So I went Hunting yesterday with my cuzin and out pops two kids right in front of him like 15-16 with backpacks on dressed like there going to the skate park or something. Now my cuz is one of those "go overboard on everything I do" kinda guys so he had a AK on his sholder a 45 on his hip and all the camo vest pants and every thing. The kids walked out with ther hands up. Lmao might as well said I growing dope!! I told them what u guys doing? They said "nothing" still with there hands up then just walked away. I told my cuzin they shulda walked outta the bush with there pants down and said "nothing" and I wuld be less suspiciouse. So any wAy I tracked there fresh trail and found 15-20 starters about 4" tall. Now what to do??? I kinda wanna fuck with them.