Having few probs with my pinapple express ive overwatered

hi ive over watered my plants and iam in process of trying to recover them currently got the propogater back over them and have dried them out gave them a dose of superthrive and {rizotonic canna product] and playing them bob marley to try help them recover just wondering if any one has some good advise to help them further but think ive done all i can pictures are attached thanx any advise is appreciated



Well-Known Member
change out the tank and just get some fresh clean water in there looks like they are way overfed with nutes and water for the size of plant.give them a flush with fresh water and leave alone for couple days and see if they start coming back. fingers crossed


New Member
It looks like they have been seriously over fed to me. What kind of nutes are you giving them? You might want to back off that a bit. When I over water my plants the leaves just droop a little bit they don't turn yellow and get crunchy.


Well-Known Member
You really cant over water hydroton. But what I see is peat pellets into rockwool then into the hydroton. You could certainly over water the peat/rockwool combo. Stunting the roots and keeping them from exploring the hydroton. I see your using Bato buckets, growing hempy or top drip? I really dont think they are overfed, more of a stunted root issue imo.......
thanx guys i kinda already new that i over watered and have gone back to hand feeding started the girls of in jiffy plugs then into rock wool i find the plugs are good to get them started cow boy logic ur totally right stunted roots but just wondering what could help unstunt them was on top drip but stoped that to try recover them using vitalink good product used before and had decent results feeding at 0.6 ec at moe dont wanna burn them also using superthrive and rizotonic u rekon i shud up the ec to 1.0 just scared of nute burn tho
the one on far right in brown tub is gona be a mother she doing fine thankfully so can mek some good clones she in soil im totally thinking of going back to soil rather than hydro find soil easier but gona try hydro few more times so i can compare the two


Well-Known Member
I would put the starts in pellets directly in the hydroton next time. And the ones you have started only water the hydroton. Do you best to avoid getting the pellet/rockwool combo wet, make those roots go searching for what they need....


Well-Known Member
are these clones you have just rooted and taken out of the propagator, that is what they look like to me ??
was the leaves crispy and yellow like that before you took them out of the propagator or at least already starting to be crispy and yellow ?

as they look pretty normal to me on the weak side but normal for new cuttings,
the do not over fertilized some clones do not look very nice after the cloning process and look pretty battered like yours
the typical crispy yellow leaves look like the result of the cloning process
some clones will be able to support themselves out of the propagator straight away, while others will wilt after 20-30 minutes of being in regular humidity,
you need to put those ones that wilt or look ill back in the propagator or put a large plastic propagator roof over your grow to raise humidity
they need time to adjust to the lower humidity outside the propagator and to start using their roots

at this stage they need hardly any food or anything cut back on anything you are giving them, they only need water and time to recover
and enter the growth phase, be patient ,
dont spray them all the time, if they look wilted put a plastic cover over them to raise humidity

hi guys thanx for the advice much appreciated scunk doc there not clones unfortunatley from seed mite be £40 pounds down the drain but shud get decent mother out of one of them that my only fall back but im gona start germing some more pips only got ma freebie pips left now kushage, bermesekush,s.a.g.e shud work well share the same similar genetics medium flower time .and an alquimista short flower time but shud be able to work around that any advice on these strains would be cool and thanx again to cowboy, well ive done everything u guys said so i just pray to the buddah gods now that they will pull through will post piks if they do