Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds - Trip Reports

Also, An Interesting, Well, Ironic I Geuss Thing To Know About This Is Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Is Like
Indicas Narcotic And Stoney
Morning Glories Is Like Sativas Cerebral With Strong Visuals, Basically Acid
Your Hybrid Or All Around Buzz Comes From Ololiuhqui, It Gives No Nausea But Is In The Middle Of The Road For Potency

Wow, that's some solid info there. Now that you mention it, I can only agree (about the HBWS vs MGS). +rep
I've done other things but, my point is, what other ethobotanicals and things are hallucinogens? Maybe stuff sold by BBB? Thanks guys!

The Kratom at BBB right now is excellent. As an alternative for pot, it is my favorite. Also not sure if the website is advertising, but they also have 3 and 9 gram vials of kava paste that is really good.

As for hallucinogens, ther salvia is hella good. Philaris and caapi are fun. Also, the winter in Kansas is giving them single digits right now, and their greenhouse is cold cold cold. Lots of their cactus are in bad shape. A phone call and a couple of gentle nudges in the right direction might get you access to some good deals on cactus. Can't hurt to ask.

Oh yeah. Most of BBB's Sonoran Desert Toads are doing good right now despite the fact that they are being housed in an uninsulated garage. A phone call might also get you a discount on some of the less healthy toads which could be nursed back to health pretty easy in properly heated environment.
I heard kratom has bad side effects so i wasn't that interested. i'll look into Philaris and caapi .
I heard kratom has bad side effects so i wasn't that interested. i'll look into Philaris and caapi .

Too bad you got turned off to kratom somehow. I drink kratom tea pretty much every day for about 3 years now. And I have heard of no bad side effects. It is a wierd thing though because it acts different at different doses.

It is exactly like pot for me between 7 and 20 grams. Recently, though I found 50 grams that I forgot about for a couple years. I thought it would be no good so I mixed it all up in some applesauce and choked it down. I shit you not I spun my brains out for about 3 days of no sleep.

If you consider that a negative side effect, then just keep your doseage lower.

Compared to caapi, and philaris (which are both MAOI) Kratom is extremely safe. MAOI's are pretty safe too if you watch your diet.

Also from BBB you can get Syrian Rue (MAOI) for a visually good time. Make a simple tea out of Chacruna and Syrian Rue and learn something about the universe.
what effects do u get on MAOI's? Also, is kratom the same potency of weed? Like, a few bowls to high. I blunt to stone?
MAOI's are generally hallucinogenic. Or, "Hallucinatory" in RIU-speak. Some of them are a little sedating.

