Hawaii Growers

by & by I'm a lazy bastard. So as far as keeping grow area, or grow rooms clean,I can only laugh about it. Hell, I'm pulling "lau lau" off the bottom of my feet late into the night every day. Plus, I'm constantly throwing away buds that have fallen on the floor and have now collected Pit Bull "pubes". I save that stash for my "broke dick" friends around Puna, and Lord knows this economy has produced plenty broke dicks!
Anyway, to make a long story short. My indoor plants got contaminated with both fucking 'Spider Mites', and 'Mealy Bugs'!?!? After several days I broke the cycle of 'Spider Mites'. The fucking 'Mealy Bugs' were an entirely different story. The little bastards had dug in real deep inside my MK-Ultra x Cheese plants. Unfortunately for me these plants main buds were rockhard, and this is where the Mealy Bugs decided to setup camp on all my MK x Cheese plants.
My wife and I have manually been taking them off my girls. A real "fuckaroo", for an old guy with damn near 60 year old eyes. Hopefully I got them all. I think these ladies have about two more weeks to go. Hopefully (fingers crossed), I got all the little bastards.

I was bummed to find one of my 'Super Lemon Hazes' had succumed to the funky weather the past week here in Puna.

On a sad note, I was taken back late last night with an article that said activist Michelle Rainey had succumbed to Cancer last night with husband Jek Tek by her side at her hospital bed. Michelle was a real trooper for the cause gangy. All should enjoy a phatty for her today!
by & by I'm a lazy bastard. So as far as keeping grow area, or grow rooms clean,I can only laugh about it. Hell, I'm pulling "lau lau" off the bottom of my feet late into the night every day. Plus, I'm constantly throwing away buds that have fallen on the floor and have now collected Pit Bull "pubes". I save that stash for my "broke dick" friends around Puna, and Lord knows this economy has produced plenty broke dicks!
Anyway, to make a long story short. My indoor plants got contaminated with both fucking 'Spider Mites', and 'Mealy Bugs'!?!? After several days I broke the cycle of 'Spider Mites'. The fucking 'Mealy Bugs' were an entirely different story. The little bastards had dug in real deep inside my MK-Ultra x Cheese plants. Unfortunately for me these plants main buds were rockhard, and this is where the Mealy Bugs decided to setup camp on all my MK x Cheese plants.
My wife and I have manually been taking them off my girls. A real "fuckaroo", for an old guy with damn near 60 year old eyes. Hopefully I got them all. I think these ladies have about two more weeks to go. Hopefully (fingers crossed), I got all the little bastards.

I was bummed to find one of my 'Super Lemon Hazes' had succumed to the funky weather the past week here in Puna.

On a sad note, I was taken back late last night with an article that said activist Michelle Rainey had succumbed to Cancer last night with husband Jek Tek by her side at her hospital bed. Michelle was a real trooper for the cause gangy. All should enjoy a phatty for her today!

"Pit Bull Pubes"...LMAO Brah!
I got a request for all you islanders over 18 0f age. Are you all aware that the mid-term elections are less than two weeks away? Gang, now is not the time for apathy to be your friend. We are living in the most critical time period of of lives right now. As I said over a year ago that Medical Cannabis would be the "arrowhead", that would open the door for recreational cannabis, and now that time is upon us. Sure, we are not California. But Cali being the sixth largest economy in the world, commands our interest, no demands our attention. Like Prop 215, where Cali goes, everybody follows. But never in my almost sixty years have I ever seen an uprising like this. The 'Anal Right' has once again instilled fear in the minds of the unsure. Almost 70 years of prohibition and bullshit lies aren't easily turned around. So, as expected the "Religious Right" has started to mount their attack on cannabis locally & abroad.
So, all you "akamai dudes & dudettes, who have played the 'apathy card' in the past best get out and Rock da vote! The right is mounting an major attack on not just the Democrats, but on the medical cannabis world! We cannot allow our local lawmakers to let their guards down like the last time. Otherwise medical cannabis will always, I repeat ,always have "grey spots", when dealing with where to get your meds. So registar to vote. Then call the dick who reps your district, and put pressure on.

