Having hell cloning..

If they rot then wouldn't that be like seedlings that fall over...just too wet?
Is there a way to change spraying times and or pressure as well?
Maybe lengthen the times between sprays and reduce the sprayers/nozzles stream(s) so they don't hit the stems as much...or raise stems a little higher then the stream(s).
Ya, ISO, H2O2, or bleach. But I like his idea just to buy new domes each time though. Last time I placed an order I ordered a couple extra trays and domes so I could just toss them afterwards if I was gonna use a dome again.
No profit. Responsible recycler and repurposer. I sterilize everything and use until it breaks. Never a problem. Lag strength iso in gallons diluted to 6% with water and a misting of 6% or better H2O2 after drying. No issues. Too much work with reservoirs, pumps lines and all.
If they rot then wouldn't that be like seedlings that fall over...just too wet?
Is there a way to change spraying times and or pressure as well?
Maybe lengthen the times between sprays and reduce the sprayers/nozzles stream(s) so they don't hit the stems as much...or raise stems a little higher then the stream(s).
This is what I am trying to get away from... looking for a more tired and true, easy solution. Aero's are just too much of a pain in the ass to clean, operate, etc.
This is what I am trying to get away from... looking for a more tired and true, easy solution. Aero's are just too much of a pain in the ass to clean, operate, etc.
Oh, I agree 100% with ya on that...lol
With mine I can easily put 4 per 1/2 of a 1.5" rockwool cube and 15 per tray gives me up to 60 clones in about a 13" x 10" space. :)
Oh and it will root even if you "forget" to soak the cubes for a night...lol
LOL.... and that dude from CLoneKing told me the water temp is fine up to 90 degrees.
Same shit happened to me, mine was a heat issue. Now that I’m going Strickly flood and drain rapid rooters is where I’m going..hate rock wool too..I can work with it but it can be finicky. Never had issue with rapid rooters when I tried them before. I figured out to clean them real well and keep them cool but then there’s the clogging. Tho they will still root it’s not worth it to me..I may randomly throw extra clones in it sometimes but I’m retiring both of mine. I think @Renfro gave me the idea of putting the trays in a flood and drain setup for easy watering. I tried it and it worked great.. I’m going to dedicate 2 3x3 flood tables to it..
And btw I picked up the greenbroz I love it ended up with a ton of trim too cost me 6200 shipped
The guy with the mister fogger looking thingy, I want to try that just because it look cool..is it really set and forget I would think that water would evaporate pretty fast and can get me some use out of these of these future plastic pots lol
Here are some ideas:
- Bucket cloner. I'm at well above 90% success with mine, over many uses. I've only ever used tap water with some rooting hormone. There isn't really any adjustment, just fill it up and turn it on. HTG Supply Bucket Cloner I really like the bucket.
- Wet perlite in a rubbermaid container, or similar. You can control humidity in a tub partially filled with wet/damp perlite. Cheap, and again not a lot of fiddling around to do.
- I've met people who just like the rapid rooters or expanding peat pucks, but those were never my thing.

There have been times where I've needed to re-score and dip clones when they haven't started rooting in 10ish days. I scrape the bottom of the clone to remove some cuticle, re-apply rooting hormone powder, then throw 'em back into whatever device.
Yeah I agree the bubble cloner is less maintenance. But for someone that needs 100 clones the RR and domes are easier. Only problem is if your too wet or cold or humidity etc. They all suffer
Yeah I agree the bubble cloner is less maintenance. But for someone that needs 100 clones the RR and domes are easier. Only problem is if your too wet or cold or humidity etc. They all suffer
I just heard the fedex truck hit my digital trip wire, so the RR are here. I think I have a good setup for success. I disconnected the bottom T5’s from the rack timer so they stay on all the time. Didn’t want the surface to cool down too much, that was a last minute thought last night. Top T5’s are on 18/6.
I only need 72 good clones, so between 100 RR’s and 36 of the other unit, I should make plenty!:)
Ok, I spent the day making 136. In the Hot House brand, (36), and 2, 50 spot Rapid Rooters.... now we wait. Humidity builds super fast in those domes. Best part I like about this is that it’s very simple, dosnt burn any juice, or spray me in the face. No moving parts, and this may be my go to for cloning from here on out.

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I like the rapid rooters with domes too. I also do the 4" or whatever little pots with coco and can take clones up to week 6 flower if needed just have to open the vents quicker so they dont mold
I had one of the spray type cloners and like yourself I went back to using a tray of cubes and feeding with a syringe it's reliable as but requires some daily maintenance.

Recently I tried a bubble cloner and I'm impressed by the rooting ability and the almost maintance free nature of it.
I've always used peat-based pucks, occasionally sphagnum moss, in a dome and as long as it's 29C or 84F thereabouts and the cuts aren't too woody then it works every time.
If the mother was in poor health or root-bound then only about half would take, and be a bit longer getting there.
Sometimes I would use clear party cups with potting mix but as long as the temperature was fine they would 99% root.
Lately I have rolled up a string of flexible white led lights, rolled them up and sat them on top of the dome, then put it in a black plastic trash bag (for 'stealth') it works well, led's provide light and warmth.
Also if I check on them daily rather than every other day they generally take quicker, think it's because of refreshing the air or breathing on them.

Tried all the other water-based methods I know of and it's just a pain in the ass.
When the tray is on the heat mat and the dome on it will literally rain in there, it's beautiful. Never let the slots in the tray get dry. Roots will grow down into those slots and fill the channels quickly. Once I get roots I ditch the heat mat, start using nutes at 6.0 pH instead of plain water and let them root more while gradually opening the dome holes a little each day to harden them. By 20 days they are vegging hard and begging for a transplant. I have learned that if I leave them in there longer and they push against the dome that they basically come out like you fimmed them or monster cropped them, mega bushy off the bat.

Also I like to use the SAG GFF in the water too.

How many days do you leave the dome on?
I use the 1.5” cubes. After soak they hold enough water to root. Lid on with vents just a crack open. No spraying of lid or plants. Will not look at again for 7 days. I’ll be back. Cheers 4BB36CE0-9D8C-4A99-9DF8-578D94C78B08.jpeg