Hawaii Growers

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Did green harvest get defunded? I dated a chick in the coast guard last year, she flew the little orange helicopters, she also worked for green harvest a few times, she was surprised to see my backyard when she woke up here the first time, lol.


Well-Known Member
Did green harvest get defunded? I dated a chick in the coast guard last year, she flew the little orange helicopters, she also worked for green harvest a few times, she was surprised to see my backyard when she woke up here the first time, lol.
I think so, I believe they had their office closed down on the BI due to a lack of funds. It's amazing to hear how broke the government is, then they magically pony-up 1 Billion in aid for the Ukrainians....charity should start at home 1st!.....in the end it's all bulllshit.


Well-Known Member
GH state funding is pretty low, but the federal dollars are still sponsoring the invasions of private citizens.


Well-Known Member
Patio Plus does have sludge in it but theirs also outdoor farmers in Oregon growing their crops with 'humanure'...check it out.



Well-Known Member

Here are the ingredients on the back of the KPP bag. Notice the lack of keywords such as "Sludge" "Sewer Sludge" "Compost" "Biosoilds" "Nitrohumas" which are all indicators that biosoilds are part of the formulation. In this case i have a hard time believing that KPP is using anything other than whats clearly stated in the ingredient list


If you have any bona fide evidence or research that supports your anecdotal statement I'd love to read it. If KPP contains boisoilds I'd rather not use it.

I've already done my homework regarding this product and if i missed anything I'd really like to know about it. I'm sure you'll find a majority of the Kellogg's products contain boisoilds in their formulation which isn't all that surprising since the Kellogg's company pretty much pioneered the use of biosoilds in bagged soil almost 80 years ago


Well-Known Member
They extract all of their NPK from sludge which they can now call "organic compost." I don't know how pure it is after extraction and I don't know how much prozac and birth control make it through the process.

I stopped using it and Ironite (which is made from metals removed from a superfund cleanup site).

Try to source local products from places like the shrimp farms on Oahu, fish markets, farms etc. Find out what the locals used hundreds of years ago.

Where I live, they can still detect DDT in the drainage ditches!


Well-Known Member
They extract all of their NPK from sludge which they can now call "organic compost." I don't know how pure it is after extraction and I don't know how much prozac and birth control make it through the process.

I stopped using it and Ironite (which is made from metals removed from a superfund cleanup site).

Try to source local products from places like the shrimp farms on Oahu, fish markets, farms etc. Find out what the locals used hundreds of years ago.

Where I live, they can still detect DDT in the drainage ditches!
Where did you see "Organic Compost" in the ingredient list?

Again Kellogg's uses biosoilds in some of their products (probably most of them) and its well know that they do, but they don't use it in KPP. KPP is also OMRI certified which prohibits sewage waste products including Class A biosoilds. Explain to me how Kellogg's can get a OMRI certification for KPP and still include biosoilds in the product?

Do you have any bona fide evidence or research that supports KPP contains biosoilds? If you do I'd be interesting in reading it. I can't seem to find any information that supports what you're saying.

Here is a link to their customer service http://www.kellogggarden.com/contactus_tpl email them and let us know what you find out. If KPP ends up having biosoilds in it I'll quit using it.


Well-Known Member
They process the biosolids to extract the component chemicals. After this process they are not considered biosolids anymore and can be OMRI certified. Just like sludge can now be called Organic compost.

Organic and OMRI are BS anyways. Cyanide is organic.

Compost your own goodies and start a worm bin. Go into the jungle and find some nice stinky mango sludge and give that and some fish and seaweed to your girls and watch what they do! You will see and taste the difference :)



Well-Known Member
They process the biosolids to extract the component chemicals. After this process they are not considered biosolids anymore and can be OMRI certified. Just like sludge can now be called Organic compost.

Organic and OMRI are BS anyways. Cyanide is organic.

Compost your own goodies and start a worm bin. Go into the jungle and find some nice stinky mango sludge and give that and some fish and seaweed to your girls and watch what they do! You will see and taste the difference :)

You still haven't provided any proof that KPP contains biosoilds. I'm not trying to be a dick, but you made a statement that you cannot back up or prove....until you do I'll just assume you're misinformed and talking out of your ass.


Well-Known Member
Whoa Cooter - this is only friendly advice. You can use whatever you want. I used Miracle Grow religiously up until a few years ago.

Here is a blog with some info from Kellogg: http://thegoldengecko.com/blog/?p=2251

I will try and find the one where they talk about sourcing the NPK from biosolids.

As for talking out of my ass - I do fart sometimes :)



Well-Known Member
Whoa Cooter - this is only friendly advice. You can use whatever you want. I used Miracle Grow religiously up until a few years ago.

Here is a blog with some info from Kellogg: http://thegoldengecko.com/blog/?p=2251

I will try and find the one where they talk about sourcing the NPK from biosolids.

As for talking out of my ass - I do fart sometimes :)

No what you gave is a anecdotal information...you made the statement and now you can't back it up. I don't bullshit my friends with misinformation, if that's your way of being friendly then you must be a fucking retard.

Trust me the last thing I need is advice from you, if you want to make this right prove that KPP contains biosolids...So how hard is it to breath with your pants so low to your face?


Well-Known Member
I know better than telling an experienced grower about anything they do. I would love to smoke your lovely buds!



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't smoke your buds. No matter how good they look!
That's probably a good idea, light weights like you loose consciousness after one hit from my work anyways and that would just be a waste in my book.

I hope you learned your lesson, from now on look up the information with your own eyes....not your mouth, if you don't know what you're talking about you should probably just remain silent otherwise you risk sounding like a typical internet parrot.

I've got no i'll will with you Mo....but if your going to make claims to the contrary of what I posted you better be right, and you better be able to back it up with facts vs. foolish lip service. C'mon Brah you're better than this!

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Should I name that plant bio widow, lol. I watched a few minutes of that video, I forget the couple's names, but they farm with their shit.I understand what he was saying about the cycle, but people don't eat like we did hundreds of years ago. I don't wanna use recycled McDonald's to grow meds, fuck that.