Both Medical Cannabis & Barak Obama need our support. Sure Barry has let a lot of us down. But show me who we got who's better to replace him? Just as I thought....nobody! I just want him to think how he got elected. I was watching Michael Moore's 'Capitalism, A Love Story'. Documentary bout had he in tears with the part how big business is butt fucking all of us, and bout stealing everything from us too. Then, near the end of doocumentary it deals with the part of Obama's rise during the presidential campaign. All the stuff about change?!?! I felt a warmth once again all over my body. The same warmth that I felt on election day.

Has our country gone that south that under Barry? Or has the southern white GOP'er really faked out America. In two years, our country is ready to throw Obama to the wolves, & return us the ways of the Bush Era? If you think Obama has fucked us as a whole, you couldn't be more wrong. I'm so tired of defending Barry to this "White Trailer Park" trash such as the "Birthers" &"Tea Party Crowd". The problem with most of these fucks, they are racist bastards that need to smoke a phatty and take a chill pill,right?
I got a request for all you islanders over 18 0f age. Are you all aware that the mid-term elections are less than two weeks away? Gang, now is not the time for apathy to be your friend. We are living in the most critical time period of of lives right now. As I said over a year ago that Medical Cannabis would be the "arrowhead", that would open the door for recreational cannabis, and now that time is upon us. Sure, we are not California. But Cali being the sixth largest economy in the world, commands our interest, no demands our attention. Like Prop 215, where Cali goes, everybody follows. But never in my almost sixty years have I ever seen an uprising like this. The 'Anal Right' has once again instilled fear in the minds of the unsure. Almost 70 years of prohibition and bullshit lies aren't easily turned around. So, as expected the "Religious Right" has started to mount their attack on cannabis locally & abroad.
So, all you "akamai dudes & dudettes, who have played the 'apathy card' in the past best get out and Rock da vote! The right is mounting an major attack on not just the Democrats, but on the medical cannabis world! We cannot allow our local lawmakers to let their guards down like the last time. Otherwise medical cannabis will always, I repeat ,always have "grey spots", when dealing with where to get your meds. So registar to vote. Then call the dick who reps your district, and put pressure on.

Both Medical Cannabis & Barak Obama need our support. Sure Barry has let a lot of us down. But show me who we got who's better to replace him? Just as I thought....nobody! I just want him to think how he got elected. I was watching Michael Moore's 'Capitalism, A Love Story'. Documentary bout had he in tears with the part how big business is butt fucking all of us, and bout stealing everything from us too. Then, near the end of doocumentary it deals with the part of Obama's rise during the presidential campaign. All the stuff about change?!?! I felt a warmth once again all over my body. The same warmth that I felt on election day.

Has our country gone that south that under Barry? Or has the southern white GOP'er really faked out America. In two years, our country is ready to throw Obama to the wolves, & return us the ways of the Bush Era? If you think Obama has fucked us as a whole, you couldn't be more wrong. I'm so tired of defending Barry to this "White Trailer Park" trash such as the "Birthers" &"Tea Party Crowd". The problem with most of these fucks, they are racist bastards that need to smoke a phatty and take a chill pill,right?

