Haze clone Michigan


Active Member
I have 3 haze plants growing outside right now in MI. I heard they are late flowering; and was wondering, if so, how late? Any information about haze that would improve my chances of a successfull grow would be much appriciated. Such as fertilizer selections, pruneing suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Since you can't control the sun you will be waiting until Sept or Oct to harvest them in Michigan. If your growing them outside you shouldn't have to do any pruning etc. The wind will keep the dead leaves knocked off. When I had mine outside I would mix fertilizer with the wqter I used for them when it hadn't rained for about a week. Worked just fine. VV
PS. Have you signed the Medical Marijuana Initiative yet?


Active Member
No I have not. Where do I sign it, and read info on it?
what kind of fertilaizer did you use?
Also today I noticed that there was a couple holes chewed in a couple leaves, and some tiny black dots?? spider mites? i hope not. None the less there might be a issue any suggestions on pesisides/ natural home remedies would be useful. are we aloud to post pictures on here?


Active Member
ok awesome.. now that i know i can post pics i will take some :D. Closest Big city would be marquette U.P. mi

Also i bought myself some things today.. which include

2 VEG fertilizers (dont know which to use) i was thinking a combo of them.
  • Peters 20-20-20 all purpose plant food w/ nutrigro.
  • RA-PID GRO plant food 23-19-17 *no link*
A Blooming Fertilizer Called Schultz Bloom Plus 10-54-10
  1. I also have a plant growth stimulant, called "Speedy-gro" made by liquid fence co. Speedy Grow - All Natural Plant Growth Accelerators is the link. how often should i use if at all?
  1. For PEST CONTROL i got "Triazicide" Once and done" Triazicide Once & Done! Insect Killer - Concentrate QT. at Merrifield Garden Center is the link. Is this a good idea to use for spider mites?
And Finally I bought Fish Emulsion Fertilizer 5-1-1. Dont know how to use this with other ferts, so suggestions are welcome :D, think i could figure it out, but dont wanna take a chance when ppl are here to help.

Also got a nice PH/MOISTURE/LIGHT meter. Please post opinions on which combos to use. THANKS AND SMOKE ON


Active Member
:peace: THANKS! means a lot. first time grower so info is goood.

Still couple questions remain, how often i should use the 20-20-20 soil soak, then 23-19-17 foilage spray combo?

Also i didnt check my lil guys for a couple days, and my suspicions where confirmed, SPIDER MITES. Thanksfully only one of them had a couple webbings running on it, so i pulled the webbs off, rubbed my fingers around all the leaves, then sprayed it with some pesticide. Do they normally come back? how long should i keep the treatment up.


Well-Known Member
Since you can't control the sun you will be waiting until Sept or Oct to harvest them in Michigan. If your growing them outside you shouldn't have to do any pruning etc. The wind will keep the dead leaves knocked off. When I had mine outside I would mix fertilizer with the wqter I used for them when it hadn't rained for about a week. Worked just fine. VV
PS. Have you signed the Medical Marijuana Initiative yet?
I would have thought they would have been later than sept oct, seeing as they are 14-18 week flowerers. I thought it would be more like nov


Well-Known Member
just wonderin how those turned out, i'm also in michigan (kalamazoo area), and was lookin into some haze strains, but didn't know if they'd be able to finish off.


Active Member
they turned out ok.. started them on june 11 (a little late) but they got to be about 5.5 ft tall. and almost equal that in width. had to harvest early due to ppl finding them, there for they werent as good as they could have been. but for flowering for just over 2 months. (harvested on oct. 15) they were nice... another 3 weeks woulda done them a lot of good, but who knows if they woulda held out.

my 2 cents... its a tougher strain to grow to, picky feeder. id pick something w/ a shorter flowering time.


Well-Known Member
the older i get the more i appreciate the changing of the seasons.... i love the winter, but i fill it with activities. cross country skiing makes it worth it to me.