$ 80 extra in electric per month on a 18Hr cycle for both lights. T5HO
How much watts do they use?
OOh those long summer days, surfing allll day. Spent more time on the N. shore when young, but my brother and i did live behind Rainbows for ten years or so. Riding my peice of shit bike everywhere, dirt poor and happy as could be. Yep, had a board specifically for publics, and had my stuff handed to me proper at big outside castles. Miss those days.
You must have really enjoyed being a beahboy Puna, don't think there is a better life. Spent some time at Manele, but never saw her shine. Hopefully your still getting some water time on the BI, them puna boys rip!
Buttons Kaluhiookalani is the man!!! my favorite surfer by far!......and I remember the old skool nuthugger shorts! LOLI only surf when I'm on Oahu for business these days. I was looking at some photos with my eldest son the other day. He was laughing at me in my "nutthugging Quiksilver Boardshorts" standing on the cliff at Honolua Bay with Shawn Tomson & Button & Mark Liddel. We were watching Larry Bertleman rip up the inside .of the bay. To be honest with you gang. I'm rather proud of that pic. Myself and my friends, real surf legions. You'd think my boy would be stoked? But all he could do was laugh at us four in "Nutthugging Quiksilvers"!!!! I gotta hide my stash better...