Nice to see someone who still likes Barack. The whole "It's all obama's fault" gets kinda old. I mean, take a look at the "politics" section.
Eh any of you guy's premix Fox Farms nutes....I'm going out of town and i'll have a good fried come by and water the chicks...but i dont trust him enough to mix da kine.
I got a request for all you islanders over 18 0f age. Are you all aware that the mid-term elections are less than two weeks away? Gang, now is not the time for apathy to be your friend. We are living in the most critical time period of of lives right now. As I said over a year ago that Medical Cannabis would be the "arrowhead", that would open the door for recreational cannabis, and now that time is upon us. Sure, we are not California. But Cali being the sixth largest economy in the world, commands our interest, no demands our attention. Like Prop 215, where Cali goes, everybody follows. But never in my almost sixty years have I ever seen an uprising like this. The 'Anal Right' has once again instilled fear in the minds of the unsure. Almost 70 years of prohibition and bullshit lies aren't easily turned around. So, as expected the "Religious Right" has started to mount their attack on cannabis locally & abroad.
So, all you "akamai dudes & dudettes, who have played the 'apathy card' in the past best get out and Rock da vote! The right is mounting an major attack on not just the Democrats, but on the medical cannabis world! We cannot allow our local lawmakers to let their guards down like the last time. Otherwise medical cannabis will always, I repeat ,always have "grey spots", when dealing with where to get your meds. So registar to vote. Then call the dick who reps your district, and put pressure on.

Both Medical Cannabis & Barak Obama need our support. Sure Barry has let a lot of us down. But show me who we got who's better to replace him? Just as I thought....nobody! I just want him to think how he got elected. I was watching Michael Moore's 'Capitalism, A Love Story'. Documentary bout had he in tears with the part how big business is butt fucking all of us, and bout stealing everything from us too. Then, near the end of doocumentary it deals with the part of Obama's rise during the presidential campaign. All the stuff about change?!?! I felt a warmth once again all over my body. The same warmth that I felt on election day.

Has our country gone that south that under Barry? Or has the southern white GOP'er really faked out America. In two years, our country is ready to throw Obama to the wolves, & return us the ways of the Bush Era? If you think Obama has fucked us as a whole, you couldn't be more wrong. I'm so tired of defending Barry to this "White Trailer Park" trash such as the "Birthers" &"Tea Party Crowd". The problem with most of these fucks, they are racist bastards that need to smoke a phatty and take a chill pill,right?

We need a "neither" or a "none of the above option" on the ballet. If your looking for real change don't vote for either parties they're both fucked up. Democans and Republicates fucking suck they're both owned by big biz....Nothing changes with either party so fuck'en vote'm out of office.
hey who do I vote for puna? help me out here I havent followed politics since I was born, and I somehow got through 4 years of APgov classes without learning shit.
It don't matter who you vote for, the agendas all the same. Politics is all smoke and mirrors. Different guy, same gameplan. Democrat, republican, or a baboons ass, they all the same.
It don't matter who you vote for, the agendas all the same. Politics is all smoke and mirrors. Different guy, same gameplan. Democrat, republican, or a baboons ass, they all the same.

True, but I think they differ on the social issues like abortion, MMJ, etc. So I think if the state is to move forward with MMJ, it would help by voting for people who are weed friendly.
And who exactly is weed friendly? Aiona? I don't think so. Ambercrombie? Think again.

It's all smoke and mirrors. The politicians are puppets. Y'all should know this by now.

They can think differently on all the issues they want, it ain't gonna mean a thing. Wasn't Obama supposed to be 420 friendly? So.... What happened?

they just puppets playing the role and dividing the people 'cause people are easier to conquer and control when divided.

You want real change? Then it's time to rebel.
Aiona? Hell no. Doesn't support mmj even though it's legal here. Abercrombie? Yup. Pretty clear choice for me.
And who exactly is weed friendly? Aiona? I don't think so. Ambercrombie? Think again.

It's all smoke and mirrors. The politicians are puppets. Y'all should know this by now.

They can think differently on all the issues they want, it ain't gonna mean a thing. Wasn't Obama supposed to be 420 friendly? So.... What happened?

they just puppets playing the role and dividing the people 'cause people are easier to conquer and control when divided.

