Hawaii Growers

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
New grower and learning more everyday. The pics are from my G13 seeds. Topped one to check out the results. Should I top the other two, they are 14" tall? Another thing, when should I change the light to flower so that I can sex them?
here is an easy way to sex your seedlings. If you do dixi cups for your starters, that's perfect for this. I promise within 3 weeks they will all show there sex. But say you don't have three weeks time to sit around wait. Just throw your seedlings into 12-12 lighting. But after time you get a pretty good idea who's who by just looking at the plant itself, as 'Random' with your pic.

Good Luck!!!

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
I "try" to grow 100% organic because I am growing medicinally and I want the cleanest product for whomever consumes it, if you are going to grow organic I highly urge folks to go 100% organic; otherwise the benefits that organic gardening provides may be having no positive affect because the0 salt chemicals mostly kill off the good guys in your soil
'Random', this is soooo true. People need to come to grips with that shit! Nothing worse than seeing a beautiful plant be wasted by using things like 'MG',or 'Super Thrive', on it! I wish everybody here could sample a clone that were grown side by side of the same strain. But plant being organic, and the other synthetic . They will both look very similar,but that is were it ends! Doesn't smoke the same, doesn't taste the same. On top of all that, it doesn't burn good either! Ash tends to be black rather than grey. Nah, in my opinion organic is the way to go(grow)!
I admit, I grow them both ways though. With Guerilla ops you need chemicals, this I learned to hard way. But if you're in your element ,and in a perfect world situation....organic is da way!


Well-Known Member
Lovely Harvests there guys.

Love the AWS scale in the background Maligs.

Got me one of those also. Up to 100 grams and it was only $20 with shipping from amazon. Couldn't go wrong!!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
:hug:wanted to show us growers here some love and give a outdoor clone demo:joint::joint:

pic 1: plant

pic 2plant after topping....I will make a bonzai mom out of this plant :)

pic 3:cuttings

pic4:cuttings, rootone, and medium

pic5:done deal!!!

hope this helps!! I'll update pics in a week.....aloha gang!!much love!

here's an update of outdoor clones.....as you can see, there's allready new growth :) JAh:peace:



Well-Known Member
I get one question on da seasons here in da islands when Is long season and when is short? And when is best months to plant? Used to grow indoor for a fee years and just started an outdoor grow recently with some clones I came across.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
get many seasons in HI..growing is year round.. Long season usually starts in April and short season is usually started in Nov. but it varies....you can get harvests in HI year round...


Well-Known Member
I knew about the year round growing just used to hate when a plant wouldbe a few weeks from harvest then long season would revert it to veg


Well-Known Member
aloha all. just got back from kayaking around the Mokus, what a great day, stopped and burned one for Akua. the vog is a bummer.nice job maligs, looking choise!
Wow, Random you are the man, again! what a wealth of information. Mahalo.
One thing, do you steep the tea on the stove over night? I have just been using an air stone but bubbling it for 3 days. do you strain it out before you add it to you grow?
Mahalo , aloha aunty.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
if you like make some awesome tea aunty, its going cost you but its worth it....invest in a perculator ..I think that's what it's called....the kind for making cappucinos and stuff.....or you can just go the normal route and steep in a bucket for a few days!! I go burn one for Akua too!!! alohas!


Well-Known Member

i've sent a PRIVATE message to all the regulars on this thread and people we've met thru ASA and the 4/20POTluck, please keep that message private and reply back to me in PM!

this is the list of people i have sent the PM to:

Puna Bud
budy budman
celtic vixen
hawaiian kind
the latent image
grow some
mauwwee wowwee

if your name is not on that list please post here and you may get pm'ed!

Hawaiian kind

Well-Known Member
Random That bucket of tea looks like something from my camping trip bathroom. KK, nightstalker and Aunty Im cutting some clones tomorrow if your in town hit me up in the AM but I'll be around all day.

Aloha HK


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if u guys know if da puna budder strain is autoflowering because my buddy has some and he said they won't go back to veg was hoping one of u guys knew somethin of this strain . Plus he gave me some puna seeds can't wait to germ them much mahaloz for all da advice


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if u guys know if da puna budder strain is autoflowering because my buddy has some and he said they won't go back to veg was hoping one of u guys knew somethin of this strain . Plus he gave me some puna seeds can't wait to germ them much mahaloz for all da advice
If you put your plants out before April 1st then they will probably flower regardless especially if they are indica dominant.. My last short season plants (bubba pre-98) were put out to flower on April 5th.... :)

You should probably be feeding those ladies with bloom products ;)