20ft by 24ft open sides with an 8x10 section made into a clone room with sun shade screens for walls and ceiling totally off grid utilizing only sunshine to root cuttings,
The clone room is pretty much self sustainable just Gotta mist the clone dome once and take dome off 2 times every 7-10 days,
First test Bach was without a dome rooted around 30 days or so, Second test Bach with dome now 11 days with small bumps I’m sure I can dial the room in better
just picked up the clear roofing today!
I’m going to wire it for my led grow lights , I’ll be extending it bigger in the near future.
I’m excited about how it’s coming together now I can start growing again I stopped caring about the garden for a while cause family issues regarding a severe car accident ,
It’s been one crazy fucking year even through the ups and downs I made moves and put in work arranging collaboration and I have my gear featured on a extremely well known and respected seedbank
let’s just say 2018 kicked my ass but I had brass knuckles and threw some punches

“I might not be shit to you but my momma thinks I made it!”