Hawaiian Budline Decent?

Isn't that what most people do
Yes and that is the problem you should always try and go with the original breeder or someone legit that's in it for the right reasons not just ££ gotta remember money talks if no one supports the frauds in this game there will be less of them anyone can chuck two strains together and sadly 80% of the market is that no testing no imagination no improvement no forward planning so always do as much research as you can before buying from anyone and only support good people is my advice mate
anyone grow hawaiian budline? I was looking at their feminized seeds.. kinda unique strains.
You proly have more chance of getting a legit Hawaiian via trading than from a seed bank bud maybe put a ad in the classified section I can point you towards lemon Thai that's a Hawaiian cross supposed to be but proper pure Hawaiians are rare on the commercial market ime