Hawaii Growers

do you think the small flowering plant is an autoflower? it is about a month old but started flowering about 2 weeks ago. anyway here are some pics of what i got. the stalky one with 4 nodes is 3.5 wks old. and the topped bush plant is as old as the flowering one


Well-Known Member
do you think the small flowering plant is an autoflower? it is about a month old but started flowering about 2 weeks ago. anyway here are some pics of what i got. the stalky one with 4 nodes is 3.5 wks old. and the topped bush plant is as old as the flowering one
Nice looking plants brah! why did you choose auto-flowering plants?


Well-Known Member
Hey Coot- If ya wanna try NYCD, Sannie has worked a good F3 thats alot cheaper than Soma's F1's. Yep, got that book too by the hippie.....


Well-Known Member
Hey Coot- If ya wanna try NYCD, Sannie has worked a good F3 thats alot cheaper than Soma's F1's. Yep, got that book too by the hippie.....
Thanks for the tip Surf. The hippie is off his rocker with those $200 seeds. I know you get what you pay for but, Soma's prices are a little steep. If there is a market for it i hope he makes a killing! I'm truly not against making money, but if i can get the same genetics for less money I’m all over it!....cheeehooo!


Well-Known Member
I'd rather put my old weathered nutsacks in a "C" clamp, and crank it shut! Before i'd give any money to that ripoff SOMA!
how a bout a rusty pipe cleaner brush in your piss hole?...lol... or maybe even bob for apples in a deep fryer.

I just placed an order with "sannies" i purchased the New Blue Deisel and the NYCD (regular seeds)


Well-Known Member
Everytime......start your seeds 1-2 weeks before the full moon and try and harvest on a waning.....how many afghani seeds did you get?

The Latent Image

Well-Known Member
Got a G13 Venom. Blueberry/white widow. Hope that works. Also some Burmese Kush, Cali Hash Plant, and somthing called Kalasnikova. Don't Know what to expect.


Well-Known Member
Everytime......start your seeds 1-2 weeks before the full moon and try and harvest on a waning.....how many afghani seeds did you get?

Thanks Surf’d, that confirms what I’ve been reading. I trip out on how much this plant keeps teaching me. I know now that people have been using the phases of the moon for agriculture purposes for thousands of years, but I would never would have known that with out all the reading I do on this plant.


Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
how a bout a rusty pipe cleaner brush in your piss hole?...lol... or maybe even bob for apples in a deep fryer.

I just placed an order with "sannies" i purchased the New Blue Deisel and the NYCD (regular seeds)
Personally- I'd rather jack off in front of my parents before I bought seeds for that price...

hehe ok seriously- whats the deal with the moonphases- does the extra light keep us in veg a a little longer here? My flippin tomato plant started growing tomatoes at 2 weeks- sheesh- the canopy is the same height as the top of the cherry tomato that's resting on the ground- lol.


Active Member
you can see this instruction for the better result !!!


Well-Known Member
Personally- I'd rather jack off in front of my parents before I bought seeds for that price...

hehe ok seriously- whats the deal with the moonphases- does the extra light keep us in veg a a little longer here? My flippin tomato plant started growing tomatoes at 2 weeks- sheesh- the canopy is the same height as the top of the cherry tomato that's resting on the ground- lol.
Trichy-Think more along the lines of gravtitational pull, fluid movement in plants and soil moisture....if you mow your yard at the right time, you won't have to mow as much...


Well-Known Member
Thanks Surf’d, that confirms what I’ve been reading. I trip out on how much this plant keeps teaching me. I know now that people have been using the phases of the moon for agriculture purposes for thousands of years, but I would never would have known that with out all the reading I do on this plant.
Yep, this plant has made me a much better person....should have seen my wild ass on zanax...I'm reading teaming w/ microbes again right now....I think great information is lost each generation as we try to control our mother earth instead of working with her.....

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Trichy-Think more along the lines of gravtitational pull, fluid movement in plants and soil moisture....if you mow your yard at the right time, you won't have to mow as much...
Thanks man. Is there any sort of reading resource for all the details? I suppose it could make sense, but I thought the osmotic pressure the plants use to draw the water up were so much stronger than gravity that it might be negligeable with the moon. For instance- weigh a 100lb weight on a full moon- not even an ounce lighter I'd venture to guess... Now I know that something as huge as the ocean can be affected obviously with tides and the such- but a plant is so small in comparison- I even remember reading that in space the lack of gravity had negative impact on many of the plants. I am not however discounting the idea- just putting in my initial wonderings on how it might work.

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Well- I guess I answered my own question http://www.plantea.com/planting-moon-phases.htm - ever since the advent of google- I've gotten pretty adept at it ;) well whether it's real or not- it certainly doesn't hurt. The question is if by waiting an extra week for the moon, will the positive differences be enough to make up for the lost week of growth. I am going to experiment with aspirin foliar feed. I've read a pretty compelling article a while back... http://www.plantea.com/plant-aspirin.htm - anyone else ever hear this? It makes sense to me- aspirin is generally a derivitive of willow bark, slightly modified to not burn your stomach so much as it does in it's complete natural form and is part of a plants defenses. Plus I'm hoping that my next crop will really ease a headache- and prevent heart attacks- lol