I know that Erowid says you can smoke Kratom, but I have never done it. I almost always make a tea out of it. Iced or hot it doesn't matter. Throw it in my backpack and drink at my leisure. For a 20 oz bottle of Dasani I brew up 20g. If I'm at the house I don't strain it. If I'm out and about, I do strain it. Sometimes, I will triple steep it and reduce it to a shot. You can reuse the plant material, too. So if you make an unfiltered tea, you can pour more hot water over it for a second cup. As I said earlier, I personally get a potlike effect from 7-20 grams. Usually I have oz baggies so I use 14g at a time and it gives me 4 drinks. Haters settle down. I know there are not 56g in an ounce. A bit of careful reading will show that I said you can brew the material twice before it is used up.
U use a coffee maker? and, do you just sip this stuff when you get bored, lol. Put a little trip in your step?
I don't use a coffee maker, although I know some people that do. I use a teapot. I try to stay high all day every day. Doesn't matter if it is pot, kratom, kava or what. I have kids, and I have never tripped around them, so I only trip on planned occasions when they are not going to be around. Kratom is not a trip though. It is most like pot. It is relaxing in the same way as pot. In some ways I like it better, but for my money you can't beat the smell and flavor of the sticky. If I am out or at a festival or something, I drink it strained and chilled in water bottles. If I am home, I drink it hot, unstrained usually through my bombilla.
Don't overdo it with Kratom. It is nothing like a weed high. It is very much an Opiate like high. Nausea can be strong. I get severe hot flashed with it to the point of sweating. The negatives only lasts for about 20-30 minuts and the euphoria sets in with waves of nausea. The same as with a high from codeine.
I always brew it on the stove and reduce it to an ounce or two. I can split t his into 3-4 doses, depending on the start weight of the leaf.
The tea is very bitter, like chewing a few aspirin. I don't bother trying to sweaten it anymore, seems to make it worse for me.
It is quite addictive, as my buddy got hooked 5 years ago. He had to drink it 4 times a day. He did that for almost a year, and the K is very pricey.
Have fun, but be responsible.
hmm, i think i'll probably just wait till i go back to my favorite plant>Marijuana
Mary Jane is always a nice girl to everyone.
Don't overdo it with Kratom. It is nothing like a weed high. It is very much an Opiate like high. Nausea can be strong. I get severe hot flashed with it to the point of sweating. The negatives only lasts for about 20-30 minuts and the euphoria sets in with waves of nausea. The same as with a high from codeine.
I always brew it on the stove and reduce it to an ounce or two. I can split t his into 3-4 doses, depending on the start weight of the leaf.
The tea is very bitter, like chewing a few aspirin. I don't bother trying to sweaten it anymore, seems to make it worse for me.
It is quite addictive, as my buddy got hooked 5 years ago. He had to drink it 4 times a day. He did that for almost a year, and the K is very pricey.
Have fun, but be responsible.

I had a similar experience trying to sweeten it. Seemed to make it "heavy" somehow and never really masked the bitterness anyway.

I did heroin daily for about 7 years. Maybe for this reason, kratom is not reminiscent of opiates for me. But I don't doubt that it could be addictive, especially if it is not used in moderation. But I don't really concern myself with these things. I live my life under the very cynical premise that; I do not have a problem until I run out. So I try not to.
Wow are people just uninformed? Have you guys heard of sublingual method? Grind the seeds up, chew, and DO NOT SWALLOW at all for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes of holding like chew, spit the stuff out and rinse. DOnt let any of it get in your stomach.

If you do this, you WONT GET NAUSEA. It's amazing how many people are still complaining about nausea.
Just as I was browsing for new legal highs to do I come across this thread! Just sent in an order for 20 seeds just to see how it goes will keep you informed!
Tried Hawaiin woodrose seeds for the 3rd time last night, on previous occasions i had eaten 3-4 seeds and felt pleasant but not very strong effects. Last night however after buying a larger dose of 10 seeds i chewed them up into a paste, rather than just swallowing them. They gave me a terrible stomach ache for about an hour which is what i expected and then finally when i'd begun to think they hadn't worked i had the most intense trip of my life. The visuals were amazing better than i've ever had off mushrooms or other hallucinogenics. All of my friends were sick, i managed to keep it down, but we all were on the same level of madness. Was hard to drink alcohol we bought some and it was wasted. Went nicely with weed but hard to roll spliff in that state. I felt quite sketched out and paranoid at times maybe because of my surroundings as we were out and about, but i really think these seeds should be experienced outside as it was inredible.
I'll Probably never see the northern lights in my life time but that was close enough!
Hallucinations lasted 4-5 hours but then once they subsided i still couldn't sleep or stop thinking about crazy things and stayed awake all night which was annoying.
The seeds made me think about my life a LOT and see it from another perspective which was cool but kind of scared me as well!
All together nuts experience, would take them again but not often or i'd live in a fairy tale land! :D peace
Wow are people just uninformed? Have you guys heard of sublingual method? Grind the seeds up, chew, and DO NOT SWALLOW at all for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes of holding like chew, spit the stuff out and rinse. DOnt let any of it get in your stomach.

If you do this, you WONT GET NAUSEA. It's amazing how many people are still complaining about nausea.
DOes this mean after scraping and cleaning whats inside the shell or the whole shell and seed?