Well-Known Member
I wish drinking from the streams was as cool as it should be here- but don't you worry about leptospirosis? It's been getting bad the last decade- especially in Oahu. When I attended the "hunter Safety class" (for gun permit) they really scared me about that saying it's really common in the tested water samples out here. Usually from a little pig/rat shit that the rain washes the runoff into the streams. The guy told me he grew up here and you couldn't pay him to even swim in it anymore or wade through it, cuz apparently those little corkscrew suckers can screw themselves in your bloodstrean through the bottoms of your feet even...
Yeah, you definitely have to be careful what you put in your mouth, but I actually rarely drink fron the rivers and only when there has been alot of rain and I know the pest level of that area. When I was a kid I didn't care though and have almost always lived around livestock so I got lepto early and think I might be immune now. One of my employees who worked side-by side with me got giardia couple years back, he was hating it.....nothing like waiting six months to attend a frigging hunter safety class huh?