Hawaii Growers...Moving Back Home


Well-Known Member
Aloha brudahs and sistahs,

After living on the mainland for 12 years, it looks like I may be moving back to Oahu this fall. I've been growing since I was 15 (49 now :-( ) and I had a question about seeds and bugs.

I haven't been back to da islands in many years.....do you guys buy your seeds online, or is there a good selection locally? Also, I've had good success outdoor growing over here, and I never had any bug issues. And mainland electricity is cheap, so indoor grows are pretty "garans-ballbarans" or should I say "duck soup."

When I use to grow in Hawaii Kai, I was always fighting bug issues (mealy bugs, white-fly, leaf miners, aphids, spider mites, etc.) Do you guys have a lot of issues with bugs? I'm just trying to get pysched about going back home, and I have been spoiled with not having any insect infestations.

Mahalos! :shakabrah: ;-)


Well-Known Member
Im going back too, but ive only spent 2 semesters away, dont think I could handle 12 years hahaha. As far as bugs go in the HI state it really depends on the strain, some are more insect resilient than others, its all about finding that strain that grows well in your area, you can't fix a plant that gets infested unless u load it full of pesticides, and keep doing that. So just find the right strain, in hawaii, it really isn't that hard. Of course almost every strain is gonna have some bug issues, but a little neem oil will fix those problems. Just use common sense, u dont want to grow a strain that's gonna keep attracting bugs, switch it up, try some breeding projects, observe your plants (which ones dont get infested as much? hint: grow that one again). check out the HAWAII GROWERS thread in this section, lots of hawaiian kine folks talkin it up.

I got my seeds online, as most people do however get to know some people that grow in HI theyll probably have seeds.`


Well-Known Member
Im going back too, but ive only spent 2 semesters away, dont think I could handle 12 years hahaha. As far as bugs go in the HI state it really depends on the strain, some are more insect resilient than others, its all about finding that strain that grows well in your area, you can't fix a plant that gets infested unless u load it full of pesticides, and keep doing that. So just find the right strain, in hawaii, it really isn't that hard. Of course almost every strain is gonna have some bug issues, but a little neem oil will fix those problems. Just use common sense, u dont want to grow a strain that's gonna keep attracting bugs, switch it up, try some breeding projects, observe your plants (which ones dont get infested as much? hint: grow that one again). check out the HAWAII GROWERS thread in this section, lots of hawaiian kine folks talkin it up.

I got my seeds online, as most people do however get to know some people that grow in HI theyll probably have seeds.`
Thanks for your kokua :) Yeah, part of me wants to go home, the other part is mixed. I got used to wide open spaces, and not having people "on top of you" here. More privacy, more freedom, less pilikia, etc. But I'm down for some plate lunches, poke, sashimi, REAL chinese food and Sandy Beach.

I did 3 successful grows here without a single bug. Less stress, plenty pakalolo. How is HPD with pakalolo? Are they dicks, or do they cut you some slack? Back in the 80's there, there was plenty paka-copters and people were getting busted left and right (Operation Green Harvest). I just wonder since some of the laws are more lax now, if da cops are more chill.

Again, mahalos, and I'll look for the Hawaii Growers thread and talk story with da locals. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your kokua :) Yeah, part of me wants to go home, the other part is mixed. I got used to wide open spaces, and not having people "on top of you" here. More privacy, more freedom, less pilikia, etc. But I'm down for some plate lunches, poke, sashimi, REAL chinese food and Sandy Beach.

I did 3 successful grows here without a single bug. Less stress, plenty pakalolo. How is HPD with pakalolo? Are they dicks, or do they cut you some slack? Back in the 80's there, there was plenty paka-copters and people were getting busted left and right (Operation Green Harvest). I just wonder since some of the laws are more lax now, if da cops are more chill.

Again, mahalos, and I'll look for the Hawaii Growers thread and talk story with da locals. :leaf:
they are still running green harvest flybys. and i get scared everytime i hear low flying copters hovering around my hood. just yesterday a dark blue and a yellow one were over my street and i dont know if its just me but i swear these fckers were circling my house. maybe they seen that i only had 1 plant in my yard bearing an ounce at the MOST. and the other ones a male so they didnt bother wasting time and money on shutting my manini grow op down haha


Well-Known Member
they are still running green harvest flybys. and i get scared everytime i hear low flying copters hovering around my hood. just yesterday a dark blue and a yellow one were over my street and i dont know if its just me but i swear these fckers were circling my house. maybe they seen that i only had 1 plant in my yard bearing an ounce at the MOST. and the other ones a male so they didnt bother wasting time and money on shutting my manini grow op down haha
Fucking broke dicks. Pakalolo ain't shit compared to what batu is doing to society. But it's an easier bust; it's big, green, bulky, and smells. They acting like big fish in the small pond. I may reneg on my move to the aina; if they came up here and ack la dat, they'd get lickins.


Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
sure is. but, so far no dispensary. bring your seeds or buy on-line. choke bugs still.
Yeah, it's unfortunate that Hawaii' only dispensary, aka' THC Ministries' in Hilo was shut down a few weeks back. That left a lot of patients without meds on the Big Island!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's unfortunate that Hawaii' only dispensary, aka' THC Ministries' in Hilo was shut down a few weeks back. That left a lot of patients without meds on the Big Island!
Yea it's interesting to note that on Oahu when the authorities take the homegrown crops down, all they are doing is decreasing the available supply to those on the island, thus creating opportunities for the Mexican cartels to import their schwag here ... Also there is a lot being imported from California too

I am in no way in support of Marijuana commerce (probably because I don't like buying it off the streets for $65) but this is one thing that puzzles me about the State of Hawaii.
Don't those in charge realize that local growers most likely spend their money here in Hawaii...
The ganja that is imported from California (a lot apparently) and the schwag from Mexico... That majority of that money goes back from where the stuff came from..


Well-Known Member
Sorry to stray from the OP original questions..

This year I have only had minor issues with caterpillars... and with caterpillars you only lose that localized area where they shit and kill the bud.. BASTARDS!
I can't say that I have ever had a major infestation here in Hawaii.. but you gotta keep an eye
My partner had issues with aphids and a few mites but we fixed that with neem oil!