Hawaii Growers

mauwwee wowwee

Active Member
wailuku today was pretty dam nice. so its the first year growing else where besides my house. so if i put plants out would it be to late for it to finish budding and hit long season or will it be fine? does anyone still got plants outdoors in early flowering? im so f-ing stoned so does anyone understand my question? ...lolz

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Hawaiian Kine, where can I get some guano in the 808?
any nursery worth their weight in Gold will have it! But you can always order online too. I'm sure the Nursery on Piikoi & Young St. sells it. Just don't expect to find it at Walmart's Nursery:shock:

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
puna im kind of confused being an indoor growers and all. During the summer time we get like 12 hours of sunlight. and 12 hours of dark. How does this not put them into folowering immediatly? And how can they grow so big with such a small amount of sunlight?
instead of calling myself "Puna Bud". My handle should have been, "Confessions of a Nitrogen Addict"! I use Nitro with 85% of my feeds, and that includes right through the bud season too.
As much as I love some of the different hues from my budding plants. I also know it's colors of yellow, brown, and a fading green that rippers look for. I told myself the last time I got ripped off on Maui back in 75, or 76 season,would also be my last time to getting ripped! Even the Feds look for that tell tale signs of plants ready for harvest from the sky!

Kick up your Nitrogen usage and I promise you bigger ,healthier plants.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
why is it normal puna, enlighten me!!!!
sorry I haven't been around much lately. Been real busy here in Puna. Plus the 'Metal Birds of Puna' were flying low in my area the other day!!!!

I'd also like to take this time to say I think it's pretty cool that more Big Island growers are posting here. All you Big Islanders, do you have your medical 'Blue' cards?

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
why is it normal puna, enlighten me!!!!
sorry I haven't been around much lately. Been real busy here in Puna. Plus the 'Metal Birds of Puna' were flying low in my area the other day!!!!

I'd also like to take this time to say I think it's pretty cool that more Big Island growers are posting here. All you Big Islanders, do you have your medical 'Blue' cards?

Grassified, for 35 odd years I have seen the same patterns with cannabis growth in Hawaii. We live in a state with a semi-tropical climate. It's perfect for growing, especially right here on the Big Island, were the land is so spread out.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Howzit everyone,
Another Puna boy reppin here cheehee

I've never grown before, looking to start a small little operation to keep myself & my boys fresh stocked with herb
My parents grew on this property for years before I was born, my Mom was actually the first house in Paradise Park almost 50 years ago, and my Dad built that house that they live in now thirty years ago (three stories, 3 bedroom2br) solely from selling pot
They don't anymore however, and I would rather not stress them out by letting them know I am starting

was looking for some advice/mentoring about growing in Hawaii; as all online guides are seemingly aimed at indoor operations & not in this climate & maybe someone to hook me up with some seeds

oh and a big island pot luck would be cherrrry
Howzit Ikaika,

Welcome to rollitup. I'm also from Puna. Brah, you need to PM me so I can inform you on some stuff here.

Let me also give you some friendly advice too. If you're gonna do a grow. Go it alone my friend. Don't grow for you and your buddies, only for you and you immediate family! I don't care how close you and your "road dogs" are. Do you really wanna put to test your friendship over pakalolo with your friends? I got a better idea, do a "grow", but don't tell any of your friends. Then when you harvest your crop, then you can call your buddies and smoke them out. I promise you, if you grow with your young buddies. You'll never get to see a bud fully mature! Mark my words on this. One of your so called buddies will rip you! I've seen it happen over and over again with young growers here in Hawaii.
Ikaika, keep your business private pal. That way you'll be able to see your dreams come into reality!

a hui hou,

Puna Bud


Well-Known Member
I'd also like to take this time to say I think it's pretty cool that more Big Island growers are posting here. All you Big Islanders, do you have your medical 'Blue' cards?[/quote]

Yeppers I'm legal beagle, Thanks to our friend in Kohala. He is the coolest doc I ever met. So green harvest is still going? I thought they were all pow from lack of funding?


Active Member
Howzit Ikaika,

Welcome to rollitup. I'm also from Puna. Brah, you need to PM me so I can inform you on some stuff here.

Let me also give you some friendly advice too. If you're gonna do a grow. Go it alone my friend. Don't grow for you and your buddies, only for you and you immediate family! I don't care how close you and your "road dogs" are. Do you really wanna put to test your friendship over pakalolo with your friends? I got a better idea, do a "grow", but don't tell any of your friends. Then when you harvest your crop, then you can call your buddies and smoke them out. I promise you, if you grow with your young buddies. You'll never get to see a bud fully mature! Mark my words on this. One of your so called buddies will rip you! I've seen it happen over and over again with young growers here in Hawaii.
Ikaika, keep your business private pal. That way you'll be able to see your dreams come into reality!

a hui hou,

Puna Bud
Don't worry, your suggestion is exactly what I meant.
Thanks ah


Well-Known Member
Great things happen!So I was talking story with a neighbor of mine, and he mentions he is looking for a good female to mother and clone. So I say I might know someone. It just so happens I had a solid Haze fem just starting to show. So I figure what the hell, I bring him the plant sayin " Yea my buddy is hoping to get some clones,just bring um to me and I'll be the middle man." So the deal is we split the clones and after 20 clones I get the mother back.(I mean my buddy HEHE). I think whats the worst can happen I loose 1 plant and know I cant trust him. So A month later(last night),he comes by with 6 clones for me. 2 of my Haze and he says "I needed room so here is 3 The WEb/Snowball cross and 1 Mothers Bliss." All rooted and ready for transplant.He says if "my buddy" can keep bringing in new Strains, he will keep cloning. Holy @!#%$ I'm stoked.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, im in sort of a predicament here.

I have some seeds I am ready to plant, I am gonna start em in my backyard in little pots, then put them out in the hills behind my house after they are about 2-3 weeks old.

Do you guys think I should start now or wait longer? Will my plants start flowering immediatly if I sow them now?

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, im in sort of a predicament here.

I have some seeds I am ready to plant, I am gonna start em in my backyard in little pots, then put them out in the hills behind my house after they are about 2-3 weeks old.

Do you guys think I should start now or wait longer? Will my plants start flowering immediatly if I sow them now?
watch out for green harvest.


Well-Known Member
Damn, I thought they stopped green harvest and the government was putting the money towards ice. I guess I heard wrong.


Well-Known Member
I have noticed that there have been tons of helicopters flying over my area lately. At least 20-30 per day. Should I be concerned? A lot of them are blue and look like tour guide ones.


Well-Known Member
are you guys serious, green harvest will be looking for my plants even though im on oahu? Is this seriously somethign to worry about or are you guys joking around with me?

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
are you guys serious, green harvest will be looking for my plants even though im on oahu? Is this seriously somethign to worry about or are you guys joking around with me?
on maui i see them frequently. im not joking but i could be wrong. im just saying that you should look out, do some research first on it if you're growing outdoors, safety first.

i have had friends' plants being discovered and confiscated because of green harvest.


Well-Known Member
im more worried about ME being caught.

will they check fingerprints and all that shit if they find a small plot? Like fingerprints on a small watering can or trashbag ect?

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
im more worried about ME being caught.

will they check fingerprints and all that shit if they find a small plot? Like fingerprints on a small watering can or trashbag ect?

no, if they find your stuff and its away from your house, you're in the clear.

how far away from your house were you planning on planting?