Hawaii Growers

Does anyone know where they sell Dutch Master Reverse?

what island are you on and I'll tell you where to purchase it. Funny thing is I was on Oahu several weeks ago. While there I called around for 'Reverse'. When I called 'Hands of Aloha', on either a Sat. or Sun. when I was there the salesperson told me , "oh we don't sell stuff that are gimmicks in our store". I was frustrated & a bit disappointed at the response I got from them". 'Ohana Gardens',wasn't an option as we have one here on the Big Island in Hilo & Kona. I even have a buddy who works the Hilo shop. But I rarely go there because owner of Ohana Gardens is a straight up "butt worm",and I refuse to give my money to them. Ohana Gardens has cameras in store. They are there not to watch customer/rip offs, but he put them in place to watch his workers and to see if they are stealing!!! Anyway, that's another story.
So getting back to the Reverse story. My only other option was to call Kahala Hydro Shop. Wahine told me she still had a bottle or two. After I got there and was "talking story" for a few moments it dawned on me I wouldn't be able to take as carry-on. So I declined the purchase, but ended up buying a "light meter", because I felt sorry for wahine owner. To make a long story short, she ended up kicking down the 'Reverse' to me ala Hawaiian style,...manuwai! I doubt either of the two stores in Sand Island would do that?

For those of you who don't know about "Dutch Master's" Reverse has been use for years on the other side of the pond to stop Hermies for taking off. Shit works too. It's one of those products a grower should always have handy in my opinion.
Puna what strain??? What seed comp?

I'm not totally sure. I think they are doing like HT's Cannabis Cup. Sativas, Indicas, Medical, non medical, etc.,etc. Budy Budman was blown away my Lemon Skunk this year! He and others have told me I should enter my Lemon Skunk into the contest. KKday, like I said before. I have switched to 110% organic. I don't even use FoxFarm products, well with the exception of "Big Bloom", and "Light Warrior". I use to use the Bud Boosters, Open Seasame,ChaChing, etc.,etc. I now replaced them with homemade stews/teas made from organic products. I can see the difference too, like night and day! My buds now have all these fantastic colors in them. Everything is better with going organic.
Fuck, I don't even have to "flush" at all because I'm 110% organic. That saves me time.
If any of you need tea/stew recipes let me know?

Cruel were (well Im) not getting a lb a plant it's kinda hard, I wuld say Imposable with out a indoor start or unless it's a sativa. Sativa will get ya a elbow

huh, last year, in summer my one Thai Landrace that came down early on account of th rain storm. She came down early mind you and I still got 23 ounces dried from here. The pic above is her about two weeks before storm hit
Mornin' All- Hey Puna, I'd love to hear bout some of your teas and recipes and such! What is your soil mixes too, if ya don't mind revealing some o yo secrets?
Yeah I had a 2 foot super silver haze that put out a couple grams short of a QP of some great goodness! I only use tiger bloom and big bloom as far as there liquids go. And 1/4-1/2 strength grow big during veg if at all. Soils organic and so is the dry nutes other than that it's kool bloom, gravity and super thrive.
Mornin' All- Hey Puna, I'd love to hear bout some of your teas and recipes and such! What is your soil mixes too, if ya don't mind revealing some o yo secrets?

SurfdOut, I will write them later. I'm rather busy at the moment and it will take awhile to write it all down. But before sunrise tomorrow I will list a few recipes
Off the top of my head, here is a good one

Soup to die for!

1. Maxicrop = 1 teaspoon
2. Epson Salt = 1/4 teaspoon
3. Alfalfa pellets(rabbit food) = one cup
4. Blackstrap Molassases =1 tablespoon
5. EM-1 =one tablespoon
6. Alaskan Fish emulsion 5.1.1= one tablespoon

put everything in a 5 gallon bucket with one gallon of PH'ed water. Bubble that(air stone & air filter) puppy for a full 24 hours or more. When finished add additional gallon of water. Try to keep soup away from direct light. As it is alive at this point in time. For your plants & their roots to enjoy full benefits of this soup, it must be use almost right after brewing.

more later tonight
Aloha Puna Buds,

I live in Puna so I hope somewhere in Hilo or Keaau would carry reverse.


Your name says waikea uka.. you ask questions about hilo weather/water but yet you live in puna? UNDERCOVER NARC!!! bahaha nah nah brah jokes...

Anybody on the B.I went to the pre 420 party down kalapana? I was blazed out of my mind hahah
you can pick it up at either 'Ohana Gardens', or 'Wizards CD & Garden Shop',both shops are within walking distance of Hilo's WalMart.

I know where CD Wizard is but not Ohana Garden. Is Ohana Garden in the same building as Sputniks and Affordable Catering?

Your name says waikea uka.. you ask questions about hilo weather/water but yet you live in puna? UNDERCOVER NARC!!! bahaha nah nah brah jokes...

Anybody on the B.I went to the pre 420 party down kalapana? I was blazed out of my mind hahah

I live in Puna on catchment, so I get my water in Hilo fom work. Can't use catchment water for the ladies since the PH is to low.
Cuz u shuld try adjusting it with ph up, or water from work will work. I get all kines from work, tools, materials, gas. Lol
I live in Puna on catchment, so I get my water in Hilo fom work. Can't use catchment water for the ladies since the PH is to low.

ooh okay, that clears it up haha. I used to live pahoa side and the ph from the catch was fine, guess I was lucky haha.
I live in Puna on catchment, so I get my water in Hilo fom work. Can't use catchment water for the ladies since the PH is to low.

kkday said it right. Why purchase water elsewhere? Just PH your water up or down! Buying a Hanna combo pen will be one of your best investments in this endeavour that you ever make. Since I bought a PH pen and went back to organics, things have really changed in a positive manner.

I only use catchment water!
Howzit everybody, anybody here on BI? i stay looking for clones! Also im wondering, is it true that mould is a huge problem here, and that sativas are better to grow than indicas outdoors? Planting in May isn't too late for the season yea? Looking for 10-15 clones of some cheeerrryy BI high yeilding CRIP! Let me know. . Sorry I asked choke questions that may have been responded to already, this thread is 102 pages long! K shoots!