Having trouble identifying strain (plant bud pics)


Well-Known Member
and don't forget hermie pollen is perhaps 1/4 as potent as male pollen...If you pollinate a whole plant with male pollen you get thousands of seeds...you can pollinate a whole plant with fem pollen and only get a couple hundred or so...which is why if you have a tiny hermie case you might find 6 seeds...if that hermie plant was male, then it can seed a whole plant fast, but hermies don't really make that much pollen even if just left alone...especially if it is only a few little sacks...

Like ok..let's say you have a tent with 6 plants in it...and on one run 1 is male but you let it seed the other plants in the tent...all those other plants aren't going to be left with enough bud to smoke because of that male plant...you will have thousands and thousands of seeds but no smoke...
Now let's say on the next run you have 6 plants, but one turns hermie and you leave it to finish with the rest...you might---might---get a couple hundred seeds combined and the smoke will still be great and virtually seedless...hermie plants only make a few pollen sacks, unlike male plants that make a few hundred...
yeah because its almost like a survival instinct of the female to pollinate herself, but yet since biologically the plant isn't a male its not as effecient at maiking pollen or male flowers compared to a full blown male


Active Member
its your strain now. if it turns out good, call it purps or whatever you want. if its shitty start over with something new. you said it was from bagseed so it came from sexual reproduction - it is like its parents but a mix of their genes, Weed A, thats a good name