Having Troubles!


Well-Known Member
Start with hello and Ive been using riu as my main source of information as it seems to be one of the best communitys around when it comes to my favorite flavor..."Green" j/king aside Im in need of a little insight.
Im first time grower indoor and have grown successfully outdoor once with a lovely, tall female who showed me 10 years ago what it was like with freshness and not some old dirt smelling , making me gag , Ill never smoke you again shit. So I decided to embark and a journey.
Heres my setup , had to be on the low.
Indoor = bagseed x2 , -1 fning male
Cab = 30h x 30w x 18d
Lights = CFL x 6 24w , 1 42w 6500k veg , and 2700 flower
Medium = MG organic , with recent DIY compost used as mulch and water over.( Did this week before 12/12
Watering = Ive used nothing but Natural spring water and coffee filter rain water. More Rain lately than bottled.
No Nutes

Now a little insight before the problem , I have never had any issue except underwatering (During Veg) , which the plant would droop and rise after watered , lost my main bonsai due to it be a Fking Male , so painfull, beautifull lst'd plant.

Back on track , So Im currently 16-17 days into flowering and 1 plant out the of the two is showing signs of what appears to be mg or possible cal , but things are tricky I understand one lockout can make it seem like mg def but it could be cal lockout or something ,still learning and soaking in as much as possible. Unlike Her below ...

#2 showed those lovely hairs day 13 but hasnt blown up like the other , but doesnt have the problems either , or does it look like it could hermie?

#3 Big fan leaves , produce hairs at 11 days , cottontopped fast and losing leaves fast.

And the leaves , didnt start untill flower both plants same light same everthing , differant bagseed strain obviously same bag though.

Older leaves went first ,now spreading to others.

Atm Im thinking mg def , and cal , since ive used nothing but spring and mostly rain water , filterded through coffee filter . Rain water was collected from new plastic, not roof or down spout.

Atm I have 1/2 gallon tap , 1/2 gallon rain water , 3/4 tblspoon epson salt , 1/2 bonemeal. Being bubbling and getting ready for some early morning water as the lights come on.

All welcome to give there feedback . All appreciated. Going to smoke a bowl and remember what I forgot to post in this message , backassward!
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Well-Known Member
And the Male #1 bagseed , charished over for 45days , caring and slaving over it , and it grew some balls... Forgot to mention plants above are 47 days old (30 day veg), this male below was 45 days at the time of picture.

While in Veg , all other images were destroyed!


Well-Known Member
Damn and I new I forgot something , no I do not have a ph meter could not find one at any local store about to buy online , any good suggestions?

Also I forgot I just mention temp , day 88 f , night 73.

And I understand how strains can differ , but a wrong ph level would show in both plants right?

#1 bs and #3 bseed looked the same , though one was male and other was female , all 3 got watered the same , same pots , same light , maybe not exact but I rotated 2x daily pots and positions.

But the one with the fat round leaves , seems to only be having this problem , problems.
And also producing the cotton faster to though


Well-Known Member
give it a good dose of flower nutes as it looks sort of like a phos defiency with the black spots on the leaves


Well-Known Member
give it a good dose of flower nutes as it looks sort of like a phos defiency with the black spots on the leaves
After all the research I have done that was one of the things I thought about , and was looking into a banana / compost tea .

At the same time looking through deficiency images and info , although it seems like everything in this subject 50/50. Mg or Cal is the problem , from what I read , is rain water is ph-7 neutral of some sort and spring water is probally similiar.

At the same time how come three plants same pots , same medium , same watering , same water/ rain / spring bottled.

All enter flowering stage , and only 1 has this leaf issue.?


Well-Known Member
i understand wanting to go organic but u need something thats gonna get it done quick. look into buying the fox farms three pk . or go to depot and get a chem fert , which i hate to use , thats got all of the micros and macros any of the orchid stuff will werk pretty much depending on if u need flowering or veg nute or both .


Well-Known Member
Thats already on my mind , but I was looking for maybe a little insight on what this plant is actually having problems with. Since the other in exact everything but obviously not the same strain.

Im all noob but want to think that my thumbs are a little green , but im sure Im just stoned and they are underwatered.


Well-Known Member
its not caused by under watering i think , if underwatered the whole plant would be ,well , wilted . the black on the leaves is sort of a tell tell. its up to you if you decide to act, being stoned aint so much of an excuse just dont be lazy , best of luck .


Well-Known Member
Yeah , was joking around about my green thumbs being dried out. Think Ill feed a little of this mixture I made and hope it helps.