Having problem germinating seeds

They would definitely accept. If you have flowers then the bhang would be a bomb getting you high slowly and relaxing your whole body. Why would they not accept it there is a different word for bhang called raamrasa means nearly 120 items should be mixed for the Ramrasa to be potent and pure. Every kind of dry fruits and fruits are mixed in them it will be like a high fibre drink which makes you feel the difference in our body after one use
Well I just didn't know if all Indian people drink bhang, I thought maybe some think of ganja as bad or something. Also it's illegal so maybe they don't want to do things that could get them in trouble.
Wow I had no idea the recipe has that many ingredients, maybe I should just offer them some fresh leaf so they can make their own?
I can't really afford to be giving fresh buds away, I barely produce enough to supply myself. Is it still good when made with only fan leaves, or you must use buds?
Leaves also gives good buzz but if you want to have pure bhang with good high with body relaxing then you would want buds also. Use some less potent buds if you have. This is the best types to consume cannabis. You will see the effects after one day you will have a relaxed and fresh mind and many of your body pains will be gone after one use
Manually removed 3 pollen sacks which was produced in my hermies so it doesn't spread to other plant


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Actually I already make smoothies with my fan leaves just for the nutrition.
1 banana, ~10-15 hand sized leaves and maybe a bit of fluffy lower bud, bit of yoghurt, berries, and milk, 30 seconds in the nutribullet = my breakfast.
The banana is excellent at masking the bitterness of the leaves. and the yoghurt makes it taste even nicer.
It's not original recipe but it comes near and you should put all kinds of fruits apple banana chiku and every other fruits to the drink. If you want original drink recipe then I would have to make a list not every item are costly you will use most of them in daily basis there are some items which are costly which you should buy I don't know you will get those items in your country. Actually yearly once we will use top grade nugs for this drink in February bcz shivaratri is on that month and every cannabis users offer Lord Shiva ramarasa (Bhang) and drink afterwards. It's a holy day for us that day no cops will question we will go to mountain top and take the blessings of Lord Shiva and offer him buds and ramarasa and we also consume
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And that is the only stem producing pollen sacks bit they are still not producing trichomes I don't know why it's nearly 2 and half weeks after preflowering


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Is autos resistant to cold weather
I think it really depends on the variety, some autos yes, some no. Either way, you should do as much as you can to provide the ideal climate, because any energy they have to use to fight cold or other stress, is energy they should be using for growth. It's quite important to make the first month or so as perfect as possible for them so they grow as fast as they can.

Do you know any method to apply only potassium and phosphorus organically
No sorry I can't say for sure, I haven't done a lot of organic gardening and when I do I don't pay much attention to NPK's, I just add compost and worm castings and stuff. I think maybe composted banana skins could be high in K, and I think most seaweed tea has a decent level of K, not sure on P though. I'm sure there's a lot of people here who could help you with that, I guess you just need to know the right place to ask it.
No but I would just go read some of the popular threads in the organics section. If you just spend a few hours in there you'll probably find your answer and a whole lot more other good knowledge you can use in the future.
Why don't you want more Nitrogen? Flowering plants still use a lot from what I've seen, all the way until they've finished building buds.. don't you think your plants want a bit more N too?
Not sure but maybe start with around half a teaspoon/gallon every watering, and see if you can notice it getting greener. When it's the shade of green you like, only add it to every second watering. If it's not getting greener fast enough, increase it to 1 tsp/gallon.
I just found out it contains about 10% magnesium and 13% sulfur so I guess that means that 1g/l = 100ppm Mg and 130ppm S which I think sounds ok but I'm not a big numbers guy I kind of go by feel, possibly a bit too much.