Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
What is the best mold resistant strain that you have grown? I was going to raise the Church from Greenhouse seeds but with so much negative comments about germination and hermies, I wanted to find an alternative strain.



Well-Known Member
wow boys chill Dr and I are only haven fun!!! I don't care who shops where!!!!

Mahalo HK
If it was my store I would care. I would just make sure you have no reason to shop my competitors and do everything I could to get every customer I can. Thats just me though. lol

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
wow you can tell this guy to go to the other store!!! no just kidding I teach cops to grow to just lettuce and green onions.
fuck them brah, you shouldn't teach them shit about growing,...anytime! You think they'd teach you how they violate our civil rights with their infared technology that they use to spy on indoor growers? I hate the mother fuckers!!!!!
I'd love to check out one of your grow classes, but I work from 7am-10pm every weekday :/ If you ever do a weekend class post it up :)

Made my own little starter germination/veg room last night. I'm thinking 400w worth of CFLs in a little 3x3ft enclosed space is WAY to much. Soaked the root kits last night in some water at maybe 2am, checked them again at about 930am and they were BONE dry. Was not all that hot when I opened the door, but yah... Think I'm going to drop down to 200w and maybe get another fan (the one I have in there now is tiny).
Silly question I'm sure, but will my plants that are outside (AK48) on the lanai start flowering on their own? Only reason I ask is because Ive had them growing outside since late January (from seeds) and only one of them has shown her sex, and even that only occurred about 3 days ago.

Also, they are only about 2.5ft tall at this point, shouldn't they be taller? They are not exactly in a huge container (about 7" across, 10" deep), but I would have thought they would be bigger. Its my first grow so I'm sure I made tons of mistakes. New grow is going to be a bubble system so I can better control the environment. Thanks for the help!

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
wow boys chill Dr and I are only haven fun!!! I don't care who shops where!!!! doc get 2 point for spelling my name right I'm game for a grow off your mountain vs my back yard???? or inside. same strain or what??? I say we show up and dule it to the death wait how about biggest bong hit wins!!

sorry must get ready to teach growing to the masses tonight

Class is on led vs HPS come sit in and talk story 7pm

stop and chill and listen to whats Growing on !!!!!!

Mahalo HK
you have a class? something similar to oaksterdam university? what island?


Well-Known Member
you have a class? something similar to oaksterdam university? what island?
Its not to that extent. Topics are picked every week, and we talk about them. This week the topic was mostly about lighting. Comparing HPS, CFL, MH, LED, & Flur.

We talk about our grows progress and talk story.

Its a real friendly group.


Well-Known Member
Anyone see the SOJA DvD released last year? Love it!




Well-Known Member
If your growing on a lanai watch out for the house lights interupting your plants sleep. Cover it with a trash can at night and put a couple bricks around the side of the pot so air can get under there. My uncle got a super silver haze in the ground out side his porch that has veged for about a year and a half now due to the porch light. He uses a green bulb now and it started budding now.

What's up with all the hydro and indoor hype crap??? Sweet pakalolo is from soil. Hydro has no taste
If your growing on a lanai watch out for the house lights interupting your plants sleep. Cover it with a trash can at night and put a couple bricks around the side of the pot so air can get under there. My uncle got a super silver haze in the ground out side his porch that has veged for about a year and a half now due to the porch light. He uses a green bulb now and it started budding now.

What's up with all the hydro and indoor hype crap??? Sweet pakalolo is from soil. Hydro has no taste
The only real reason I'm going hydro is for lack of time. I'm working from 7am-10pm and with the hydro system I can more or less set up everything to run automatically.

Ill have a few different systems running though. My hydro system is going to support about 6 plants, so its going to be my main source of fun. Ill also have 2 plants out on the lanai same as now, but with tighter "anti-bunny" security. The plants I have out there now just take up way to much room and trying to keep them all in the sun with out them sitting in plain sight for all the neighbors to see is a bitch. I'm also going to start a PC grow box this weekend, so I'll have another plant in soil there as well.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
What's up with all the hydro and indoor hype crap??? Sweet pakalolo is from soil. Hydro has no taste
I'm thinking the people you are talking about kkday are grow hobbyist/med card holders who have no desire or ability to do a guerilla grow op.

But I gotta tell you kkday, you're right there is know denying which is the best, indoors or out. But you know what they want in the Despensaries....indoors!!! It's what the majority of end users want?!:finger:

As for hydro grow systems. I guess I'd do it myself if I was a commercial grower. I even considered it at one point too. Not sure I'd do it if I was a hobbyist/indoor med card farmer. Why? I think you hit it on the nose kkday. By & by indoor hydro all taste the same, and I know you know what I'm talking about Kkday. I'm sure i'll come under attack from the hydro crowd in defense of their grow method...oh well!
KKday, one thing that is popular now days on the west coast with med growers is that they have many different grow setups to meet their co-ops needs. Indoor & outdoor grows. Even I do that now on the Big Island. This is my second season doing both outdoor & indoor. But relax Kkday, my indoor grow is in soil, and will remain in soil. Why? I now do total, 100% organic grows. I believe it is totally nessesary if you plan to attach yourself to a dispensary in the future in Honolulu. Med patients aren't gonna wanna smoke "miracle grow weed" gangy! Nor will a owner of a co-op let you bring any in their store either.
So if any of you island growers are entertaining the thought of getting rich via a Honolulu med store coming your way in the not to distant future. Hell, because of that I all but had to abandon 90% of all FoxFarm products. For years I used 'Ocean Forrest', by & by a great medium. But at times it was rather "hot". In consistant at best. But it gave you roughly a two week window were you didn't need to add nutrients at all. But after that you're pretty much on your own. But I abandoned "Ocean Forrest", not because it wasn't organic. But it became to costly for me to use. as a matter of fact all of them became to costly for me to use. I'm talking the entire line of FoxFarm ferts too. Plus, if you follow the FoxFarm feed chart, you use their nutes every other watering! Thats fucking hell of a lot of chemical salt build ups that often,crippled & stunted my plants! So the only product I use nute wise from FF is 'Big Bloom',which is 100% organic. So now that is the only product I use from FF. I use nothing from AN, nor General Hydroponics, or anything from any of the major companies out there. All my plant food comes by naturally through organic teas, and the girls just love them!


Well-Known Member
Hey puna! How's it?. I understand the whole supply demand thing, the demand is for indoor hydro then the grower supply indoor cuz that's the market. Although I dream of being a dispensarys supplier i'm not in a situation where that wuld be possible. I'm working on it though. I'm sure some one wuld pay for outdoor, I think they like indoor because there's less foreighn debre in the bud, no bugs or leafs or that crap but with a less over head then the indoor guys outdoor can drop the price and still make the same as a indoor grower.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know the PH of the county water in Hilo?
I think you are reading too much and not enough hands on, Hawaii tap water is good enough, ph not needed. It's a plant and a hardy plant at that, do your tomatoes demand bottled water from you?? You see where I going with this?? You shuldent be worring about mold or rot unless your area rains all day every day. The more healthy your plant is the more resistent it will be. Grow a sativa there easy and hardy.
Howzit kanakas I was reading this post and loving the community here. I do my thing on the garden island. The other day a couple of friends asked me if I would be interested in being their caregiver Are you allowed to grow for more then one person.

I just harvested my best crop yet about 12oz. And super stoked
I got my next round going and I'm super.excited. I've never grown a proper strain. I got 5 cheese seedlings that just started to show sex and 5duckfoot seedling that I love to watch grow with there crazy leaves. If things go good ill post pics.