequently, patients must register their documents with the state. The state will notify patients via mail of DENIALS ONLY. Denial letters must be issued within 15 days. According to the law, a patient is legal on the 21st day after submitting their documents to the state as long as the following conditions have been met:

  • The patient’s state fee has been cashed
    • The patient has not been notified of a denial via mail
No; as of May 2011, the state no longer accepts hand delivered patient/caregiver documents. Applicant documents should be submitted to the state via USPS CERTIFIED MAIL.
I went thru that numerous times and overlooked the certified mail part every time :/ hitting a wall at every step. Took me a month just to track down my medical records...I noticed that it says "should be sent via certified mail" rather than "must be". Maybe there is still hope. Thanks for taking the time to respond.


Well-Known Member
I think they do it like that so you have proof to show law enforcement. It might take longer to get your card though some cases people had to wait six months. They have been getting better at processing that stuff. if you dont hear from them in 30 days I would call the hotline


Well-Known Member
ive never sent certified mail, for myself or my 4 patients. 21 days after mailing, they normally receive and cash said M/O or check. be patient, if your worried about a check after mailing it only after a week (3-5 days to mail a letter from point A to point B normally), then you are in for a surprise when it comes to growing. take a breath, a step back and relax, be patient.


Well-Known Member
ive never sent certified mail, for myself or my 4 patients. 21 days after mailing, they normally receive and cash said M/O or check. be patient, if your worried about a check after mailing it only after a week (3-5 days to mail a letter from point A to point B normally), then you are in for a surprise when it comes to growing. take a breath, a step back and relax, be patient.
Hey Demon, fair enough. I just heard that they cash them as soon as they're received, but it could have been misinformation...I was more going for a "how long did it take for them to cash yours?" kind of thing. Thanks for the response, and clarification that certified isn't required (but would have been better for my peace* of mind if I did send it cert. lol).
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New Member
Hey Demon, fair enough. I just heard that they cash them as soon as they're received, but it could have been misinformation...I was more going for a "how long did it take for them to cash yours?" kind of thing. Thanks for the response, and clarification that certified isn't required (but would have been better for my peace* of mind if I did send it cert. lol).

No, they will cash your check/mo only when your app gets approved. Also, in my 6 years, I have never sent my app in certified mail, always regular mail and have never had an issue. I really like the fact they have gone to 2 year intervals


Well-Known Member
No, they will cash your check/mo only when your app gets approved. Also, in my 6 years, I have never sent my app in certified mail, always regular mail and have never had an issue. I really like the fact they have gone to 2 year intervals
Appreciate the insight Onelegtoker. I'm not too concerned at this point (u guys def helped lol) so I guess it's just a waiting game from here. I don't see it getting denied, as I looked over the app thoroughly before shipping it out and there is nothing suspicious / no whiteout / all required fields are filled out - just gotta be patient I suppose.

For anyone who's been denied, what was the reason? I'm under the impression that denials are mainly caused by typos or alterations to the document (ie; whiteout)...anyone experienced this?


Well-Known Member
A patient didnt have full medicade and one didnt write the last 4 numbers for his ss# Only two problems I had.The medicade one we just sent a copy of the money order that was already paid plus what we owed and a letter explaining the problem. I think i sent in copies of all the paperwork also.


Well-Known Member
So I've been so obsessive and consumed lately about being able to legally do something that's been a dream of mine for almost half my life - growing marijuana. Getting my card wasnt really about using cannabis, as I've been self medicating with it regardless - just didn't want to jeopardize my fam by growing illegally now that I've actually got something to lose...anyways I've been calling WU everyday to see if the MO was cashed due to this obsession, n even tho it's been saying it wasn't cashed, I just called again n it said it was cashed on the 6th lol..I'm in! Just gotta wait for the hard copy...not expecting tht anytime soon but at least I know everything worked out ;) Thx for all the insight. Looking forward to learning more from u guys n hopefully even contributing something myself n the future...

Gonna be Damn nice to know exactly where my bud came from n exactly what's in it from now on. Been some shady stuff going around out here. Shady like a guy literally sold me some shit tht made me sick, tasted aweful n prolly was moldy. Threw it out, n ofc can't find him anymore. Another guy in town has been selling mids as highs n lacing it with something. Can literally see white powder..maybe a script or something? Idk but I'm glad to be out of tht market . The faster mj gets out of the black market n becomes a product / medicine rather than a street drug, the faster the rest of the world who looks down on cannabis use will open their eyes to the truth of this miracle plant.
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Well-Known Member
Take a deep breath and relax. If you need some good DP dna give me a shout when you get all legal.

Might have to take you up on that Dr. Mainly an indica guy but can't refuse a good sativa every now n then. Especially if durban poison is half as good as what I've heard. Supposedly there's an indica dominant pheno of it floating around that's damn good too


Well-Known Member
Damn LARA is getting a lot better at processing mmj apps n issuing cards. Got it already :O

Less than 3 weeks from mailing out the paperwork n the card arrived already.
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They cashed my check in a week, I sent it certified with return receipt. However it took a month to get my card, lots of people saying 2weeks though.