You want real change? Then it's time to rebel.

it's easy to take this stand "Dr", but is it truly the one the cannabis movement needs right now? The westcoast is experiencing a major "pushback" against Prop 19, and the medical cannabis industry. If religious right wingers win a lot of senate seats in the elections across America,...watch out! Already there is a major pushback against medical cannabis on the west coast, never mind Prop 19. Listen, nothing, and I mean nothing is set in stone with regards to medical cannabis laws. Another words, if plenty of right wingers gain senate seats, especially in state senate races. They will try to reppeal cannabis laws. So saying that both parties are the same is just plain foolish ,and extremely apathetic to the cannabis cause. Dr., I took the very same stance as you. But I re-registered to vote for the past presidential election for Obama, and of course our 'Peaceful Sky Intiative', here in Puna. I decided it was time to,...'Rock da Vote'.
These two parties are not the same my friend. You will not find one GOP memebers name on any cannabis bills or initiatives across America. Why? because the two parties are not the same! Why do you think there are programs like Food Stamps, Welfare, Unemployment Insurance, etc., etc.... These Entitlements were created by the DEMS, for people that are "Broke Dicks". like myself during hard times. You don't hear the Democrats talking about cutting back unemployment. Nor do you hear them talking about sending jobs overseas. I can go on and on Dr., but I dion't want to bore you.

As of Sept. 29 poll about Obama's approval ratings:

48% approve
46% disapprove

As of yesterday his approval ratings have changed once again.

54% approve
40% disapprove

So why is Obama gaining popularity again? One, he's out on the campaign trail for many Dems. Which is a risky move by a President Obama, but one he felt he needed to do. He wants to help support the senators who helped him with his 'Health Care Bill' & the 'Stimulus Package'. So what he's doing is somewhat risky behavior on his part.
Obama's popularity in part is returning because Americans on a whole don't like cheaters, or cheats. So what was shaping up to be a mid-term slaughter for the Dems,...is magically turning around. America was watching to see who what was going on. Millions upon millions of foreign dollars was being funneled into the GOP Party to sway the Mid-term election. So why all this foreign money being spent or donated to an election here? To gurantee that the GOP wins the elections,why? Because the GOP is into "out sorcing" it's jobs to foreign companies so labor cost are almost ,...zip? People, we have all but eliminated the middle class.
Best thing that ever happened to Dems this year. THe GOP held their primairies,and guess what? Half of their candidates are straight up nutcases! Religious Right, dressed up and re-named themselves "Tea Baggers"(Gotta love that name! Everytime I hear it, I think about my nuts laying across the face of Dickless Cheney). Between their candidates, and this funneling of foreign money thru of all places the Chamber of Commerance. No, as a matter of fact, no fucking way are these parties evern remotely the same.
We have medical cannabis now because of Dems, we got no support from the GOP. The GOP is only about $$$$$, and that's it!!!!

With regards to our local elections. We need to support people who back our cannabis agenda. I know a lot of you are a lot younger than me so let me try to explain the medical cannabis part, and I'll keep it short & sweet. Our state has medical cannabis because of one individual then Gov. Ben Cayetano. and with the help of his friend and late hour smoking partner Neil Abrecombie. No, I don't see Neil causing us problems. If anything, he's an asset!

On the national level,sure I'm disappointed with the direction Obama Admin. is taking. Were these all campaign promises broken by Obama? I don't think so. But the reality of it all. As important as cannabis is to us. It hasn't reached that point in the White House,yet. I don't think Obama has totally turned his back on our community. But as important to us as it is. I don't will address medical cannabis, or Rec cannabis during first term. If re-elected, I'd fully expect a lame duck pres. to totally support med. cannabis. So lets wait and see?
aNd if I ever was to vote, voting for a candidate just cause they are "weed friendly" is downright ridiculous! There are much more important issues than making marijuana legal. Lol. seriously...
aNd if I ever was to vote, voting for a candidate just cause they are "weed friendly" is downright ridiculous! There are much more important issues than making marijuana legal. Lol. seriously...

Lol. Everybody always calls me a "dreamer". I don't see what's wrong with that.