Having a problem with my auto seeds

i have a blue mystic and a northen lights autos going right now its about day 11 and the blue mystic seems to be growing well but the northen has grown bout 6 inches and bent over i lowered the light so it wouldnt have to strech as far really dont no if that will help the temp is a constant 78 to 82 the lights are now 1 foot away i moved some hydroton to help support the stem
any help would be great thanks



Well-Known Member
It sounds like you need to lower the lights a lot more. It seems like your baby was stretching to reach the light, grew too quickly to support its own weight, and bent over. I recommend lowering the lights to about 1 foot away if its a HID light, 2-3 inches if the lights are CFL's as well as supercropping which will strengthen your stems in order to support the weight of the plant
101_1040.jpg101_1039.jpgits a 240w cfl its about 10 inches above the plants they just sproutted 2 more leaves each can someone tell me if i should use a ice pop stick to support the stem cause its still bent you can see in the pics below


Well-Known Member
CFL's need to be 2-3 inches away from the plants. HID lights need to be farther away. Move you're lights closer, quick!


Active Member
is that actual 240 watt cfl or is that the equivalent wattage? if thats actual watts you might see how hot it ie at 3 inches, I know my 42 actual watt(200 equivalent) is pretty hot at 2-3 inches, for a suffering plant it does need to be much closer but stick your hand under the bulb at 3 inches and see how hot it is


Well-Known Member
is that actual 240 watt cfl or is that the equivalent wattage? if thats actual watts you might see how hot it ie at 3 inches, I know my 42 actual watt(200 equivalent) is pretty hot at 2-3 inches, for a suffering plant it does need to be much closer but stick your hand under the bulb at 3 inches and see how hot it is
This=yes, and if it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for the plant