Having problems with my first grow... my poor leaves... PICS


Active Member
I have 3 young plants that look very healthy on the upper 4 sets of leaves. But the very first 4 leaves (2 sets) that always START the plant from seed, they are brown and dry and I am about to snip them and hope it doesnt stunt the plant or kill it. My soil must be horrible because yesterday when i watered, the water took a while to soak into the surface, just a pool of standing muddy water it kinda looked like for a few minutes. Im not getting any drainage, but my soil does not look too dry.

The container is a 2 liter bottle, and at the bottom it looks to be a green tint in the dirt, please tell me this is not a sign of algae!?! And the dirt is shallow and I hope not to lock up the roots with each other from no room. Could I perhaps wriggle the soil as a whole unit out of the container and surround the whole thing with new lusious soil, or will it shock the plants?

Cant figure out how to upload my pics...


Well-Known Member
For the 2 starters leafs going yellow it's normal, they will fall at some point. Go buy a regular pot, a clear one such as your bottle will let light hit the roots and that's a big NO NO, be sure to poke holes at the bottom for better drainage.


Active Member
For the 2 starters leafs going yellow it's normal, they will fall at some point. Go buy a regular pot, a clear one such as your bottle will let light hit the roots and that's a big NO NO, be sure to poke holes at the bottom for better drainage.
Good to know its normal then, thanks. I had the bottle clear for a lil while but then wrapped it with black duct tape cuz i heard light cant touch the roots. Holes are in the bottom, do they need to be bigger than the letters on a keyboard? I have six holes about that big.


Well-Known Member
How old is your plant?
How tall is your plant?
What soil are you using?
soil does not look too dry <--- doesnt need watering then
A green tint in the dirt <-- does not sound good. again what soil you using? how often you watering them?
And the dirt is shallow <-- how much of the 2ltr bottle are you using? how much soil have you in it?
Are all 4 plants in the same bottle?
What lights do you have?
If you posted a few pix people will help you alot more.

If you take a car to be fixed you can not just say ''IT MAKES A NOISE''

please give more info


Active Member
How old is your plant?
How tall is your plant?
What soil are you using?
soil does not look too dry <--- doesnt need watering then
A green tint in the dirt <-- does not sound good. again what soil you using? how often you watering them?
And the dirt is shallow <-- how much of the 2ltr bottle are you using? how much soil have you in it?
Are all 4 plants in the same bottle?
What lights do you have?
If you posted a few pix people will help you alot more.

If you take a car to be fixed you can not just say ''IT MAKES A NOISE''

please give more info
-They are about 4 inches tall
-3 Plants are in the same bottle bottom with about 4 inches of soil
-The soil I am using is just some dirt from a cattle field that looked really good
-I am just wanting to veg for a very short period of time, then transplant into a hydro system
-They are all about 3 1/2 weeks old
-I have 3 13w daylight cfls and a 23w warm white cfl
-I usually water them with a spray bottle every day when i wake up, they are on 24/0


New Member
Cannabis is the most vigorous plant in the world. You can completely abuse these things and they will live. You can bury the stem nodes high and it's going to grow roots where it once grew branches. They have the ability to bounce back from anything if you can correct it in time. If you want to transplant you can take a razor to the bottle no problem. You can hack the roots....no problem. You can brutally wash all the dirt from the roots, put it in a hydro setup, and 2 weeks later....no problems. You don't have to be such a pussy with your plants, you dig?


Active Member
Cannabis is the most vigorous plant in the world. You can completely abuse these things and they will live. You can bury the stem nodes high and it's going to grow roots where it once grew branches. They have the ability to bounce back from anything if you can correct it in time. If you want to transplant you can take a razor to the bottle no problem. You can hack the roots....no problem. You can brutally wash all the dirt from the roots, put it in a hydro setup, and 2 weeks later....no problems. You don't have to be such a pussy with your plants, you dig?
I cant ever seem to keep them alive tho, i do nothing but research for hours on end about growing and how to maintain a hydro op, and i still feel dumb because i cant even grow a weed. It just seems like I will do things correctly or well enough to get by, but it never turns in my favor. Im just gonna quit stalling and get some potting soil and surround it around this shitty dirt and see what that does. Can tomato plant food be used a little bit for cannabis or is like 2 completely different things?


New Member
Break up the rootball and put each plant in new potting soil in its own container. When I say break up the rootball, I don't mean sever the roots. Don't just surround shitty dirt with better dirt.