I have Deep Chunk and Sour Diesel that are pretty nice, the deep chunk is fully purpling which i havent seen alot in the environment i grow in. I would like to make clones or cuttings and offer them to Med patients for free, we need to get a safe co-op going, lets get on it folks, have a meeting where everyone brings their cards

Yes Random kindness, you are right. Now is the time to be proactive.......we will never catch the big wave if we are not already in the line up.
The mood of the nation is changing, it appears that because of marijuana's medical contributions are becoming more and more successful and in demand that ultimately this will be a health department responsiblity for the public and not criminal. The structure and formulas for growing and distribution in California under prop 215 have allowed many people to start up successful cooperatives, some very nice, first class smoke shops.
California allows a caregiver to grow as many plants needed for any patient that lives within the same city or county. Also as a member of a coopertive each patient can grow for as many patients that are in the club.
Hawaiian grown medicinal products are in high demand in California as well as the rest of the world. Hawaii deserves the opportunity to create safe coopertives and clubs now that the DEA cannot raid anymore. These are new business opportunities that benefit the our local patients, could create new jobs and tax dollars for the state. Join ASA and get involved here in Hawaii.
I am very interested in networking and perhaps starting up a cooperative club that really works. In the interim I think that somehow cardholders who are interested in joining forces should get together, like you suggest. Perhaps Private Messages is best for confidentiality.
We currently are consentrating on medicinal quality grows, our clones are rotating out of veg for harvests every 2-4 weeks.
These are some of the medicinal strains we are currently growing from Holland, that do quite well here.
I prefer the Haze Sativa to relieve the chronic cervical disk pain that I endure daily, wonderful anti imflamatory yet clear headed. We realize how important it is to provide a wide variety of Indica/Sativa blends for each patients needs. It has been clinically proven that Indica properties are more of a sedative and my doctor suggests that I eat the stronger medicine before bedtime for better sleeping etc.
White Rhino, Aurora,Mango,SuperSilverHaze,StrawberryCough, Haley's Comet, WhiteWidow, PurpleWidow, Blueberry, Durban Poison, Malibu skunk, with our males we intend to cross bread with premium local strains. Another exciting Hawaiian developement for commerce.
Lots of lovely clones 6" to 24", I would love to share.

PM me Please.