Hey guys, thought I would say whats up. Gonna be starting my first grow pretty soon. Ive got my appointment for my mmj card next week with Dr. Jimenez. I was hoping to put them in the ground in my backyard for my first time but i doubt ill get them in the ground before the end of the month. How badly is that going to effect my yield? should i just veg them in a grow room then plant them outside? I live in kailua, it gets pretty damn hot and humid here in the summer, not sure if I have the ideal outdoors growing conditions but I figured I would give it a try before investing in all the lights and fans and whatnot for an indoor grow. Id appreciate any insight you guys might have as most of the info online is for mainland growing.
I was planning on ordering seeds from either attitude or nirvana and there are a ton of different strains to choose from, its like trying to order food at a restaurant with a 10 page menu. Any advice on some beans you guys have ordered would be appreciated. Its getting little late in the year I was thinking that going with clones this time around might be a better idea. I know im the new guy here but if anybody knows where I might be able to pick up a few clones of a known strain I would be in your debt.
Im glad I found you guys, its nice to have some locals to talk to about my grow. Hopefully ill have some nice pics soon for you guys.