Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
Happy and Prosperous New Year to everyone!!!!

I just got back after spending a week on the mainland.......
and the spider mites attacked my garden!!!! :(
I have my og clones and my flowers on different sides of the house and they all got the unwanted visitors!!

Watch your gardens :)
now you got me worried!

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Happy new year everyone hope you enjoyed all the fireworks for 7 hours
I'm glad it poured rain all night on the Big Island. Or at least it rained all night in Puna. It kept the fireworks down to a minimal
For years living on Oahu my family & I had to endure the celebrations of July 4th and JAn.31st. My lungs, my animals, my kids all suffered so a certain group of individuals could enjoy a holiday that they claim is cultural in nature. So you all can't imagine how much I enjoyed not gaging!


Well-Known Member
i was there for chinese new years one year and it was much more dreadfull than anything on maui. we have like our little country club which i am not a member to, put off fire works and some where in lahaina a boat does a show but downtown kahului people MUST get smoke bombs and just set them off right next to the high way. im thankfull i live faraway from all that. nothing wrong with sparklers :P i do enjoy a big explosion tho. just a smokeless one


Active Member
brah this rain is irratating already. My seeds just sprouted from the dirt and I cant even put them outside because theres too much rain.


Active Member
Just to let you growers know, this year 2009, we will be busting in on A lot of houses that grow mariuana indoors, we now have newer equipment with better technology this year to help us stop growers. So stop becuase you will be busted and do time in prison.

Hawaiian kind

Well-Known Member
What's with this guy.:wall: Are you a Honolulu Cop because it says Cally for your location? Are you a fed or local because if your local then I have a card and follow all the rules. I dont think its cool to come on here and scare sick people to cut down there med's. All of us Hawaii posters show Aloha and this post that you did is a slap in the face so please do not come on here again Mahalo.

great song for this post is by "current swell" called "Officer Down"

Aloha Hawaiian Kind

Just to let you growers know, this year 2009, we will be busting in on A lot of houses that grow mariuana indoors, we now have newer equipment with better technology this year to help us stop growers. So stop becuase you will be busted and do time in prison.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hawaiian. How's the weather been in Puna? I'm up Waimea side. Weathers been a little rainy but not too much. Helps with my watering.

Hawaiian kind

Well-Known Member
Im not in puna but friend just came back from there with some great things. Its been rainy here on Oahu. If I know its going to rain I put some nutes down on top of the soil so my girls get a good feeding with the rain just scrape the top soil and mix it in I use blood meal and other powder nutes for this. Aloha Hawaiian Kind


Well-Known Member
thats just some stoner kid F-ing with every one .... "we got new equipment" like what vibrating batons and lubricating pepper spray. untill you can see threw walls you aint got shit but infored and even with that you still need a warent to use the best "equipment" you guys have are nitches and "you cant make me talk copper"


Well-Known Member
Just to let you growers know, this year 2009, we will be busting in on A lot of houses that grow mariuana indoors, we now have newer equipment with better technology this year to help us stop growers. So stop becuase you will be busted and do time in prison.
I don't think this guy is anything to worry about. I looked at his posts and he has a thread about his plants and shit asking for help.

He posted the same thing in lots of different threads. Probably some dumb fuck that likes making trouble.

But anyways nice looking plant there. That your short season girls? Only got one here gotta take a picture and share.


Well-Known Member
nice herb patch maligs. looks pretty pretty. keep us updated oh and if anyone remembers me talking about planting the 3 hindu kush seeds well my friend just drove up to my place and checked on them and told me they sprouted. i gave him 1 and these babes are outdoor only. cant wait to check out my big girl when i get back tomorow night!


Well-Known Member
maligs, ono looking babies you got. wonderful. hey Ona, how was your news years eve. crazy as always I bet. Me and the other aunty did the same old, I look you, you look me. lucky I had some buds from uncle K. gona go smoke a pipe in alittle bit. laters kkday. Auntry

Celtic Vixen

Active Member
Just to let you growers know, this year 2009, we will be busting in on A lot of houses that grow mariuana indoors, we now have newer equipment with better technology this year to help us stop growers. So stop becuase you will be busted and do time in prison.

Maybe your new technology will provide spell check software:finger: