Having problems with my rez need help!


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU,

I'm not actually sure if this is a problem, but I've never had this happen before. After mixing all my nutes and letting them bubble for a day I'm noticing some kind of lock up? Like little floaters all over the place? I'm using pure blend pro, roots accelerator, silica blast, cal mag, and advanced nutes B 52. The PH is 5.9 to 6, and the rez temps are around 69F. Also the rez is light tight. Any help would be great. Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you get tiny things floating around if you use anything organic , i notice little brown things floating around because I add Florablend to my nutes. If your plant is fine dont worry about it.


Rebel From The North
ok Im going to give you some advice, theres going to be some negative feedback on it and your going to be
like what the fuck, but I live with the same shit your discribing to me. BLEACH 7 eye dropper drops per one gal.
in my res it 15ML for 55 gal res. use that evey three days as bleach will disapate. now the bleach needs to be
uncsented basic clorox bleach. when you see this bactira go away dont think its gone cuz it not and will come
back. then you need to start using H202 29% at 7ML per gal every three days never longer or your goi to have
to use the bleach again. now the bleach will not hurt your plant in anyway at the level I just told you. theres
alot of negative attitude on bleach but nobodys has any facts on it. and there is info/facts on bleach and users
on this forum.


Rebel From The North
that batira will cause your ph to wack out and go up, and will clog your system and gum up your roots. at worst case cause them to rot.


Well-Known Member
yes its safe to mix with nutes.
i agree with the if its not broke dont fix it!
and just cus you dont see a prob now dont mean you wont later
I agree. It really is the strongest preventive measure ywe can take to keep the res as sterile as possible. Its also the cheapest.
TS Just just needs to be really sure about the qty measurements and it should be fine.